UK ‘is in range of Iran’s missiles’ as Clegg says he is ‘worried’ that war could break out

  • Missile strike on Iranian regime could take place this summer, defence sources suggest
  • EU agreed tougher sanctions on Iran last week
  • Iran insists atomic energy is only used for civilian purposes

Ian Drury

Last updated at 10:39 AM on 3rd February 2012

Fears: Nick Clegg said he worried the U.S. and Israel may 'take matters into their own hands' and launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran

Fears: Nick Clegg said he worried the U.S. and Israel may ‘take matters into their own hands’ and launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran

Iran is developing a missile with a 6,200-mile range capable of reaching Britain, it was revealed yesterday.

The rogue state’s new weapon could also deliver an attack as far away as America’s East Coast.

Israel’s deputy prime minister Moshe Ya’alon made the chilling claim as his country’s military chiefs revealed Tehran had stockpiled enough enriched uranium to produce four nuclear warheads.

Nick Clegg last night expressed concern
that the U.S. and Israel would ‘take matters into their own hands’ and
launch a military strike against Iran.

The West fears that Iran will equip its missiles with nuclear devices.

Defence sources in Tel Aviv predicted there could be a strike against the Iranian regime as early as this summer.

Yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: ‘I worry that certain countries might take matters into their own hands.’

Iran insists it is developing atomic technology for civilian purposes.

Military chiefs in Israel announced that Tehran had stockpiled enough enriched uranium to produce four nuclear bombs.

Mr Clegg spoke out as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned Israel to resolve the standoff with Iran peacefully.

Threatening: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says they are only enriching uranium for civilian purposes - but the claims are disbelieved

Threatening: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says they are only enriching uranium for civilian purposes – but the claims are disbelieved

Asked if he was concerned that Israel would attack Iran, the LibDem leader said: ‘Of course I worry that there will be a military conflict and that certain countries might take matters into their own hands.’

He said Britain had been attempting to demonstrate that ‘there are very tough things we can do which are not military steps in order to place pressure on Iran.’

Last week the European Union agreed to tougher economic sanctions, including an embargo on Iranian oil exports, over its failure to abandon its nuclear programme.

Iran threatened to retaliate by closing the Strait of Hormuz, which channels one-fifth of the world’s crude oil, prompting Britain to warn it would send military reinforcements to the Gulf if the international waterway was blocked.

The Royal Navy already has five ships there with HMS Daring, one of its sophisticated new Type 45 destroyers, on its way.

Mr Clegg refused to speculate if Britain would ‘participate’ in military action. But he said: ‘Of course, in a situation like this you don’t take any options off the table.

‘When you are involved in a major standoff with a country which appears to have a… hostile intent on these issues, of course you don’t do that.’

Escalating row: U.S. have sent the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Strait of Hormuz along with British warships after Iran threatened to close the strait

Escalating row: U.S. have sent the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Strait of Hormuz along with British warships after Iran threatened to close the strait

Meanwhile, Israel’s deputy prime minister Moshe Ya’alon told a security conference that Iran was successfully building long-distance ballistic missiles.

He said the weapons, with a range of 10,000km (6,200miles), were ‘aimed at America, not us’ although a missile that could be fired such a distance could also strike Britain.

Mr Ya’alon said: ‘Such a non-conventional regime should not have such non-conventional capabilities.’

He told the annual Herzliya national security conference in Israel that an Iranian military compound that mysteriously exploded on November 12 last year was developing long-range missiles.

At least 17 people, including a general, died in a blast on the base around 20miles west of Tehran. Iran said an ammunition dump had exploded but the destruction was widely blamed on foreign intelligence services.

Major-General Aviv Kochavi, Israel’s chief of military intelligence, said that Iran could make four atomic bombs by enriching uranium it had already stockpiled.

He said that from the moment Iran’s spiritual leaders ‘give an order… to speed up production of the first nuclear explosive device, we estimate it will take about a year to complete the task.’

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here we go again!
same old bull , no wonder cammonkey is going to the states next week, to be briefed what to say to us all here.
WE still have anti air missile- missiles just like patriot missiles are we still covered as Reagan and thatcher had us believe.

And why have David and Samantha been invited by Barack to make an official visit to the White House next month? Oh yeah, that’s right: to cement our very special relationship. Sound familiar a la Blair/Bush pre-Iraq war? Cynic, me – nah!!!

Iranians are not stupid , they know that if they tried to bomb the west they would be wiped out before there missiles got to there target , This is just like Iraq all over again , WMD , America is getting hyped up again , and they need others to get involved , keep out Europe dont take the bait again . tie Cameron down as he cant resist a war ,

To borrow a chant from the anti-Vietnam protestors in the 60s “1 – 2 – 3 – 4 We Don’t Want Your F—ing War”. Can you hear Clegg and Cameron?


The people of the West have been lied to once about weapons to gain support for British and American action. Do they really expect us to believe them this time?

Is he going to tell us they have weapons of mass destruction that can be here in forty five minutes because if so, we have heard it all before.

Completely average. Yes I think iran did actually.

Wow thats a surprise as we have been told that they could not reach here,oh could it be to try and ramp up support as many dont believe a thing thats been said about Iran lately. I am waiting for the story saying thats where all Iraqa weapons ended up even though they were deadly enemies and we sold Iraq a load of weapons,whoops are we supposed to have forgot that the west put Saddam in power and supplied his weapons to attack Iran?

Sounds about right. Iran is looking forward to the capability of launching nuclear weapons at Britain and Clegg worries that something American might happen to Iran. I don’t want to see another war in the Middle East. Especially if it’s done on false evidence like last time. But could Clegg spare the occasional thought for the country that he’s supposed to be deputy prime ministering? At least until he gets voted out to the pampered oblivion of the EU.

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