Is the DHS turning into KGB-lite?
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
In preparing to use surveillance drones for protests and “public safety,” the Department of Homeland Security is following Russia’s lead, where Vladimir Putin has approved a massive expansion of the technology specifically for the purpose of monitoring demonstrators.
As we reported last week in a story that has since gone viral, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted that spy drones are now being readied to be used for “public safety,” or in other words any event at which a large number of people are gathered including protests.
“With respect to Science and Technology, that directorate, we do have a funded project, I think it’s in California, looking at drones that could be utilized to give us situational awareness in a large public safety [matter] or disaster, such as a forest fire, and how they could give us better information,” Napolitano told the House Committee on Homeland Security.
Simultaneously, the DHS is also buying large quantities of riot gear to deal with expected civil unrest at the upcoming RNC, DNC and presidential inauguration.
Spy drones the size of insects have also been reported by protesters attending demonstrations in New York and Washington.
However, the most aggressive push to use drones to keep tabs on protesters is undoubtedly unfolding in Russia, where the technology was first used six years ago at the Group of Eight summit in St. Petersburg.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
“The police make no secret of the fact that they intend to use them for monitoring demonstrations and marches,”reports the Moscow Times. “In tender documentation to acquire two Zala drones, an Interior Ministry official from the Amur region said the technology would be used to monitor places where mass demonstrations are held, searches, and site surveillance. In March 2011, the head of Amur’s aviation operation center, Sergei Kanunnikov, explained to, “They will be used mainly to maintain public order during local demonstrations and marches.”
Having received the green light from President Vladimir Putin, the Russian Interior Ministry has spent millions of dollars ensuring that 26 regions of the country have a fleet of drones available for monitoring street protests.
Russia is also preparing to use a fleet of spy drones to take on the job of “crowd control” at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.
Should we be concerned that the United States is following Moscow’s lead in turning to surveillance drones for spying on protests and crowd control, especially given the fact that demonstrations against the government in Russia are routinely met with brutal repression?
Members of the female punk band Pussy Riot still remain in prison six months later for protesting against Putin’s re-election at a Cathedral in Moscow. If convicted, the women face seven years in jail.
Given that authoritarian regimes such as Egypt’s infamous secret police have renamed themselves “Homeland Security” in an attempt to mimic the federal agency, the fact that the DHS is now aspiring to follow the example set by Russia’s authoritarian rulers in using spy drones to police protests is yet another example of how the DHS is fast turning into a KGB-lite – a politicized body that exists to deter Americans from exercising their constitutional rights.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
13 Responses to “U.S. Follows Russia In Using Drones To Spy On Protesters”
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US drones can be hacked and grounded by a five year old Iranian. DHS is not KGB lite, its just USA stupid.
captain obvious Reply:
July 31st, 2012 at 8:56 am
yaay more ALEA trolling!
what would we do without all your enlightening comments?
DC-FDA-USDA-EPA approved
poisoning the air food water and medicine to guarantee profits to the mostly foreign owned
big pharma-medical-insurance industrial complex (her majesty’s corporate nicknames).
the increased illness and demand for treatment justifying prices put through the damn roof.
for treatments not covered by their insurance buddies, hospitals want real estate,
which ends up in the hands of the state and the banksters,
instead of your children inheriting it.
NOW, is there any wondering WHY they want their “mandatory healthcare”?!
they tried to ram “hillary-care” through a couple decades ago,
but our economy wasnt trashed enough for people to reach for it.
bush-clinton rammed NAFTA-GATT through to hand all technology and production to China.
DC handed out corporate welfare (3-4x what we get) so companies could leave the country,
they just added it to the “national deficit”, leaving US paying to be left unemployed, homeless.
HILLARY jumped onto the board of directors to Walmart, selling cheep Chinese goods,
expanding into every little city possible, bankrupting multi-thousands of smaller retailers,
cancelling millions of cashier, stockboy, and delivery drivers jobs..
all the damage done to skilled manufacturing labor jobs available, and their wages.
hillary is only a PART of the treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists,
who have conspired to destroy this nation, and she’s secretary of fuggen STATE?!
DC allowed the banksters to “legally” commit fraud..
“credit default swaps” simplified:
a) loan to who you know cannot repay
b) take out default insurance
c) when it defaults, pocket the money, show the bank as bankrupt
d) demand bailouts to write the bonus checks from for fraud well done
THAT RIGHT THERE, shows DC, big banks, and insurance companies, CONSPIRED!!
when their frauds were being investigated, they blew up WTC-7. convenient no?
back to the medical.. is there any wondering WHY big pharma has ZERO liability,
for dangerous crap they can now advertize with side effects inclusive to DEATH?!!
sometimes I might not be too bright,
but it doesnt take a fuggen genius to see,
how much GOVERNMENT really cares,
about our health and well being.
“the patriot act” and plans for a DHS-TSA were ready and waiting before 911.
before 911, the state of our (sabotaged!) economy and financial fraud was front page news.
fraud investigations by the SEC housed in WTC-7 never hit by a plane,
and pending audit of the pentagon for 2.3 trillion dollars “missing”,
WERE NEVER A THREAT to some “sand ghost bin laden”..
DC, Wall Street, big banks and corporations, is another story entirely.
IF “bin laden” were such a “corrupt America hater”, why stop those investigations?
he’d sat back with a bag of popcorn laughin his azz off watchin em being sent to prison!
for staging 911, the treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists,
have remained in power, while the PEOPLE remain terrified,
of being MADE unemployed and homeless by these same criminals,
who are erecting a prison grid around our ears to protect themselves,
as they continue to victimize their desperate and clueless victims.
TSA in the airports cant stop a heatseeker up a planes tailpipe from 1-2 miles away
TSA in train stations cant sabotage of the tracks in the middle of nowhere
TSA aint caught any real terrorists at all but..
TSA sure CAN be caught being a pack of F’d up gay-nazi-paedo-pervs!!!
AnyPaulWillDo Reply:
July 31st, 2012 at 8:34 am
Wow – well said dude. Its discusting
captain obvious Reply:
July 31st, 2012 at 8:41 am
it is ALL so fascist-incestuous entwined,
and the majority cant grasp the reality.
US or RUssia or CHINA , they all use the technoly of evil minds????? they are all in on this world wide take over. each mafia wanting total control of the world.
” US drones can be hacked and grounded ”
now only the computer nerds need to activate and do there magic?
Vic Reply:
July 31st, 2012 at 7:53 am
or since the military NWO chills are into weapon sales on black markets, get your hands on heat sicking portable missile launchers??? after all they are the evil mind masters of the weapons deals??? what was water gate and Oliver North about? nothing new here.
who sold NOrth Korea it’s nuclear program anyway?
Suspected Sale by China Stirs Concern
was it Russia who sold nukes to NK?
folks get your hands on home made drones. they sell for hundreds of dollars. upgrade them a bit and Voila counter drones to neutralise the NWO drones.
practice fling in country side areas. when your skills are up to par, people will be prepared.
Now will they band all sales of RC planes or helicopters also?
gun control
mind control Drine rc control ??????
Vic Reply:
July 31st, 2012 at 7:58 am
control RC technology for the people????
The question: Is the Dept of Fatherland Security turning into the KGB-lite?
The Answer: KGB-lite? With all the poisoning of our air, water, food and medicine, with the NWO Eugenisist Fascist Sock-puppet Mulatto Manchurian Candidate in the Oval Office who claims the dictatorial powers of indefinite detention, rendition, illegal surveillance, and assassination of American citizens, the United States Government is the KGB on STEROIDS!!!!!
Vlad probably knows that protests will have a certian CIA/Mossad funded element that he’s trying to stop dead. He doesn’t want things to go down the Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya now Syria path. Whereas the US just wants to intimidate and spy on it’s people with drones.
I equate O-bomb-a’s drone assassination program with Adolph Hitler’s buzz-bombs used during WWII. The only difference is the level of technology. Both weapons systems are cowardly tools of Fascist Terrorists and both have killed innocent people indiscriminately. By the way, the US Government’s definition of an “insurgent” is “any human being whose life is terminated due to American munitions”…….As American as apple pie, right?