‘UK’s deployment of rockets, disastrous’

The UK military has been asked to provide some 3,500 extra troops to guard the Olympic Games.

The security duties for the event have been contracted in part to the private security firm G4S. But there are fears that the company cannot provide the 13,700 guards it promised to deliver for the venue.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Yvonne Ridley, a journalist and defense analyst, to further shed light on the issue. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: The UK home office stated that the government is committed to delivering safe and secure Games in London, but is that what it is really all about, safety?

Ridley: Absolutely not. It is the militarization of the Olympic Games. We did not see this in Sydney, in Beijing, in Athens and as a British person watching the news, it is so embarrassing.

They are trying to turn the Olympic Games into a highly secure operation. Why? It is sport; sport that is to be enjoyed for all and they are bound to be security issues but not more than we faced in Beijing or Sydney or Athens, you know the most recent Olympics.

Press TV: Let’s further elaborate on that. Londoners, spectators, tourists and athletes are going to know that there are surface-to-air missiles nearby, just by looking up on the rooftops of people’s homes, armed jets, helicopters, the works, you name it. But it is the Olympics. Were the Olympics supposed to be like this?

Ridley: The Olympics were never meant to be like this and I doubt that you will see this sort of hysteria in the next Olympic Games that are going to be in South America. It is wholly embarrassing.

There are five major airports around London. If there are security issues, there is an air force in operation that can be mobilized, that could be scrambled within minutes.

I have friends in the defense industry and they say there is no real reason why you would put surface-to-air missiles in one of the most densely populated capitals in the world. It is a recipe for disaster.

There is nothing that those missiles can achieve or do that a fighter jet could. If there is an alarm, then at least with a pilot; if he has to intercept a threat or a plane, he can make a judgment call depending on which area he is over, whether it is highly populated or whether it is more sparsely populated.

Setting off a surface-to-air missile in a crowded residential area near a crowded stadium is a recipe for disaster.

Press TV: That is right. Just before our interview, I was speaking to our producer and he said an interesting thing. He was looking at some of the images and said that these Olympics look more like war games instead of just the games. Then what is it that the UK is so afraid of?

Ridley: I have no idea. I mean one of the things that, I would like to think, defines the British character is the traditional stiff upper lip, the refusal to panic and yet they are trying to whip the population up into a sense of hysteria and we see this happening in America.

American people wake up frightened; they go to bed frightened and as soon as they start to relax, the president will invoke the memory of 9/11 and then pass through some legislation that will further shrink their freedoms and liberties and if they are trying to do this in London, it is not going to work.

The previous government tried this tactic when they put tanks in Heathrow Airport and of course the tanks were withdrawn within days after they turned us into a laughingstock and I am afraid with these surface-to-air missiles, there is no rational military defensive reason why those missiles should be where they are.

Press TV: And what kind of reaction are Londoners themselves showing to this situation? I mean it is not every day when you wake up and look out the window and see a missile just sitting there.

Ridley: Well, you know the East Londoners are very concerned and so would you be if you had one of these powerful missiles on your rooftop. They would not dare do this in Mayfair or Knightsbridge or in Canary Wharf but they are doing it in East London where they think they can get away with it and quite clearly this is now turning into a legal battle and Londoners, I do not think, the East Londoners, will not put up with this.


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