“We just marginalize God and we end up paying a price for that. We are in America and in the West producing brilliant state-of-the-art psychotics who at the end of the day end up being unable to control their own impulses because spirituality has been taken out of the equation,” said Mauri Saalakhan in a Press TV interview on Monday.
The comments come as 12 people were killed and 59 others injured in a shooting rampage in the US state of Colorado in early Friday.
The deadly shooting occurred when a masked gunman later identified as 24-year-old James Holmes opened fire at viewers during the screening of the new Batman movie, The Dark Night Rises in Century Theater cinema in the city of Aurora near Denver, Colorado.
The human rights advocate reiterated that disregard for religion and worldliness is at the heart of such horrendous crimes in the US.
“I believe the root cause is the gulf between spirituality and materialism in America – this overemphasis on secularism and making God a matter of convenience,” he said.
Saalakhan cautioned that the materialistic attitude of Americans to life will backfire, quoting [American Founding Father] Thomas Jefferson who said “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, his justice cannot sleep forever.”
He therefore concluded that the Western world is itself responsible for the consequences of its secular culture, saying “We are paying the consequences of our own hands, our own decision making in terms of the type of culture we have fashioned for ourselves in the West.”
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