Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
July 25, 2012
The Obama administration is focusing on increasing aid to the Free Syrian Army and other oppositional factions to facilitate a forced regime change in Syria. Talks with Israeli and Turkish governments will include defense and military actions as Leon Panetta, US Defense Secretary heads to Israel.
The Israeli government has plans to strike Syrian “weapons facilities”. While Obama is not publicly condoning military action, the US government is supporting Israel’s movement because of unsubstantiated claims that Syria has chemical weapons.
Obama has denied that the US government is arming oppositional forces, yet the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been in Turkey offering intelligence and training to factions aiding in the destruction of the Syrian government.
Andrew Tabler, a Syria expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, admits that the US government “[is] looking at the controlled demolition [of the Syrian government]. But like any controlled demolition, anything can go wrong.”
Based on Israeli intelligence, the US government is warning Syria against use of their alleged chemical weapons stockpiles . The threats include the facing of “unstated consequences”. It appears that the US government still wants to appear as though they are not directly behind the violence and destruction of the Syrian government and removal of Assad from power. Then the US government claimed that the chemical weapons movement was simply precautionary.
Adm. William McRaven, the head of the military’s Special Operations forces, speaking to Congress back in March stated: “It’s going to take an international effort when Assad falls — and he will fall — in order to secure these weapons.”
Charles Lister, analyst with Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, points out that Assad’s fall will prompt the region to become a potential opportunity for “more Islamic militants” and the “temporary lack of state structures” in Syrian would become a “safe area for training” aspiring Islamic terrorists.
This would benefit the US government as they are the number one terrorist trainer of future terrorist Boogeymen.
More false claims concerning Israel and Syria are being supported by Lt-General Benny Gantz, who is decrying Syrian chemical weapons , is also claiming that Hezbollah will acquire these alleged weapons and Israel’s security will be threatened.
Gantz said : “[Syrian military forces ] are guarding it and have even increased security so it will not fall into rogue hands although this does not mean it will stay that way. We need to take into consideration what will remain after we act and whose hands it will fall into.”
Gantz now claims that defections in the Syrian government are fueling the rebel forces. He estimates that 12,000 soldiers and officers have joined the opposition that is supported by the CIA.
Obama’s NATO-backed friends at the UN Security Council, meaning the Free Syrian Army, are being prompted up and readied for the UNSC’s vote for regime change. The NATO supported terrorist factions are directly fueling Western propaganda, confusion and panic while mainstream media props up the terrorism as justified because “the Syrian government is finished”.
False reports of battles in Damascus are covering up NATO attacks which are actually the Syrian government’s self-defense measures against the proxy war backed by the US government, Syrian National Council and French Special Forces.
The same false claim of “weapons of mass destruction” the former George W. Bush administration lied about to justify invading Iraq is now being used against Assad. The globalist front Amnesty International is purveying the chemical weapons assertions and aiding international support for a US/Israeli military strike against Syria.
The issue of Israeli security encompasses all Arab nations , as the Zionist movement seeks to topple sovereign countries because of their claim that the Islamic world is not on good terms with them. While the UN’s Kofi Annan supports the scheme for what he calls a “conciliatory regime”, Annan ignores Syria’s recent developments as an attempt at survival.
All the rhetoric surrounding Obama’s plans on attacking Syria is just the part of the dog-and-pony show that ignorant citizens of industrialized nations have come to expect. Behind the scenes, Assad is expected to go the way of Mummar Gadhafi simply because he is the leader of a nation that Israel wants to control.
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