The British government plans to spend more on foreign aid than on its own departments concerned with immigration control, counterterrorism, and law and order, that country’s finance minister has announced.
Speaking during this “Autumn Statement”—one of two official budgetary forecasts made by the British government every year—Conservative Party Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced that spending on foreign aid will rise to £16.3 billion by 2020.
At the same time, he said, spending on the Home Office, which is responsible for all immigration and passport control, counterterrorism, and all police-related matters, will be £10.6 billion.
In addition, expenditure on the UK’s Ministry of Justice, responsible for all courts, prisons, probation services, and related services will receive just £5.6 billion. Together these two departments will get £16.2 billion, or £100 million less than what is given away to the Third World—from where all the terrorism and immigration problems originate.
To add insult to injury, Osborne also announced that the official state pension in Britain was being raised by a paltry £3.35 per week, which he had the cheek to boast was the “biggest real terms increase to the basic State Pension in 15 years.”
Osborne also boasted that his government had been successful in cutting £12 billion off the country’s welfare bill, through what he called “savings” and what other people would call “cuts.”
Other astonishing statistics revealed in his speech before Parliament, which were totally ignored by the controlled media, included admissions that the country’s national debt was 82.5 percent of the national income, and that the budgetary deficit was 3.9 percent of national income.
In addition, Osborne said, when housing associations were included, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) had projected that the government would “borrow” £73.5 billion this year to meet its budgetary demands.
In other words, the British taxpayers would be borrowing the money being given the Third World, and then be forced to pay it back to unspecified “lenders” at exorbitant interest rates for decades to come.
Other idiocies revealed in the budget forecast showed that the UK government, like all the other parties in Parliament, continue denying that race and immigration is the source of their greatest problems.
Instead of addressing the two core issues which cause high crime rates and terrorism inside Britain, namely mass nonwhite immigration and biased Middle Eastern foreign policies—the British government appears to think that increased “security and defense spending” will somehow solve the problem.
In this regard, Osborne announced, the “Single Intelligence Account”—which finances the “intelligence-gathering” and surveillance operations of various agencies—will rise from £2.1 billion to £2.8 billion, and the entire defense budget will rise from £34 billion to £40 billion.
In reality, if the Conservative government—and all previous governments since the 1950s—had not engaged in promoting mass Third World immigration, there would be no major terrorist threat today, and no danger of radical Islam inside the country.
A London street, 2015. The British government is puzzled where Islamic terrorism is coming from.
Furthermore, if the UK government had not consistently followed a pro-Israeli Middle Eastern foreign policy—even to the extent of invading countries like Iraq at the behest of the international Jewish lobby—then groups like ISIS would likely not even exist and Britons would not be despised and viewed as targets in many parts of the world today.
* Osborne also announced that £460 million of the overseas aid budget “will be used by 2019–20 to resettle up to 20,000” Syrian “refugees” in Britain. In addition, the government “will provide around a further £130 million by 2019–20 to local authorities to contribute to the costs of supporting refugees beyond their first year in the UK.”
This news is probably of interest to British students, who earlier had their university subsidies cut as part of “austerity measures” introduced by Osborne two years ago.
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