“I think we might see the US take a step back. Having seen that in fact with the escalation of violence, Russia’s position and China’s position becomes firmer,” Sharmine Narwani, Senior Associate at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, said in an interview with Press TV.
She said the upcoming US presidential election would further weigh on the US to reconsider its stance regarding Syria.
On Thursday, China and Russia for a third time vetoed a Western-backed draft resolution against the Syrian government, requesting a new mandate for unarmed military observers in the Arab country.
The permanent UN Security Council members blocked the resolution which called for new sanctions against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.
US envoy to the UN, Susan Rice, denounced the veto as “dangerous and deplorable,” claiming that the resolution was not aimed at military intervention in Syria but to provide support for diplomatic efforts.
Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin, however, defended the veto, arguing that the draft resolution was “biased,” and that the sponsors of the draft were already aware it would be vetoed.
He also reiterated Russia’s opposition against any foreign military invention in Syria.
Churkin said talking about sanctions against Syria is inappropriate, adding, “We do not back actions which are detrimental.”
Chinese UN envoy Li Baodong also denounced the resolution, saying the draft was aimed at putting pressure on only one party and that it would have undermined regional peace, had it been approved.
Narwani said Western powers should have realized by now that Russia and China will not budge under pressure.
“Now the question is whether Russia or China can be swayed to move away from their existing position on Syria. If it is not clear to the US, France and UK, there is something wrong with them.”
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