US Military Amasses Iodine Pills to Protect Soldiers from Radioactive Exposure

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 16, 2012




The full effect of the devastation caused by the Fukushima disaster has been suppressed from the American public to our detriment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recorded over 14,000 deaths attributed to Fukushima fallout, yet this information has not reached the mainstream media.

However, the Troop Support branch of the Defense Logistics Agency has figured this out and is making preparations.

On the website, the DLA is finalizing an exorbitant purchase of $400,000 dollars toward potassium iodine pills. This chemical assists the thyroid gland in blocking cancer-causing radioactive exposure.

Seventy-five thousand blister packs of pills with 14 potassium pills per pack would constitute a 2 week supply for an average adult.

This curious purchase is validated to “ensure that critical operational forces are protected in the event of nuclear fallout . . . The recent earthquake in Japan in March of 2011 and the resultant nuclear crisis has renewed interest in this item,” as the motive behind the procurement.

As the mainstream media ignores the Fukushima disaster, the Japanese government is attempting to seek assistance from the NRC and the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon to put together an assessment team to evaluate the status of the reactors.

However, the Prime Minister of Japan has been met with threats by the US government to restart the unstable reactors or else the Feds will take over and restart the plant for them.

Concerning the dangers, an article by Mainichi Daily News editorial by senior writer Takao Yamada cites the insiders know “the worse-case scenario drawn up by the government includes not only the collapse of the No. 4 reactor pool, but the disintegration of spent fuel rods from all the plant’s other reactors. If this were to happen, residents in the Tokyo metropolitan area would be forced to evacuate”.

Akio Matsumura , former Foreign Diplomat for the Japanese government has stated that reactor number 4 would  “certainly cause a global catastrophe like we have never before experienced.” Matsumura has appealed to UN General Ban Ki-moon to no avail. Matsumura maintains that “134 million curies is Cesium-137 — roughly 85 times the amount of Cs-137 released at the Chernobyl accident.” The word of caution is for the entire planet when Matsumura says that the radioactive fallout “would destroy the world environment and our civilization.”

In America, from the west coast (Laugna Beach to Santa Cruz) radiation levels have been shown to be over 506% the normal levels to be expected from natural exposures. Samples have been taken from the west coast mirror the same samples taken in 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

The US Army under the direction of the US government is taking the radioactive threat seriously, while keeping the general public uninformed.

While the US government is arming their military against radioactive exposure, would it be a safe summation that our military may be making a trip to Japan?

The Prime Minister of Japan vehemently rejects the threats of the US to restart their nuclear reactors at Fukushima. The Japanese have been seeking out alternative technology to provide electricity to their citizens. It has become clear the nuclear technology is too dangerous to continue using.

The US government, with its high investments in nuclear reactors, strongly disagrees with the stance of Japan. The GE Corporation would love to be in on the reestablishment of the Fukushima nuclear reactor rebuild. American multi-national corporations with heavy ties to the Obama administration could surely be pressuring the President to use any means necessary to ensure Japan continues to use nuclear power.

This development in the military could be the beginnings of a military presence in Japan to make sure they restart those reactors.

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