Well, actually the department will capitalize one letter – the I in Indigenous.
The Associate Vice President of Indigenization and Decolonization at Mount Royal University in Canada, Linda Many Guns, made an announcement last week that her department refuses to capitalize letters in anything it publishes, except for the I in Indigenous, so as to fight oppression. Apparently capitilization is a key component of colonization.
Many Guns wrote:
the goal of equity, diversity and inclusion of all people is synonymous with the interests of Indigenous people. we support and expand the goal of equality and inclusion to all forms of life and all people. we join leaders like e. e. cummings, bell hooks, and peter kulchyski, who reject the symbols of hierarchy wherever they are found and do not use capital letters except to acknowledge the Indigenous struggle for recognition. we resist acknowledging the power structures that oppress and join the movement that does not capitalize. the office of indigenization and decolonization supports acts that focus on inclusion and support the right of all people to positive inclusion and change.
Forget everything you knew about writing conventions because it needs to be thrown out the window. Those rules were all written by White supremacists.
Honestly, why even write in English? Don’t culturally appropriate from the White man!
Many Guns responded to questions from Campus Reform about her rationale:
when [sic] we capitalize England, Canada, Provincial governments, those are the entities that have tried to erase us, this is colonial thinking and practice and we remove our recognition of their power through removal of capitalization, to a state of equality to bring awareness and recognition of the colonial force that has animated and shaped canadian [sic] societie’s [sic] minds. it [sic] is to startle to bring awareness to the things we take for granted without thinking. we [sic] need to be more aware of how we unconsciously follow social norms and question them.”
The only thing I refuse to capitalize is the j in jewish, largely because they refuse to capitalize the W in White, and I enjoy pissing off the people who think they were chosen by God to rule over us.
The Mount Royal University is completely on board with the policy of Many Guns. A university spokesperson told Campus Reform:
Mount Royal University is committed to indigenization and decolonization, and to the Calls to Action contained in the final report of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We fully support dr. linda manyguns [sic] and the office of indigenization and decolonization as they embark on this important work on our campus and beyond.”
The anti-White agenda is becoming ever more absurd.
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