In a speech on Thursday, Sir Stephen Bubb, head of the ACEVO charity, said charities report a hardening public attitude to poorer people, warning that the UK is becoming a country where the “haves” live increasingly separate lives to the “have nots”.
Furthermore, Bubb, who has advised the coalition government on health reforms, expressed concerns over a “growing gap between social need in this country and public resources available to spend on it”.
The charity leader also warned of a democracy deficit because central government’s decisions about cuts are made without effective scrutiny irrespective of their devastating human consequences.
According to Bubb, a study by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation found in a sample that only half of local authorities have adopted “protecting the needs of the most vulnerable clients or communities” as a key priority.
“There is a brutal logic at play: if you remove billions from public services and do not reform them, the people who rely on them suffer. As one [charity leader] said to me, ‘spending less is not necessarily a disaster. But spending less and trying to do things the same way is,” he added.
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