US response to Russia-China naval patrol exposes glaring hypocrisy-Washington believes it has a divine right to send its warships wherever it wants, but when ‘rivals’ do the same it’s deemed a threat

I have always despised hypocrites.
Never have been good at allowing hypocrites to eat their cake and have it too.

Right now US is sending troops and ships to try to stop Iran from seizing oil tankers in the Straits of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf.

Why are the Iranians seizing oil tankers?
Because US illegally is trying to enforce illegal US economic sanctions against Iran selling their own oil to other countries which want to buy that oil.

US started pirating oil tankers carrying Iranian oil so US can steal Iranian oil and sell it on the black market, so Iran started returning the “favor”.

You steal our oil, we steal yours to replace the oil you stole from us.

Because US which has more nukes than anyone else, and is the only power to ever use such weapons on humanity,

which is allied with the Rothschild’s private fiefdom of IsraHell

which has an estimated 200 illegal nukes which they threaten to blow the whole world up with (Samson Option)

claims Iran

Look how closely those Iranians put their country to USA/DC Military Bases! Trying to start trouble, those Iranians! How Dare They?

is trying to develop a nuclear weapon.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no love lost for Red Russia

Or Communist China which slaughtered untold numbers of humans in their quest for demonic total control of a huge hunk of the earth and millions of humans.

Those are US rifles in the hands of Communist guerrillas being trained by the US to overthrow the Mainland Chinese Government which retreated to Taiwan, which the US is now using to try to start war with communist China which would have never existed without the US’s help

You American sheep are some of the stupidest dumb asses I have ever seen.

You send your sons and daughters off to die

in bullshit wars

the US

Instigates so rich evil bottom feeders

can get richer on the blood of your sons and daughters and the innocent humans your sons and daughters are murdering in terroristic instigated unjust wars.

You Americans like to call George Washington the father of your country.

Let me remind you what Washington said!

And you don’t have a country!
America was invaded and is occupied.
Americans do not run America.

The invaders came in through Ellis Island, swore loyalty to America.

They Lied!

The Ole Dog!

‘US response to Russia-China naval patrol exposes glaring hypocrisy’

Washington believes it has a divine right to send its warships wherever it wants, but when ‘rivals’ do the same it’s deemed a threat.

Last week, the US sent a group of warships and a reconnaissance plane to waters off the coast of Alaska after Chinese and Russian vessels conducted a joint naval patrol in the area.

A former US Navy captain and analyst for right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation described the patrol as “highly provocative.” Because the US and its allies would never, ever do something like that, right?

The US is engaged in the full-blown militarisation of the peripheries of both China and Russia in a manner that implies it has an unconditional right to do so. This behaviour has not only provoked one war, in Ukraine, but risks triggering a second one, over the Taiwan Strait, too. The reality, of course, is that neither Russia nor China poses any threat to Alaska whatsoever, because the conflict, or risk thereof, is at their own front doors, not America’s.

The US is the most militaristic and aggressive country in modern history. It has established a global military presence that spans every single continent with hundreds of military bases. In doing so, it claims it supports the freedom and self-determination of others. In reality, it provocatively encircles states that it deems rivals to its own global dominance, escalates tensions, and then when these states respond to the situation, subsequently brands them as the “aggressors,” thus affirming and even expanding its military footprint in these given regions.

With Russia, the US has pursued a relentless expansion of NATO eastwards since the Cold War, absorbing former members of the Soviet Union’s alliance system even when Russia had no will to compete with it. NATO has evolved from a unit of collective self-defence in a specific geographic region into an increasingly global ideological crusade which serves the goals of the US. The words “North Atlantic” in its name are increasingly redundant as Washington even endeavours to broaden its reach to Asia and the Pacific.



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