US election 2012: Barack Obama accuses Republicans of ‘social Darwinism’

While acknowledging that America’s $15 trillion (£9.4 trillion) national debt “will have to be paid down” from next year, he dismissed the Ryan proposal as a “prescription for decline” and a return to the “trickle-down economics” that he said had failed decades ago.

Mr Ryan’s plan was passed last week by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, but it will not be approved during this Congress by the Senate, which is held by the Democrats.

Mr Romney, the Republican presidential front-runner who was last night expecting to sweep primaries in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia, has enthusiastically backed the proposal.

Singling out his presumptive opponent by name, Mr Obama noted that Mr Romney had described the Ryan plan as “marvellous”, adding: “That’s a word you don’t often hear about budgets”.

Last night Mr Obama indicated that he plans to tie Mr Romney’s support for the plan to his $250 million (£160 million) fortune from a career in private equity and his 14 per cent income tax rate.

“In this country, broad-based prosperity has never trickled down from the success of a wealthy few,” Mr Obama said. “It has always come from the success of a strong and growing middle class”.

Mr Obama has proposed that millionaires must pay a minimum 30 per cent tax rate under a so-called “Buffett Rule” named after the billionaire financier Warren Buffett, who complained that he enjoyed a lower rate than his secretary thanks to loopholes on investment returns.

In a barb at the Republican Congressional leadership, who have repeatedly refused to compromise with him on the economy, the president paid tribute to ambitious government programmes of past Republican presidents such as Abraham Lincoln Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

Appearing alongside Mr Romney yesterday in Wisconsin, Mr Ryan accused the president of portraying Republicans as “cartoon villains”. He told supporters: “It is not too late to say no to the big-government populism we’re going to be confronted with”.

While opening his remarks, which were delivered to an audience of newspaper executives, Mr Obama joked about the capture of his private conversation with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev by a live microphone last week.

“Feel free to transmit any of this to Vladimir if you see him,” he said.

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