US soldier held after shooting spree kills Afghan civilians

NATO spokesman Justin Brockhoff said a U.S. service member had been detained
as the alleged shooter and that the coalition had reports of “multiple
wounded” but none killed. The wounded were evacuated to NATO medical
facilities, he said.

The service member was being held at a NATO base and U.S. forces are
investigating the shooting in cooperation with Afghan authorities, Brockhoff
said. He said it was not clear if the alleged shooter knew the victims.

“This is a deeply regrettable incident and we extend our thoughts and concerns
to the families involved,” NATO said in a statement.

There were reports of protests in Panjwai following the shooting and the U.S.
embassy warned travelers in Kandahar province to “exercise caution.”

The shooting comes after weeks of tense relations between U.S. forces and
their Afghan hosts following the burning of Qurans and other religious
materials at an American base. Though U.S. officials apologized and said the
burning was an accident, the incident sparked violent protests and attacks
that killed some 30 people. Six U.S. troops have been killed in attacks by
their Afghan colleagues since the Quran burnings came to light.

In the capital, meanwhile, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the government
still expects to sign a strategic partnership agreement with the United
States by the time a NATO summit convenes in Chicago in May. The agreement
would formalize the U.S.-Afghan relationship and the role of U.S. forces in
Afghanistan after NATO’s scheduled transfer of security responsibility to
the Afghan government at the end of 2014.

But Karzai stressed the importance of foreign forces leaving Afghanistan to
preserve the country’s national sovereignty. Any international forces that
remain after 2014 would have to operate under strict guidelines governing
their responsibilities and when they could leave their bases, he said.

“We have a strong army and police, so it is to our benefit to have good
relations with the international community, not have international troops in
our country,” Karzai said at a public event in Kabul.

The president has demanded that international forces stop night raids on the
homes of suspected militants as a condition to signing the strategic
partnership agreement. The raids have caused widespread anger among Afghans.

Also Sunday, a prominent Afghan women’s rights activist said gunmen attacked
her office in a western province in an apparent assassination attempt.

Malalai Joya, a former Afghan lawmaker and vocal critic of both the Taliban
and of criminality in the Afghan government, said the attack on her office
in Farah province was the sixth attempt on her life to date.

Armed men tried to storm the compound before dawn on Saturday, she said. The
attackers did not get into the building but two of her guards were seriously
injured and are currently in the hospital.

Joya said she was in Kabul at the time but had planned a trip to Farah soon
and news of that may have leaked out. She said she believes the attackers
thought she was in the building.

Source: Associated Press

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