Turkey / Syria: Peace protest prevented – UN observers are hindrance – Turkish city Antakya is considered as one of the playgrounds of Syria

On Sunday, the Turkish police prevented a large Turkish peace rally protesters in the city of Antakya (Hatay), near the Turkish-Syrian border. In the Turkish city, that has a special significance for Christianity, thousands of people wanted to protest against the Syria-hostile policy of the Turkish government and also to request the Turkish government to stop the hostilities against the neighboring state Syria.

The city of Antakya is considered as one of the playgrounds of Syria-hostile Intelligence Services and armed groups and as a base of the Western-backed so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), which has rather big similarities, even according to the description of Greenpeace, with the well-known armed gangs from Libya, probably for good reason. One of the participants of the rally is quoted:

Member of the Turkish Communist Party, Salih Bostanci, said “while Libyan murderers and criminals wander around our country and use its facilities and hotels, we couldn’t go to Antioch just for the sake of peace… we were met by security terrorism without any legal justification… our busses were confiscated, and their drivers and a number of colleagues were arrested.”

It stands to reason, why Western corporate and state media cover up the information about conciliatory peace-loving forces.

The media strategy of the West is to present Syria as a stronghold of violence (of course, proceeding by Syria), which can only be decreased by the “International Community” (like the U.S. and their hypocritical followers call themselves) with military force. Also the so-called six-point plan by Kofi Annan aims for – wordy veiled – the establishment of “humanitarian corridors” in the end.

These “humanitarian corridors” would be nothing else than breaches in the Syrian air defense and this “corridors” are necessary for the invasion of Syria by the use of ground troops in line with the Libyan model.

Although the NATO propaganda proclaims that the Libyan model is not applicable for Syria; but only for geographical reasons and not because of the terrible consequences as in Libya!

So when one is able to overcome this shortcoming, the road into Syria would be free. Of course, the Libyan war criminal, Sarkozy, and also Germany, want it that way; with a special effort by the new warmongers of the Green party.

The Green front, Kerstin Mueller, likes to announce such things at the Atlantic Initiative.

“Sooner or later the international community will not be able to drop the establishment of humanitarian corridors. These corridors must be protected militarily, like we were taught by the Balkan war. This protection could be implemented by Turkey, which has agreed to it before; but only with the support of the UN and the Arab League.”

So the circle closes on the Turkish border.

The observers of the Arab League (AL) have already refuted the allegations of the West on the one-sided violence by the Syrian President al-Assad. They are therefore described as useless! Their report is – although it`s officially confirmed by the Arab League (AL) – oppressed until today. UN observers are considered by the anti-Syrian alliance, and especially by Israel, not as peace-maker, but as a means of enforcing the interests of the West. The Israeli DEBKAfile writes very regretfully:

“The rebels will regard the observers as the vanguard of a major international intervention force to champion their cause, while Assad and Moscow will clip their wings so as to give the Syrian army a free hand to finish the job of wiping out the anti-Assad revolt.  Between the two, the UN team will be rendered useless like the Arab League monitors before them.”


“Moscow, meanwhile, announced Friday, April 13, ‘A decision has been made to deploy Russian warships near the Syrian shores on a permanent basis.’”

It was the first time that Moscow officially informs the permanent deployment of its navy in the eastern Mediterranean, and especially near Syria. Russia extends its protective shield for Bashar al-Assad and the survival of its regime against a military intervention from outside.

Russia also guarantees that the United Nations observer team will never become the core of a wider international expedition for Assad’s fall under UN auspices, like it has happen in Libya. Thus, Moscow ensures, that the UN observers must strictly adhere to the mandate of the UN Security Council, decided to not entrust it to Washington and NATO, to exceed its area of operations and their powers, so DEBKAfile.

Under these assumptions, the intensified attacks by the Western mainstream media against Russia and its campaign for “humanitarian corridors” (in Syria) have to be considered.

Source: Türkei/Syrien: Friedenskundgebung verhindert – Hinderliche UN Beobachter

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