‘US, Europe divide widens over Iran’

Speaking in a nationally televised interview with the CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” show on Sunday, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said, “We are of the opinion that Iran is a rational actor.”

Dempsey pointed out that US officials aren’t convinced Iran has decided to build atomic armaments.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the top US general also described any Israeli attack on Iran as “destabilizing.”

Press TV talk with Jeff Steinberg, who is with the Executive Intelligence Review in Washington, to shed more light on the issue. What follows is the transcription of the interview:

Press TV: The comments by Dempsey come as the US and its allies continue to demonize Iran and impose sanctions on it. What do you make of it?

Steinberg: There is a very profound split between the elected officials in the United States and Europe. In other words, President Obama, members of the Congress, the House and the Senate, from both parties and the permanent officials of the government, whether it be the military, the intelligence community, the diplomatic core.

Those people, by and large, reflect the view that was presented on CNN today by General Dempsey and by the way, the same message was delivered by General Dempsey to Israel when he was there in early January.

I would say that the message that he delivered to the Israelis not to attack Iran was the harshest message delivered to that government from the United States since the time that Dwight Eisenhower ordered Israel, France and Britain to pull out of the Suez Canal after they invaded.

So the military, the intelligence community have a very different view and they are less subjected to manipulation, blackmail and bribery by the Israeli lobby and related factions that want this war desperately.

Press TV: How do you see admissions such as these in light of fierce anti-Iran propaganda impacting the public opinion within the West, especially considering that their governments continue to derive legitimacy for their policies by portraying Iran as a threat?

Steinberg: Well, you know, there was a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) which is the highest level intelligence documents produced in the United States government and the NIE was completed and distributed to the president, to the cabinet members and certain select members of Congress last October and the conclusions of that NIE were that there is no evidence whatsoever that Iran has resumed work on weaponization of a nuclear bomb.

Yes, there is enrichment and everybody knows that. It is legal under the NPT and it is monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Iran has a modernizing program of its ballistic missiles. Most every country in the world has that.

So the intelligence estimate of the US government which unfortunately remains classified and that has only been leaked out to the Los Angeles Times and a few other publications basically says that Iran poses no threat of some nuclear weapon breakout and there is no indication that they have decided or are about to decide.

When General Dempsey said Iran is a rational actor, look, Iran has election; Iran has a constitution; Iran has a Supreme National Security Council whose membership is pretty well-known publicly and there is a decision making structure that seems to function in a very rational way.

So what General Dempsey said is all aimed at pushing back against war propaganda and disinformation that is coming predominantly from the media and from the elected officials and from certain international oligarchical circles including from London who are desperate to get a war going because their financial system is collapsing and wars are always a very good way to restructure without changing the power arrangements.

Press TV: As vague an admission as this was on Dempsey’s part, what kind of an impact can such comments make, bearing in mind this is election year and politicians in the US are trying to sound tough?

Steinberg: Well, remember that Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to Washington on March 5. The AIPAC organization, the most radical and violent of the Zionist organizations in America, has moved up the date of their conference to host Netanyahu when he comes to Washington to meet Obama and 200 members of Congress are going to attend.

So yes, the propaganda drumbeat for war is overwhelming. But look, remember, there was a similar propaganda drumbeat for war before we invaded Iraq and it was all about nuclear bombs and Weapons of Mass Destruction and nuclear mushroom clouds and look what came out of that.

There was no such program. So one would hope that the population is a little better informed this time around, but again there is no guarantee. That is why the propaganda is more intense now against Iran than it was against Iraq in Saddam Hussein in the run up to the invasion.


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