UN Agenda 2030: Viktor Orbán Warns ‘Serious Stress Test’ Coming From New World Order

Viktor Orban warns of coming 'stress test' from New World Order

UN Agenda 2030 is a plan by the New World Order to enslave humanity under the guise of “sustainable development” and “equality.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered a state-of-the-nation speech in Budapest earliest this month.

Rairfoundation.com reports: Despite Orbán’s government implementing unscientific Covid lockdowns and pushing the experimental “vaccines,” he once again demonstrated that he is spot-on about other important issues — including private property, the importance of traditional culture, and the need to resist and withstand the next crisis that the United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) will bring on between now and 2030.

Agenda 2030

At the end of his more than hour-long speech (excerpts which RAIR Foundation USA translated below), PM Orbán tries to warn citizens of the WEF’s Great Reset and the United Nations’ parallel Agenda 2030 (formerly Agenda 21). They plan to transform the world –  where ownership is obsoleteprivacy is non-existent, and their Globalist organizations achieve complete control. Orbán emphasized the importance of preparing his country for their coming “serious stress test, much greater than this pandemic”:

…[A]nd around 2030 when there will be all sorts of big shifts in the world, which I don’t have time to talk about now, but from America to the European Union, a lot will happen.

That [period of] time around 2030 will be a trial for all nations and will put them under a serious stress test, much greater than this pandemic.

By that time in 2030, our nation, our national community including its economy, must be in a condition [that enables us] to withstand those challenges there and then, and even use them to prosper! This is what is ahead of us…

Wider Context

During Orbán’s speech, he addressed the importance of the relationship between the government and the Chamber. He stressed that to achieve future prosperity and a regional Hungarian competitive advantage by 2030, the Chamber and the government needed the agreement that was to be signed between the two parties that day:

…Therefore I will be delighted to sign this agreement, and I am sure that this agreement [will support] our great national strategic goal of economic growth of two to three percent above the European Union rate every year, and when European economies are stagnating and going downwards, we must move on an upward trajectory; and around 2030 when there will be all sorts of big shifts in the world, which I don’t have time to talk about now, but from America to the European Union, a lot will happen.

That [period of] time around 2030 will be a trial for all nations and will put them under a serious stress test, much greater than this pandemic.

By that time in 2030, our nation, our national community including its economy, must be in a condition [that enables us] to withstand those challenges there and then, and even use them to prosper! This is what is ahead of us.

For that we need an agreement; an agreement like the one we are about to sign. And if we can keep to this agreement over the next ten years, by 2030 we will be at the average level of development of the European Union, we will have defence capabilities, we will have outstanding universities, we will have a technological advantage in the region compared to others; and with good political leadership we can combine these to create a Hungarian national competitive advantage, not only in the region but also beyond. I wish you strength and good health for this.

Thank you for your patience and for listening to my long speech.

Agenda 2030

Most media ignored the portion of PM Orbán’s speech, which alludes to the UN’s “Agenda 2030”, a corporate-government fascist scheme. In the 1990s, the United Nations drafted “Agenda 21”, their so-called plan for defeating “climate change.” In 2015, it was re-branded by socialists into “Agenda 2030,” neither had anything to do with “global warming” and everything to do with reshaping our world according to their socialist vision. Then last year, the push for Agenda 2030 wasn’t just about climate change but a blueprint for so-called “sustainable development” worldwide.

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet. The 17 stated “goals” of Agenda 2030 are code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world’s most powerful globalist corporations and individuals.

Hungary Protects Against Agenda 2030

Even more than most European nations, Hungary’s history has been a struggle for freedom. Hungary has had to fight off the Islamic Ottoman Turks, the Nazis, and the communists in the last century. As a result, Hungarians are generally not fond of the idea of sacrificing themselves to Globalists aiming to change societal norms and customs.

For Hungarians to protect against the globalists’ communist takeover, Orbán is urging citizens to reject all socialist economic policies,

The first and most important thing is that I do not want to make any concessions in favour of any socialist economic policy. It is not just that we are politically anti-communist — that is one story. But we also explicitly oppose any communist, socialist approach to economic policy. It is more than an economic idea, it is a philosophical conviction, and I lived under the previous regime for 26 years…,

Furthermore, the Hungarian leader is urging citizens to own private property, which will protect citizens from the Globalist 2030 Agenda, where “you own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.

I believe that private property has the power to create culture. And it creates a good culture, a culture on which a good life can be built, and on which, a nation can build its own future. Therefore, our basis remains private property.

We want people to have their own homes, their own savings, their own land, their own gardens, their own tools. We are convinced that this is not only good for the economy, but it also reinforces the culture of taking care of things and therefore of our own lives.

If you own something, you have to take care of it. And that leads to a different cultural behavior than if you are always living in someone else’s house, living off someone else’s money, and your time horizon is shorter.

If you own property, you have to think about what you are going to do with it in the medium and long term; you can’t just live from day to day. And private property is the only thing that can help you overcome the bad habit of always going for easy money. Easy money is called credit.

So it is only private property that restrains the human instinct to borrow without limits, because you know that if you borrow too much you will lose your wealth. It is as simple as that; otherwise everyone is happy to go for easy money. I just want to say that the government, if it remains in office, will explicitly and strongly support private property, out of philosophical conviction.

UN Agenda 2030 is nothing less than global government tyranny that enslaves all humanity while calling the scheme “sustainable development” and “equality.” They do not want individuals to own anything. Instead, they want individuals to rely on them to provide for them. Orbán is one of the very few European leaders trying to protect his nation from a takeover by the technocrats.

Watch the following excerpt of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s state-of-the-nation speech:


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