According to a Monday report by special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction John Sopko, a “significant portion of the US government’s $400 million investment in large-scale infrastructure projects in fiscal year 2011 may be wasted, due to weaknesses in planning, coordination and execution.”
The report further warned that Washington is at the risk of “wasting billions of dollars if US-funded development programs cannot be sustained either by the Afghan government or by continued donor support.”
Referring to the fact that several construction projects in the war-torn country are behind schedule, the report highlighted that a “decade of struggle and bloodshed,” which costs the US nearly more than USD 89 billion to reconstruct Afghanistan has failed to tackle serious problems in the Asian state.
The US invaded Afghanistan under the pretext of combating terrorism.
The 2001-present war, which has caused record-high civilian and military casualties, has become the longest military conflict in the American history.
The development comes as recently, a monitoring website reported that the US administration’s warmongering policies in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the American taxpayers over USD 1.35 trillion since 2001.
However according to data, provided by Reuters, the real amount of money spent by Washington on its wars is well above what has been officially cited in the website.
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