UK PM implies Afghan mission failed

Cameron admitted in a joint press conference with the US president Barack Obama in Washington that Afghanistan will be left in deep trouble in 2014, when NATO forces are planned to leave the country after 11 years of occupation.

“We won’t build a perfect Afghanistan,” Cameron said backing away from pledges to bring a democracy to Afghan people to only partially providing them with the most basic services available to the public in a country with a working government.

However, he patted himself on the back even for the bare minimum the foreign forces in Afghanistan have achieved.

“Although let’s be clear, we are making some tangible progress with more markets open, more health centres working, more children going to school, more people able to achieve a basic standard of living and security,” he added.

Indeed, Cameron said nothing of complete defeat of Taliban, that was the centerpiece of the objectives set for the Afghan mission back in 2001, to focus on partially running markets, health centers and schools as the foreign forces’ feat in the war-torn country.

He also did not refer to the reports on the humanitarian condition on the ground in Afghanistan.

The UN has reported that the conflict is far from bringing any positive change for the Afghans as 96 percent of them are negatively affected over the past 11 years.

The Red Cross has added its voice saying the conditions in Afghanistan are the worst in three decades of civil war and foreign invasion.

This is while no official figures are available on the true numbers of dead, injured and displaced Afghans.

“There are many challenges we have to overcome. But what’s happening in Afghanistan today is quite different to the situation we had three, four, five years ago,” Cameron further said.

He did not pinpoint the supposed improvements or how far Afghanistan is from the democracy Britain and its allies have claimed they have been working to establish since their 2001 Afghan invasion.


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