“Under the guise of a pandemic, we will create a prison state”
Right from the horse’s mouth. And is it not right now looking just like a police state? Until recently you were not allowed to visit Aunt Edna across the country & folk even in NZ have been receiving visitsfrom the law enforcement for no particular reason. In other countries they are being arrested (Australia) for peacefully protesting (Canada). Folk are now required to leave their personal contact details if they shop anywhere leaving them open for further visits by Police (if you happened to have been in contact with an infected person even when neither of you knew) and Police are now allowed to enter your premises without a search warrant. All of course in the name of your safety & happening elsewhere as we speak. And based on a crisis that has a death rate of 0.2%, no worse than seasonal flu. This all changed in NZ when draconian laws got passed with nary a protest from anybody except one sole MP. All kudos to Simon O’Connor for that.
Thanks to the New Manhatten Project YT channel for the video below that explains concisely the Rockefeller plan to introduce martial law and a police state. The pdf file link to the actual document is below the first video. As I’ve been saying, these people have made no secret of their plans. They’re right there in plain sight if you want to look. Unfortunately most folk prefer to keep on listening to mainstream fairyland media and ignore what’s really going on right under their noses. Guess who owns mainstream fairyland? The scenario of martial law is described in a futuristic manner in this Rockefeller Foundation document, as a scenario that’s already happened:
“One important — and novel — component of our strategy toolkit is scenario planning, a process of creating narratives about the future based on factors likely to affect a particular set of challenges and opportunities”. (document intro)
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