Tuition fees increase: Middle class priced out of university as applications fall by nearly 10%

  • Non-European languages are worst hit courses, as applicants fall by 21.5%
  • South West sees biggest fall in would-be students – down 12.6%
  • Boys are put off more than girls, with 8.5% fewer men and 6.7% fewer women applying

Laura Clark

Last updated at 4:03 PM on 31st January 2012

Thousands of middle-class youngsters have been priced out of university by the trebling of tuition fees to £9,000-a-year, figures revealed yesterday.

Sixth-formers from families with pre-tax incomes between £40,000 and £80,000 have been hardest hit by fee hikes which threaten to leave graduates with debts of £50,000.

Several thousand youngsters from middle and higher-income homes have been put off applying by the prospect of paying up to £9,000-a-year in tuition charges on top of living costs.

Losing out: The number of UK teenagers applying to start university this autumn has dropped by almost 9 per cent in the wake of fee increases

Losing out: The number of UK teenagers applying to start university this autumn has dropped by almost 9 per cent in the wake of fee increases

Applications by subject

A degree id rather earn as i learn.

They fail to qualify for grants and other scholarships designed to lessen the impact of the new charging regime on the poorest.

earning less than £25,000 are eligible for maintenance grants to help
meet living expenses, with universities also offering means-tested
bursaries. Pupils with household incomes up to £42,600 qualify for
partial grants.

The number of university applicants
across England has fallen by nearly 10 per cent following news that most
universities will impose higher charges this autumn.

Other factors: Ucas chief executive Mary Curnock Cook said population changes might have affected the number of university applicants as well as the cost of taking a degree

Other factors: Ucas chief executive Mary Curnock Cook said population changes might have affected the number of university applicants as well as the cost of taking a degree

Older students have deserted higher education in greatest numbers, with lesser falls among 18-year-old school leavers.

But official figures yesterday showed a sharper fall among better-off sixth-formers than ‘disadvantaged’ candidates.

to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, the proportion of
youngsters applying from the wealthiest fifth of the country dropped 2.5
percentage points – a fall of 3,000.

families live in postcodes that are most likely to send children to
university. Their likely average gross household income is around

The proportion of applicants from middle-earning families dropped by about one percentage point.

In contrast, the percentage of pupils applying from the poorest fifth of England dipped just 0.2 points – around 280 students.

These families live in postcodes least likely to send children to university, with a likely average income of £11,800-a-year.

On average, one in 20 18-year-olds who would have been expected to apply to university this year has failed to do so, UCAS said.

The figures suggest that wealthier youngsters are deciding in greater numbers to look for jobs instead of study for three years or more and build up mortgage-style debts in the process.

The trend will be seen as mounting evidence of pressure on the so-called ‘squeezed middle’ – the group bearing the brunt of economic policies aimed at easing Britain’s financial woes.

Mary Curnock Cook, UCAS chief executive, said: ‘Our analysis shows that decreases in demand are slightly larger in more advantaged groups than in disadvantaged groups.

Broken down: The drop in University applicants affected all regions of the UK, but England - where fees have tripled - saw the biggest fall

Broken down: The drop in University applicants affected all regions of the UK, but England – where fees have tripled – saw the biggest fall

‘Widely expressed concerns about recent changes in higher education funding arrangements having a disproportionate effect on more disadvantaged groups are not borne out by this data.’

Ministers insisted the number of 18-year-olds applying to university had largely held up despite the controversial fees policy, one of the Coalition’s most bitterly-contested reforms.

Sources pointed out the number of
school-leavers from affluent backgrounds applying for university was
still significantly higher than from lower-income groups.

But Shabana Mahmood, Labour’s higher
education spokesman, said: ‘The decision of the Tory-led Government to
treble tuition fees to £9,000 is hitting young people and their
aspirations. It is clear the drastic increase in fees and the increased
debt burden is putting people of all ages off going to university and
investing in their future. Most students will be paying off their debts
most of their working lives.’

The figures show how total
applications for degree courses starting in the autumn were down 7.4 per
cent – almost 44,000. Of these, 25,789 were aged 19 to 21. Many applied
last year, causing a spike in recruitment.

The overall drop in applications was softened by a rise in the numbers from outside Europe.

Among UK students, applications were
down 8.7 per cent – and 9.9 per cent among those living in England. In
contrast, the number of applications from Scottish students – who will
not pay tuition fees next year – dropped just 1.5 per cent.

Under the reforms, graduates only
start repaying their loans when their income reaches £21,000.
Outstanding repayments are written off after 30 years. Graduates on
lower incomes are charged less interest than those who land top jobs.

Sally Hunt, general secretary of the
University and College Union, said: ‘We cannot afford a system that puts
people off university if we are to compete in the modern world.’


Most elite universities suffered a decline in course applications despite their reputations, the UCAS figures show.

Warwick saw a drop of 10.1 per cent, Manchester 10 per cent and Liverpool 11 per cent. King’s College London saw applications slide 10.7 per cent and Birmingham 9.8 per cent.

Private universities, in contrast, are booming. Applications to the Buckingham University, which offers two-year courses it says are more cost-effective, more than doubled.

There were mixed fortunes for so-called ‘new’ universities.

Some which are charging less than the £9,000 maximum tuition fees saw applications rise, including the University of Wolverhampton, which clocked up an increase of 5.4 per cent. Others saw declines, such as Derby with 24.4 per cent fewer applications.

Schools will be banned from using ‘Mickey Mouse’ courses to inflate their ranking in league tables.

Thousands of ‘dead-end’ qualifications – including a course that teaches pupils to fill out a benefits claim form – will be axed from league tables under Coalition reforms unveiled today.

Education Secretary Michael Gove will say only 125 qualifications meet strict new criteria for inclusion in league tables, resulting in more than 3,000 being culled.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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in a way I hope this is true. Politicians always worry more about the middle classes than anyone else so i am hoping that this will bring about change. All students shouldf get grants. What we need to do is make universwity acessible to those who are bright and academic and not to all regardless of povety or wealth.

The girl studying accountancy one day a week while working has got the right idea. Everyone has been going off to “uni” like sheep instead of researching alternatives. I know quite a few people who have gained reputable marketing and business qualifications, whilst working in an administration capacity, and they progressed that way. A degree isn’t everything. A lot of employers don’t help though, its ridiculous that some jobs such as working as a PA want “people educated to degree level”.

Having saved since my child was born there would have been enough to pay his tuition fees when he was old enough to go. Because they have tripled there will only be enough to pay for one year and that would be a waste of time. I don’t get benefits so would have to fund it for him and I simply don’t have enough to do that. Hopefully he will get on life despite not going to university. Shame really because he wanted to teach so is looking at other options now.

The problem is an old one and we are very far from solving it. Children from lower income groups, no matter how bright were excluded from university because of the cost element, so some very able individuals were denied a top class education. The answer was a simple one provide the funding to allow these pupils to go on to further their education, instead what happened , all secondary pupil were taught that a place at Uni was a right and not something gained through hard work and having a brain that suited this type of further education. University has become a life experience, when what it should be is a place of learning for those who need the higher levels of teaching required by the professions, medical, engineering, academics. Many of the students at Uni could well do their courses at local poly’s or further education colleges, many of the present courses are more suited to apprenticeships than University lecture halls. Its time we weeded out some of the more idiotic courses.

The problem is an old one and we are very far from solving it. Children from lower income groups, no matter how bright were excluded from university because of the cost element, so some very able individuals were denied a top class education. The answer was a simple one provide the funding to allow these pupils to go on to further their education, instead what happened , all secondary pupil were taught that a place at Uni was a right and not something gained through hard work and having a brain that suited this type of further education. University has become a life experience, when what it should be is a place of learning for those who need the higher levels of teaching required by the professions, medical, engineering, academics. Many of the students at Uni could well do their courses at local poly’s or further education colleges, many of the present courses are more suited to apprenticeships than University lecture halls. Its time we weeded out some of the more idiotic courses.

“Michael, Sheffield”
41% tax take is incorrect. Loans will be repaid at 9% of income ABOVE £21,000
So, for example a graduate earning £31,000 will repay 9% of £10,000 = £900, giving a tax take of just under 23%
(plus NI of course)
Recommend you read Martin Lewis’s excellent article on this subject at MONEYSAVINGEXPERT.COM.

Should not the headline read,’English Middle Classes priced out of University—-?Not only has the Govt.penalised English residents but they had the cheek to get Danny Alexander,MP for Inverness, to explain it.All of his constituents go free!! I am someone who voted Conservative for the first time ever last General Election.That is also the last.Either we are a United Kingdom with equal opportunities for all or we go it alone.

This has nothing to do with being middle class or family income. Some people just refuse to get it. Yes the fees are high at 9k but it is the same for everyone. There is no class divide at all. Students will only have to pay the money back when they earn enough. I can understand people arguing that the fees are high but not that it affects less well off families more. That argument is simply untrue and misleading.
In my view there are too many University places now anyway thanks to Labour. So if fees are putting off some students then it will probably bring number down to a more sensible level. However I would be disppointed if less well off families discouraged thier children from applying simply because they can’t or refuse to understand the system.

This has nothing to do with being middle class or family income. Some people just refuse to get it. Yes the fees are high at 9k but it is the same for everyone. There is no class divide at all. Students will only have to pay the money back when they earn enough. I can understand people arguing that the fees are high but not that it affects less well off families more. That argument is simply untrue and misleading.
In my view there are too many University places now anyway thanks to Labour. So if fees are putting off some students then it will probably bring number down to a more sensible level. However I would be disppointed if less well off families discouraged thier children from applying simply because they can’t or refuse to understand the system.

This has nothing to do with being middle class or family income. Some people just refuse to get it. Yes the fees are high at 9k but it is the same for everyone. There is no class divide at all. Students will only have to pay the money back when they earn enough. I can understand people arguing that the fees are high but not that it affects less well off families more. That argument is simply untrue and misleading.
In my view there are too many University places now anyway thanks to Labour. So if fees are putting off some students then it will probably bring number down to a more sensible level. However I would be disppointed if less well off families discouraged thier children from applying simply because they can’t or refuse to understand the system.

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