U.S. progressives tag-team with ISIS to overrun and destroy America






(NaturalNews) Liberal “progressives” in the U.S. – actually, they’re regressives, because while they fashion themselves as forward-thinkers, their tendency to ban, limit and punish people who oppose them makes them more like authoritarians from the past – have a new preferred minority group, and this one really takes the cake.

In reality, liberals’ new favored group is not one of ethnicity but one of identity, though most of its members come from the same region: ISIS, the murderous terrorist organization currently rampaging through the heart of the Middle East.

How can you spot this affinity? Easy – because lib regressives like President Obama show favoritism towards the Muslims who comprise the terror group, while demonizing Christians and political opponents who think that as Americans, we ought to take a time out from admitting potential ISIS operatives into the country.

Obama has indeed spoken out against ISIS, to be sure, but as always with him, actions speak louder than words. For instance, during a joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande in recent days, Obama spent more time dispensing tired platitudes about taking in the world’s downtrodden than telling Hollande what the U.S. planned to contribute to his country’s efforts to decimate the terror group, following its horrific attack Nov. 13 in Paris, in which 129 were killed.

“On the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France, there are words we know so well: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free. That’s the spirit that makes us American. That’s the spirit that binds us to France. That’s the spirit we need today,” Obama said, after earlier urging Europeans to do more to solve a problem he created with his hasty exit from Iraq.

Sure, let them all in

Obama also said the U.S. was “united” with France, and that the Islamic State “must be destroyed.” But at the same time, he and most other Democrats in Congress want to admit thousands of “refugees” from the same region where ISIS operates and recruits. Why? Where is it written in the U.S. Constitution, or what piece of legislation demands that we put aside our legitimate national security concerns to admit – potentially – scores of people from a brutal, renegade organization whose members have pledged to kill as many of us as possible?

In fact, a new video released by ISIS not only pledges that very thing, but also mocks Americans in general, and our military veterans in particular (see it here), as reported by MailOnline.

In the video, a narrator goes through a litany of propaganda, claiming that “Islam’s enemies” will be wiped out by “the flames of war” when the number of banners opposing them – a reference to an international coalition aligning against the group – reached 80. At present, there are 60 nations that oppose ISIS.

And like past videos, this one too taunts the U.S., and urges America to “bring it on” before stating, “Your numbers only increase us in faith.”

Liberals enamored with ISIS

The video narrator also taunts by referencing the fact that 6,500 U.S. soldiers commit suicide every year, while stating that the territory it currently controls is larger than the UK, many times larger than Belgium (where NATO headquarters is located), and several times larger than Arab Gulf state, Qatar.

The narrator goes on to say that the organization is “counting your banners,” in reference to the number of flags belonging to nations opposing ISIS, an international coalition the group calls a “coalition of devils.”

The narrator adds: “Our prophet said [they] would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death.

“Gather your allies. Plot against us and show us no respite. Our ally is the greatest. He is Allah and all glory goes to him.”

As reported by the MailOnline, the video then mocks the U.S. for being too scared to put “boots on the ground” to combat ISIS.

And this is a group liberals appear to be enamored with, judging by their support for admitting as many of them into the country as possible, even as ISIS has claimed it would use the refugee crisis to infiltrate the West and the U.S.






Source Article from http://www.naturalnews.com/052132_ISIS_radical_left_invasion_USA.html

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