US Election 2012: Why South Carolina matters more than New Hampshire

In one primary is Romney — and to a MUCH lesser extent former Utah governor
Jon Huntsman — who are competing for the establishment wing of the state’s
GOP. These are voters who prize electability over all other factors and who
gave Arizona Sen. John McCain 33 percent — and a win — in the 2008 South
Carolina primary.

Romney is likely to win the lion’s share of those voters whether he spends a
dime or $10 million on his South Carolina campaign since, unlike in 2008, he
is clearly regarded by the smart set within the GOP as the most electable of
the current field. (For why Huntsman isn’t likely to be a major figure in
South Carolina, make sure to check out our post from this morning.)

That means Romney probably has a floor of about 30 percent in South Carolina
and a ceiling around 35 percent almost no matter what he or his rivals do
over the next 11 days.

The second primary is between former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum and
former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — and, to a lesser extent, Texas Gov.
Rick Perry. This primary is a fight for the mantle of consensus conservative
candidate, a title that remains very much up for grabs at the moment.

The central dynamic of the race then is not then Romney versus
Santorum/Gingrich/Perry but rather a three-way cage match — yes, the Fix
was/is a huge pro wrestling fan — between Santorum vs Gingrich vs Perry.

(There is even a third primary within the primary and that one is where Texas
Rep. Ron Paul resides. In South Carolina, Paul has a slightly smaller
following than he has shown in Iowa and New Hampshire though they are no
less dedicated. Polling suggests Paul is in low double digits at the moment
in the Palmetto State.)

Romney wins in South Carolina if the race plays out along the same lines that
the 2008 contest did in the state.

In that race, McCain easily won the establishment/electability primary and
watched as former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and former Tennessee
senator Fred Thompson split the conservative vote. Add the total votes of
Huckabee and Thompson and you get 46 percent, easily enough to have defeated
McCain if a consensus conservative had emerged. (Offered without comment:
Thompson dropped from the race days after South Carolina and endorsed

Romney loses South Carolina if either Santorum or Gingrich somehow emerges as
the clear choice for conservatives between now and Jan. 21. For that to
happen, it’s likely that either Santorum or Gingrich would have to implode
in a major and high profile way — allowing the non-imploded candidate to
make the case that he is the only option left to keep Romney from the
nomination. (For Perry to emerge as that consensus candidate, he likely
needs two implosions — a Spinal Tap drummer-esque scenario that is almost
certain not to happen.)

Is it possible that conservatives coalesce with the prospect of Romney as
nominee becoming more and more real? Sure. But remember that a consensus
conservative is yet to emerge and Romney will, again, be the best funded
candidate in the South Carolina race.

This article was reproduced
from the Washington Post

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