UK jails in Cayman described as non-fit

The Cayman’s governor- general asked Nick Hardwick, Her Majesty’s chief inspector of prisons, last January to review conditions in two jails on the Islands after local media raised concerns over the prisons’ circumstances, The Guardian reported.

There are two jails in the self-governing British territory – Northward which holds 200 men, and Fairbanks, which held just four women at the time of review.

The inspectors demanded that many of the prisons’ facilities be destroyed after they saw the conditions on the ground, calling their findings “disturbing”.

“At Northward, some findings were shocking. Conditions were decrepit, meaningful accountability almost non-existent, and work to deliver decent standards and ensure people are prepared for a successful return to society severely lacking.” says Hardwick’s introduction to the inspection report published on Tuesday.

“We had serious concerns for the safety of a small number of children and young adults held at Northward. There were no systems to protect them from predatory behaviour, and it says much that those who seemed most concerned for their safety were other prisoners,” said Hardwick.

“Cells in Northward were dark, stifling and intimidating. Prisoners lived in overcrowded cells on dirty overcrowded wings devoid of privacy. Conditions were shambolic with most accommodation barely fit for human habitation.”

They added that there was little for prisoners to do and both jails were characterised by indolence and inactivity. Many prisoners at Northward told the inspectors it was easy to get illegal drugs and alcohol with no action to prevent drugs coming into the jail.

“The smell of cannabis pervaded throughout the establishment at all times of the day and night,” the report said.


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