US elections: Why does the world’s greatest democracy offer just two choices?

The nature of power is to hang on to it all costs. And that’s what Republican
and Democrat parties have done. The maze of rules and cost of getting on to
the ballot in 50 different states is daunting to any potential third-party
candidate for president – by design. And that is why, on the very rare
occasion that someone has had the fortitude to take on the entrenched
powers, they’ve usually had very deep pockets, like the billionaire Ross
Perot, who was the last third-party candidate.

When he ran in 1992, Americans weren’t very happy with the state of our
politics. But looking back now, those days look like that once-popular TV
show, Happy Days. Twenty years ago, 58 per cent of the public was
satisfied with how the country was being governed. Today, that number is
only 24 per cent.

So this year would seem to be the perfect time for a third-party candidacy – a
not-Romney and not-Obama choice – especially if some of the obstacles could
be removed.

And that’s precisely what has been attempted.

A bold and innovative group, calling themselves Americans Elect, had a big
idea: make it possible for anyone with basic qualifications to run for
president by overcoming the hurdle of ballot access.

They hired lawyers and signature gatherers, and set about getting themselves
on to the ballot in all 50 states. And they created a secure technology
platform that made it possible not only for anyone to run, but also for
anyone who registered online to become a “delegate” to a virtual
convention in June. There’d be a series of votes and runoffs, before a final
round to establish an Americans Elect ticket, with candidates for president
and vice president. And the two would have to come from differing parties or

In effect, it was a Pop Idol of American politics.

How potentially exciting and disruptive. Hundreds of thousands of people
expressed initial interest. We imagined all those who might be interested in
being president if they didn’t have to go through a ridiculous primary
process or spend $30 million to get on to the ballot: Colin Powell or Condi
Rice, each a former secretary of state; the broadcaster Tom Brokaw; New York
mayor Mike Bloomberg; Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz; former Utah governor Jon

But a funny thing happened on the way to the circus. The deadline for
candidates to qualify came up last week, but nobody much showed up. A former
congressman and Louisiana governor, Buddy Roemer, led the list of declared
candidates but failed to attract the 10,000 online votes required to meet
the basic threshold.

So, if everyone is so fed up with the two-party system what went wrong with
this bold experiment? Some argue that it would have had a better chance in a
contest without an incumbent president, as that means one side is too locked
in. The technology that made it secure also made it difficult to vote. And
perhaps too much personal information was demanded when people registered to
join in.

So, while Americans are still unhappy with the limited choice, it appears
we’re not yet ready to break up the political duopoly that’s been running
the show for ever.

Yet Americans Elect has at least sown the seeds of possibility. And if America
endures four more years of what we’ve been seeing lately from our two
parties, and things continue getting uglier between Obama and Romney
campaigns, someone may have an even better idea. It’s America after all.
You’d think we could come up with something new, every couple of hundred

Mark McKinnon, a former Republican strategist who worked on the campaigns
of George W Bush and John McCain, is Global Vice Chair of Hill+Knowlton

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