The Scrutiny of Arms Exports report prepared by the Committees on Arms Export Controls (CAEC) shows that Britain has exported arms including assault weapons, ammunition, and surveillance equipment to regimes that were engaged or are still engaged in suppressing pro-democracy protesters.
The committees say they have scrutinized in unprecedented detail the British government’s Annual Report on Strategic Export Controls in the year 2010
The results showed the British government has sold arms to repressive regimes in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, and Yemen.
The annual report provides quarterly information on individual export license approvals and refusals and Britain’s policies and performance on arms export controls.
The CAEC’s study showed that there are still 600 existing arms export licenses in place for the British government’s sale of arms to repressive regimes.
In their report, the British Parliamentarian committees said it “would do well to acknowledge that there is an inherent conflict between promoting arms exports to authoritarian regimes whilst strongly criticising their lack of human rights at the same time”.
It also emerged that Saudi Arabia was Britain’s biggest arms customer, with nearly 300 licenses in place for selling arms to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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