The fresh airstrike targeted the north of beleaguered enclave on Wednesday, taking the number of Palestinian casualties to nine killed and seven injured on the third consecutive day of Israeli pounding.
Earlier in the day, a drone attack killed a 14-year-old Palestinian in the Gaza City’s Zaitoun neighbourhood, while another man lost his life in an Israeli airstrike in Rafah.
There seems no end in sight to Tel Aviv’s ground and air assaults against the people of Gaza.
Israel also refuses to lift a crippling blockade on the 1.5-million people living in the coastal sliver.
More than 1,400 Palestinians, mostly women and children, were killed in a massive offensive Israel launched against the territory on December 27, 2008.
The 22-day onslaught also left thousands of Gazans injured, destroyed hundreds of homes and devastated a great part of the infrastructure in the impoverished coastal strip.
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