United Nations Fears That Ebola Virus will Soon Mutate to Become Fully Airborne

Marcus Cicero
Daily Stormer
October 3, 2014

Thomas Eric Duncan, a migratory Black responsible for bringing the disease to America, allegedly directly exposed more than 100 to the virus, and that number is still rising.

Thomas Eric Duncan, a migratory Black responsible for bringing the disease to America, allegedly directly exposed more than 100 to the virus, and that number is still rising rapidly.

Coming directly on the heels of America’s first confirmed Ebola case, with more expected shortly, the United Nations’ Ebola Response Chief has announced his fears that we face the possibility of the deadly pathogen mutating into a virulent, completely airborne threat.

Anthony Banbury, seemingly a highly intelligent White American with four children, warned that with the rate of infection rising exponentially in Africa, and possibly soon in other lands, the odds of the virus mutating to specifically facilitate easier transmission rises as well.

His comments also included an admission that the international response to the outbreak has been abysmally poor, with organizations bumbling around foolishly in their efforts to contain the threat.

Such strong words immediately drew ire from shills supporting the Jew CDC Director’s subversive doublespeak, in which he has promised the United States that the hemorrhagic fever shall be stopped in its tracks.

Daily Mail:

The longer the Ebola epidemic continues infecting people unabated the higher the chances it will mutate and become airborne, the UN’s Ebola response chief has warned.

Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General’s Special Representative, has said there is a ‘nightmare’ prospect the deadly disease will become airborne if it continues infecting new hosts.

His comments come as organisations battling the crisis in West Africa warned that the international community has just four weeks to stop it before it spirals ‘completely out of control’.

And the British nurse who survived the disease said the ‘horror and misery’ of watching young children die from the disease must be avoided ‘at all costs’.

Mr Banbury told the Telegraph that aid workers were fighting a race against time amid fears it will begin to mutate.

He said: ‘The longer it moves around in human hosts in the virulent melting pot that is West Africa, the more chances increase that it could mutate.

The number of new Ebola infections is growing exponentially – officials believe the number of new cases is doubling every few weeks, while more than 3,300 people in West Africa have so far been killed.

Save the Children have also warned five more people are infected with the virus every hour.

This week the first case of Ebola on U.S. soil was diagnosed after Thomas Eric Duncan flew into Dallas, Texas from Liberia, touching down in Brussels and Washington en route.

Experts from the WHO and Imperial College, London, predict numbers will continue to climb and more than 20,000 people will have been infected by early next month.

In 2012, Canadian researchers found the virus could be passed via the respiratory system between pigs and monkeys – both of which have similar lungs to humans.

It was the same virus as that which is responsible for the current death toll in West Africa.

Although the case of minuscule viruses mutating into wholly new forms is not always guaranteed, their basic mannerisms and highly volatile, and simple, genetic structure allows for such transformations at a rate that exceeds almost anything else known in the natural world.

Therefore, it would not be entirely fantastic to assume that we may have to face a new and improved Ebola “bug” that has mutated its transmissible qualities in order to have better chances of surviving into the future. This is not a good thing for us, as it means that untold numbers will face suffering and death.

And with the horrible and incompetent responses currently coming from those attempting to isolate the virus within its Texas entry-point, such as mentally challenged non-Whites not cleaning the diseased refuse of “Patient Zero,” and a slimy Jew inhibiting proper protection procedures, the probability of witnessing a catastrophe in the most populated White homeland seems great.

Does Ebola translate into "ghetto Spanish" or "Click-Click" rain forest languages? Maybe it doesn't matter, as this nappy-headed fool probably has no idea what is going on.

Does Ebola translate into “ghetto Spanish” or “Click-Click” rain forest languages? Maybe it doesn’t matter, as this nappy-headed fool probably has no idea what is going on.

It looks like these primitive Negroes are cashing in on the thousands of legitimate entry visas issued by America's Ape Lord. God help us.

It looks like these primitive Liberian Negroes are cashing in on the thousands of legitimate entry visas issued by America’s Ape Lord. God help us.


Source Article from http://www.dailystormer.com/united-nations-fears-that-ebola-virus-will-soon-mutate-to-become-fully-airborne/

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