‘US gives no value to Afghan lives’

We expect that an investigation will rapidly establish the facts and that those responsible will be held accountable,” Reuters quoted Ban as saying in a statement on Tuesday.

“We will continue to urge all authorities and military personnel, who are engaging in these operations to pay extreme and utmost care to protect the civilian population,” he added.

Earlier in the day, US President Barack Obama pledged a thorough investigation into the killings.

Obama claimed he would hold accountable anyone responsible for the “tragic and shocking” incident.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mohammed Daud Miraki, author and Afghanistan expert, to share his opinion on this issue.

The following is a transcript of the interview:

Press TV: Obama has called for an investigation into the killings. Many say it is a political move. But is there any hope that the case will receive its due attention?

Miraki: Basically as you mentioned it is a political move. For the past several years we have tried in vain to convince the US administration and various agencies of this country that they have to take care when they do conduct operations in Afghanistan and not to carry out the type of raids that cost lives of people day in, day out. But they simply ignored it.

And also we have to look at the very recent incident. Last year I believe, yes last year it was a group of soldiers whose function actually, they made it their function, to go about Afghan villages and kill Afghan civilians and have their body parts as souvenirs.

And the question is this- how much investigation, how much effort has been directed to those efforts?

You see this maybe one incident that happened at a very unique time, period [of] time that it coincides with the US elections and also with the public opinion trend in the United States. The people oppose the war and hence the president needs to put a very positive spin on it that the US is eager to conduct the investigation appropriately to the point that the person should be punished so forth and so on.

But we need to look at the past ten years unfortunately nothing of the sort occurred.

In addition, I like to point out that the NATO and the US forces went to this village and offered fifteen hundred dollars for the life of each of these victims.

You see in Afghanistan you can buy a cow, a good cow costs you about thirteen hundred dollars. So the life of an Afghan is about the value of a cow in Afghanistan in the eyes of the United States armed forces.

And few years back in Uruzgan Province they murdered a lot of people in night raids and subsequent to the murders they offered and gave actually ninety dollars per life that they have wasted.

Now the United States wants to make sure that the five hundred billion dollars that they have invested in the murder of the Afghan people and they call it democracy that this project does not go down the drain but this is a little too late.

If they are really serious about this they should not forget about this incident, they should definitely investigate it but also they should put an end to the war.

Press TV: Indeed. So why do you think US soldiers kill Afghan women and children and burn the Qur’ans despite public anger in Afghanistan?

Miraki: Of course it was the Qur’an burning of course then there were the Taliban fighters that US marines started urinating on their bodies or in the past they have burnt the corpses of Taliban fighters and used insulting terminologies or for that matter they have kidnapped Afghan families and degraded them or Afghan men they were taken and degraded in front of their villages by removing their pants because that is their mentality.

They want to degrade the Afghan men so he does not fight against them but if the problem is this, they do not know the psyche of Pashtun. When you degrade the Pashtun he comes after you and takes revenge. And the revenge is part of the Pashtun, the culture of the Afghan people and that is why the United States is doomed to fail in Afghanistan and it has indeed failed utterly.

Press TV: So what should be done to prevent such acts of aggression from repeating itself in Afghanistan?

Miraki: Well it is a very simple answer to this in fact. Put an end to the occupation. The foreign forces have to leave Afghanistan.

If they are serious about stability in Afghanistan, if they are serious about the dignity and the well-being of the Afghan people my suggestion to them would be to take into account the countless letters and recommendations I and my colleagues have sent them, offering them a specific method, an avenue for peace.

But they have simply brushed it off because they really do not want peace in Afghanistan.

It is my sincere opinion that they do not want peace in Afghanistan and that is far. They have failed to materialize any actual recommendation that was bringing into this war and nightmare in the country.


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