You can avoid reading this sloopy rant if you come to this realization:
This video above tries hard to give the idea that Trump and Putin are puppets of the Jews. That they are under the control of Israel.
It makes a big deal that Trumps kids have married Jewish people. How would the Trumps do business in New York without doing business with the Jewish people.
If Trump was not mentored by the infamous Roy Cohen, I am not sure he would have been able to rise up into the super-rich businessman that he developed into. without Roy Cohen. How was he going to get powerful? It is well known Cohen taught Trump the ropes so he could make it big.
Just deal with German American guys? or WASP guys? What if he was just Christian? Only deriving power from the Christian base. Which he draws from anyway. That would be hard. Christiaan power in America is not monolithic. Christian power is fragmented.
So, of course it would be better if Ivanka did not marry Jarad. It would have been better if the German American people did not get drafted to kill their own people in WWII as well.
Truth movement people don’t like to think in detail They will say one sentence like the segments in this film. They can’t communicate dialogue like a human being so they will shout. “His son in law is a Jew. Remember when stupid people would call Mike Piper on RBN and go ahhh you don’t know nuthin it is the Jews and hang up on him?
Ok your right that is bad. But could he have won in 2016 without Kush and Ivanka. Yes sure but Kush brought some high-tech knowledge to the campaign in 2016
Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House
Kusher helped Trump win in 2016 with sophisticated high technology. But to say he ran the show when Trump was in Power is an exaggeration. Oh and I am not sure the Jesuit order was involved.
. Jews had never been that happy with Kushner in terms of his oddball relationship with Trump. But to say Trump is stuipd enough to not know what his son in law was all about is unlikely.
IN FACT Jarad and Ivanka may even divorce over the fact that Donald Trump’Trump dined with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and white nationalist Nick Fuentes.
Recently Trump has dined with the infamous “Ye” Would he be sending a message to his fan base by doing this?
Trump also said things like Jews are not loyal. He is sending out hints. Don’t think the Putin and Trump BOTH of them will not have to kiss ass of the Jews. Please be real. They have to.
Adam Green would say Trump like Jesus a scapegoat Kabala sacrifice to fool the got.
I remember when Eric Hufschmid said Ernst Zündel allowed himself to be captured to scare the goy into doing nothing. The everyone is a Jew we can’t do anything ploy.
I can’t stand these Protest bullshitters. Who say Trump is in bed with the Jews. Half of them gush with Joy and STILL say oh it is The Jesuit Order the black Pope it is the Club of Rome. Anything but simple reality. The Jesuit NAZI operation paperclip lizards. Yes, we know the Roman Catholic church is corrupt, but do they really have any power anymore? Germany lost WWII and they do what they are told. Protestants like the Puritans can never face the truth of who runs the world..
The union of Ivanka and Kushner ties to Epstein is all NYC power circles means Trump is rich and in their circle at times. He was their friend now he is not. RFK and JFK loved Jewish people were hanging out with them all the time. Did they get alone with them politically?
As far as Putin being a puppet of Israel that is even more unrealistic. Then this video says Russia makes money selling weapons to Israel. Well why not make money.
Peace activist people have good hearts and went crazy when Trump sold weapons to Saudi Arabia. What else was he going to do not make money.
Trump kept the US out of war. Still I can here the peace activist the Press TV and RT snoopy intellectuals cry about Trump.
Admit it you want to go on Democracy Now and cry with Amy Goodman!!
Come on the Jews have the entire western world after Putin. Putin is like Trump in this regard. Never before in the History of mankind has such power been brought to bear against these two men. In terms of media driven propaganda It might even be as intense as the pressure put on Germany and Japan before WII. HINT WWIII is here, and it is Judea Inc vs Putin and Trump.
They want Putin out so bad they are willing
Trumps son has Jewish woman as well.
Again, not great but no proof the Trumps are in bed with the Jews.
All the evidence in this video is emotional hearsay.
Trump is the most hated man of the Jews since the Roman leader Titus and so is Putin.
Even Titus liked a Jewish woman, Beatrice. He still destroyed the Temple.
Trumps move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital was bold and not as pro Jewish as you might expect. It turned up the heat on Israel to negotiate a peace deal and it fired up Trumps evangelical base
Trump was going to use this move to give himself leverage when he forced Israel to the peace table in his 2nd term. Wait he didn’t get a second term covid and mail in ballets stopped him
The Jews feared Trumps ability to make deals. BECAUSE HE WOULD HAVE TRIED A PEACE DEAL!
Not having Trump in office was so important SOMEONE released a virus on the world to stop him.
Yes, in Covid 19 was to reshape the world in the form of a “Great Reset and a HUGE part of that was getting rid of Trump.
Even the slogan America First. No group who was shilling for Israeli power or the Jewish Lobby would EVER use that slogan. It is the same slogan Americans German Americans in particular used to try and stay out of WWII.
Would they need to do that if he was their pal?
If Trump is so buddy buddy with the Jews, why would every Jewish intellectual every neo con neoliberal Hollywood actor want to see him dead or in jail. Saturday night live makes fun of him every Saturday. Is that a gentile show?
No, it is NOT fake they hate Trump and Putin for real.
Last but not least the Syria missile strikes. This silly video refers to the FAKE yes that was fake missile strikes on Syria. That were used to fool and jam up the neocons.
Almost every peace activist and truth movement superstar got this wrong. Ryan Dawson Syria Girl and on and on a lot of the RT people all flipped on Trump over this. And thank God he fooled people by the way!
Syria is the best example of why they had to stop trump in 2020 at all cost.
Because guys like Trump Flynn and Putin stopped the Syria war which was already bad from getting worse.
Trump removed funding for ISIS. Putin bombed ISIS into the stone age.
Fast forward to the Ukraine Russia war. Bingo shit heads. If the US stoped funding Zelensky and Ukraine, they would be finished right?
I for won have had enough of intellectual dip shits on RT and other surpresed new outlets giving Trump a hard time.
Islamic groups should go all out and support Trump. Forget about the nasty parts of Trump and his locker room talk. He is willing to make a deal for peace in the ME
Many truths movement guys I talk to don’t even look at The NY Times and the Jewish newspapers and try to figure out what is going on in the real world. They prefer underground news sites that talk about the white hats recuing the children from the secret underground tunnels.
Or they go right to talking about the Bible and the end of the world. Stupid unrealistic and lazy!
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