Turkey Allows al-Qaeda to Move Over Border into Syria

Kurt Nimmo
Prison Planet.com
September 17, 2012

Syria’s Foreign Ministry has written a letter to the U.N. Security Council and Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon accusing neighboring Turkey of allowing thousands of al-Qaeda and “Takfiri and Wahhabi terrorists” to cross the border to “kill innocent Syrians, blow up their properties and spread chaos and destruction.”

A man wearing a black shirt bearing an al-Qaeda flag (L) speaks with a UN observer as monitors meet with rebels and civilians in the village of Azzara in the province of Homs in Syria on May 4, 2012. .

The letter confirms earlier reports of al-Qaeda jihadists moving into Syria.

In February, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper said al-Qaeda has “infiltrated” Syrian opposition group and is likely responsible for a number of terrorist attacks. Two bombings in Damascus in December and attacks on security and intelligence buildings in Aleppo “had all the earmarks of an al-Qaeda-like attack,” Clapper said, according to the Washington Post.

In July, German intelligence confirmed Clapper’s remarks about al-Qaeda. It estimated that “around 90″ terror attacks that “can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or jihadist groups” were carried out in Syria between the end of December and the beginning of July.

More importantly, the West is overtly funding and arming al-Qaeda’s attacks inside Syria. “France has announced that it will be funding and arming terrorists operating along Syria’s borders, offering them heavy weapons, just as they did in Libya last year,” Tony Cartalucci wrote earlier this month.

“In fact, the US-British and UN-listed terrorists assisted into power in Libya, are now leading death squads currently ravaging Syria – disingenuously portrayed as ‘indigenous’ ‘freedom fighters’ by the Western press.”

As the Guardian noted in July, the Free Syria Army (FSA), supported by the West, is indistinguishable from al-Qaeda.

The FSA is directly supported by the CIA, according to the New York Times. CIA “officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers,” the newspaper reported in June.

Also in July, the U.S. Treasury admitted that al-Qaeda in Syria – often operating as the “Al Nusra Front for the People of the Levant” – are securing “routes through Turkey and Iraq for foreign fighters, most of whom are from the Middle East and North Africa. A growing number of donors from the Persian Gulf and Levant appear to be sending financial support.”

The United Nations has determined that other FSA affiliates are linked to al-Qaeda, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group that has actively armed, funded, and commanded entire FSA brigades.

“This means that the United States, the UK, NATO, and the Gulf State despots of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are knowingly and willfully funding, arming, and politically backing designated affiliates of Al Qaeda contrary not only to US and British anti-terror legislation, but contrary to numerous UN resolutions as well. Western and Gulf State support of the FSA constitutes state sponsorship of terrorism,” Cartalucci wrote in August.

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6 Responses to “Turkey Allows al-Qaeda to Move Over Border into Syria”

  1. As A combat MP in 1982 we were told in Basic training over and over We had to do what ever it took to get the job done. At all cost no mater what. we were to be the new breed of Military Police, every form of Army MOS’s rolled into one, We ate , Slept , Walked , Talked and Lived it. But Thank God The went to no stress training. I don’t think that the troops now can do as we did. I was trained to hide in the bottom of a porta potty to compleat a mission. I don’t see tat happening today with the troops now

    Billo Reply:
    September 17th, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    They’d be better off in the bottom of a porta potty than fighting as cheap mercenaries for zionist banker scum.

  2. I have left this in the wrong place, I was responding to Alix and the Global Chaos. I screwed the pooch sorry

  3. Well it’s way smarter then letting these Tory-Likudnik Anglo-US al CIAduh buggers from Saudi Arabia stay in Turkey…

  4. Yeah, when Damascus is in a smoldering heap, we’ll see the shit hit the fan then, but watch out, it’ll be in America too.

  5. Turkey is cutting their own throat.

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