Under the terms of the proposed new law: “Teachers shall be permitted to help students understand, analyse, critique and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught.”
Bo Watson, a Republican senator who sponsored the Bill, said: “The idea behind this bill is that students should be encouraged to challenge current scientific thought and theory.”
The Tennessee Science Teachers Association and the American Civil Liberties Union have both urged the governor to veto the bill, and thousands of people have signed a petition against it.
“Our fear is that there are communities across this state where schools are very small and one teacher is the science department, and they also happen to teach a Sunday school class, and this gives them permission to bring that into the classroom. It’s a floodgate,” said Becky Ashe, president of the Association.
In a letter to Tennessee legislators, the National Academy of Sciences said the bill would “miseducate students, harm the state’s national reputation and weaken its efforts to compete in a science-driven global economy”.
The Discovery Institute, which helped draw up the proposed legislation, said however that it “promotes good science education by protecting the academic freedom of science teachers to fully and objectively discuss controversial scientific topics, like evolution”.
The US Supreme Court banned teachers from telling pupils that the theory of evolution is wrong in 1968, saying that to do so breached the principle of the separation of church and state.
In 1987, the Supreme Court ruled that the mandatory teaching of creationism was unconstitutional because it was illegal to advance a particular religion in schools.
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