UC Spokesperson: Vaccine Policy Revisions ‘In the Works’ Long Before Measles Outbreak

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- university.california.ohio.missouri.vaccination.requirements_occupycorporatismSusanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent
March 7, 2015


The heating up anti-vaxxer debate has inspired one college to consider requiring vaccinations from their students as a “preventative measure”.

Ohio State University (OSU) is responding to a mumps outbreak from 2014 and the recent measles outbreak originating in San Diego, California.

Williams Martin, dean of public health at OSU commented: “University and college campuses have the responsibility to require that students be up to date on their vaccinations. Ohio State is accepting this responsibility by enforcing these new requirements.”

There are exemptions for “upperclassmen or those attending branch campuses” written into the preventative measures requiring vaccination such as:

• Diphtheria
• Tetanus
• Pertussis
• Polio
• Measles
• Mumps
• Rubella
• Hepatitis B
• Chicken pox
• Meningitis

The OSU administration will continue to accept “vaccination exemptions based on religious, medical or philosophical grounds similar to those in Ohio elementary and secondary schools.”

The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that currently “no federal vaccination laws exist, but all 50 states require certain vaccinations for children entering public schools.”

Earlier this year, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon signed into law a requirement that all newly enrolling college students be vaccination and show proof to the college’s administration.

Bruce Skinner, director of residence life at Missouri State University (MSU) said : “You have roommates, suitemates, you share space, you share things. And meningitis, if you’re going to have an issue you’re probably going to have it in a community setting, residence halls, health care centers, and other settings where you have large amounts of people living together. [I] strongly encourage all students to receive the vaccination. [Meningitis’ can be very contagious especially when students live in close quarters.”

In California, Moorpark College, California State University (CSU) at Channel Islands (CSUCI) and CSU at Long Beach (CSULB) have joined the initiative to make sure their student are vaccinated.

California and 22 other states across the US currently do not “require college students to be vaccinated” before enrolling; however that policy may be going to the wayside and following in the footsteps of OSU.

Brooke Converse, spokesperson for the University of California (UC) campuses, commented : “The new plan was in the works long before the recent outbreak of measles in the state and that the roadblocks for adopting the policy have been technical in nature, not philosophical. The Affordable Care Act, more affordable vaccinations and a new system-wide digital platform for students’ health records has allowed the process to finally move forward.”

Converse added: “It has always been a good public health and preventive medicine practice to immunize and protect against infectious diseases. However, in the past the cost of vaccines and the time and cost for student health staff to obtain and verify this information has been a barrier to implementing system-wide requirements.”

Source Article from http://www.occupycorporatism.com/home/uc-spokesperson-vaccine-policy-revisions-in-the-works-long-before-measles-outbreak/

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