Trump Joins The War Party

  • KathJuliane
    April 9, 2017 @ 2:34 pm

    Kremlin: No Political Warning of Attack on al Shayrat Air Base.

    Official State Department Remarks with Trump’s National Security Advisor McMaster at Mar-a-Lago confirms it.

    NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR MCMASTER: Obviously, the regime will maintain the certain capacity to commit mass murder with chemical weapons, we think, beyond this particular airfield.

    But it was aimed at this particular airfield for a reason, because we could trace this murderous attack back to that facility. And this was not a small strike. I mean, it was not a small strike.

    And I think what it does communicate is a big shift, right, a big shift in Assad’s calculus – it should be anyway – because this is – this is the first time that the United States has taken direct military action against that regime or the regime of his father.

    So I think what is critical is that– is with the – the President’s decision in response to this mass murderous – mass murder attack, but also in the context of all the previous attacks that have occurred – I think over 50; I think it’s over 50 chemical attacks previously – post 2013 when the UN resolution went into effect.

    And so I think that it’s both. It was aimed at the capacity to commit mass murder with chemical weapons, but it was not of a scope or a scale that it would go after all such related facilities.

    MR SPICER: Jen Jacobs.

    QUESTION: Were military personnel with any other nations, any of our allies, take part in this, or was this 100 percent a U.S. operation?

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: This was entirely a U.S. operation.

    MR SPICER: We’ll do one more. Vivian and that’s (inaudible).

    **QUESTION: Sir, I wanted to ask you to clarify something (inaudible) first, and then I also have a military question. You were saying there was no coordination with Moscow for this, but then you said that you followed the rules of de-confliction.

    So that kind of suggests that you did talk to Russia in some capacity. Can you just clarify that?

    SECRETARY TILLERSON: Well, I think Director McMaster answered it.

    QUESTION: Maybe that was a military question.

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: And again, I would direct you to the Pentagon to give you the precise procedures that are followed.

    But these are battlefield agreements because we’re operating in Syria; the Russians are operating in Syria; as we have begun the march to defeat ISIS, many of our [jet] forces are becoming more proximate to one another.

    QUESTION: Right.

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: And it is – and so we have a de-confliction agreement in place with the Russian military, and so there are command contacts that exist 24/7 for any type of operation that could bring us into conflict. That’s the level of contact that we’re talking about.

    QUESTION: So is it more accurate to say that you didn’t seek approval from Moscow or anything like that for them to kind of give you the green light, but you followed protocol in terms of the military –

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: We sought no approval – we sought no approval from Moscow or at any other level within the Russian infrastructure. This was strictly following the rules that we have put in place in agreement with the Russian military to de-conflict, because our target in this attack was not Russian.

    It was not the Russians. It was not their forces nor any Russian individuals. Our target was this airfield and the Syrian regime.

    QUESTION: Okay. And –

    **NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR MCMASTER: I would just add – I would just add one thing. So to – the purpose was not to receive permission. The purpose was to reduce the chances of Russian casualties –

    QUESTION: Right.

    **NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR MCMASTER: — and to follow the [de-confliction] procedures, as you mentioned. But we wanted to take every possible measure we could to reduce the chance of Russian casualties.

    MR SPICER: Thank you guys very much. Appreciate it. Have a great night. Take care.

    Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin, and the Ministry of Defense did NOT have advance notice of strikes on the Syrian government.

    Honestly, the murderous dork McMaster, the craven and bloodied Trump and his White House, the new foppish, metro-male armchair-general Kushner, and the extremely cunning, vicious, evil, but ultimately stupid “military philosopher” Mattis, all act as if the duly-elected President al Assad “regime” and the Syrian government invaded Syria.

    As Tillerson, who said no other level but the local Russian command in Syria was notified, and then McMaster emphatically stated, only the local battlefield deconfliction mechanism in Syria was utilized to contact local Russian command — in Syria.

    Two days ago, the Russia Foreign Ministry announced that it suspended an **agreement to avoid clashes between Russian and US-led coalition jets over Syrian airspace**, while Reuters reported that Russia withdrew from a deconfliction channel, which the US used Thursday night to warn Russian forces in Syria of the incoming cruise-missile strikes.

    The formal deconfliction agreement only ever concerned jet operations against ostensibly ISIS over Syrian airspace (destroying Syrian infrastructure and murdering civilians more than they strike ISIS), and not missile attacks. Generally most, if not all of the sea-launched missile attacks on ISIS in Iraq and eastern Syria have been launched from the Persian Gulf.

    Although the Jewmedia promotes the White House lie that variously “Putin” or “Russia” was given an hour’s notice, White House studiously does not say just how far in advance this “deconfliction” notice was given to the joint Russian/Syrian operations center. What was it, 10 minutes? 1 minute before launching the Tomahawks?

    No way would the Russian operations center in Syria have actually been informed that the target was al Shayrat, which is also a working RFAF airbase, at least the second-most important one to the Russians and not some derelict, “backwater” airbase out in the desert somewhere.

    All the cowardly Trump White House, Pentagon and CENTCOM did was to use the Russian-US deconfliction mechanism as a subterfuge which is structured for de-conflicting “anti-terrorism” jet operations against ISIS and al Qaeda inside Syria — essentially “We are conducting jet operations against these targets in these locations.”

    Sure. Trump told Putin, close allies of…wait for it …Assad, that we’re about to launch a vicious naval Tomahawk saturation attack from the eastern Med upon this particular exact airbase which happens to be a highly integral hub for all RFAF and SAA military air operations in Syria, not to mention the “degradation and destruction” of as much of the rest of Syrian military infrastructure as possible in central and eastern Syria to strengthen the US’ interests east of the Euphrates, and Vlad was just peachy with that.

    A ’saturation attack’ is a military tactic in which the attacking side hopes to “gain an advantage by overwhelming the defending side’s technological, physical and mental ability to respond effectively.”

    In other words, total destruction of al Shayrat, and other designated airbase and military targets. “Saturation attacks” are usually multi-targeted, there were a lot more Tomahawk launches from the USS Ross and Porter ready to go.

    The armament of each frigate, the Ross and the Porter, includes:

    1 × 29 cell and 1 × 61 cell vertical launching systems with 90 × RIM-156 SM-2, BGM-109 Tomahawk or RUM-139 VL-ASROC missiles.

    These are two of the most advanced USN missile frigates on station with their task force in the eastern Med hooked into the AEGIS system run from CENTCOM, and so there were 180 Tomahawks from the two ships ready for launch at various military targets in Syria before reloading new missile capsules.

    Taking out the al Shayrat airbase was just step one as the largest, undamaged, most fully functional military airbase capable of part of Syrian defenses, first designed and built for military defense against Israel, and now against US aggression, because now the US is also a formally open enemy of the Syrian state, just as Israel is.

    However, the anticipated glorious Shaaawk n Ahhwwwe saturation attack (which sounds jewishly like “shekinah”) had to be aborted because the opening salvos just weren’t as effective as Trump and the Pentagon had hoped. Syria is not poor beaten down Iraq or Libya. Syria has teeth.

    Missile telemetry and other military electronic intelligence would have very early told CENTCOM that only 23 of the 60 initially launched (out of 180 presumably prepped to go in the first round of salvos meant to cripple Syrian military infrastructure) reached their targets at al Shayrat.

    That’s a success rate of about 30%, not the ideal probability of more like a 70% chance that any one Tomahawk gets through to strike it’s target.

    And I know that this was a multi-targeted event, because Syrian social and independent Syrian media reported that an unknown number of Tomahawk missiles targeted and destroyed an SAA ammo depot at Qarqalas town located on the road between Palmyra and Homs some miles away from al Shayat Airbase. It was not just due to “collateral damage” from the airbase, it was a separate military target.

    Meaning, the SAA, assisted by Russia, at least in terms of electronic counter-measures, put up a pretty stiff ant-missile defense from the moment of launch of the first salvos of the saturation assault — starting with the first Tomahawk which hit the drink shortly after it was launched from one of the frigates, leaving 59 airborn, right down to the six SAA Air Defense martyrs of the airbase’s missile battery and gatling squadrons.

    Where did the other 39 Tomahawks go? (Well maybe 37 now, since one or two probably struck the above mentioned SAA ammo depot located between Homs and the base).

    By the way, ever since the Israeli Jews made their attack on a Syrian military base near Palmyra, also in central Syria during an SAA counteroffensive against ISIS, the SAA has been on high alert, and pulled “a few things out of storage” to enhance combat readiness and prepare to deal with the enemy (-ies, since the Zionist entity and the US are joined at the hip like a pair of conjoined twins. In the Judeo-Christian war religion, it is Israel from whom all blessings flow).

    Let us not forget, Syria and Israel are still in a technical state of war since the 1980s, and since April 7 about 9 pm, now with the United States of Israel itself.

    And, the USS Ross naval task force after arriving on station in the eastern Med just before the Tomahawk launches, reported to CENTCOM that they were “ready and waiting for orders” meaning they were in combat mode. Moreover, the USN issued a sea navigation closure to civil authorities between Cyprus and the mainland which occurs only if their are naval training exercises, or if the US is preparing for war operations.

    With all of the “safe zone/no fly zone” bellicosity going on in DC, I’m sure the Syrians and the Russians had their suspicions from the behavior of the USS Ross task force and were on alert.

    Zero Hedge reported a few hours before the Tomahawk assault:

    “The Pentagon has briefed President Trump on various military options the US can conduct in response to the poison gas attack in Syria that killed scores of civilians, and which Washington has blamed on the Syrian government, a U.S. official told Reuters.

    Options include things like implementing a “no fly zone” or grounding aircraft used by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, an official quoted by Reuters said.

    Another option also includes the use of Tomahawk cruise missiles to overwhelm Russian air defense systems used by the Syrian military. The official did not comment on how likely military action might be which, if any, options might be recommended by the Pentagon.

    According to the Intercept, this would be a “saturation strike” using dozens of cruise missiles designed to hit Syrian military targets —including military air fields — in an effort to limit future Syrian Air Force attacks on rebel positions, according to the two U.S. military officials.

    Among the valid military targets in Syria would be Syrian military airfields, air defenses and other types of Syrian military installations. The official played down the idea that Russian military infrastructure might be a target.”

    No doubt, the RFAF and SyAAF were prepped and ready to go on a moment’s notice, and perhaps started moving their jets the minute the USS Ross task force announced they were on station. Using the combat technique of Minimum Interval Takeoff, the Russian and Syrian jets take off in 15 or 20 second intervals and empty the airbase in just a few minutes. The SyAAF left behind 6 or 8 non-functional aircraft.

    As soon as the first Tomahawk was lit up and on the way after launch, the SyAAF and RFAF still had about 15 minutes to scramble their jet squadrons from any Syrian airbases along the general trajectory of the tomahawks.

    So Trump and the Pentagon bastards tried to be sneaky, and surely lied to Russian military command in Syria about their target coordinates. Particularly so, since al Shayrat military base has always been in the government-held area of central Syria without interruption, and a defensible distance from the various fronts.

    Yes, Vlad. We’ll be launching a saturation attack on al Shayrat airbase right in the middle of the hated Assad’s very secure government controlled zone as a photo op assault, but don’t worry, we’ll avoid where the Russians are garrisoned.

    There is no way that the Russian command in Syria would have given permission to a full on Tomahawk saturation assault against the Syrian military airbase, which is extremely vital to Syrian and Russian logistics and operations.

    Al-Shayrat is located in central Syria and is one of, if not the most, important military air base central hub for both Syrian and Russian ongoing air combat operations in Palmyra, Deir Ezzor, Hama, and Idlib as well as other fronts. Al-Shayrat with its 40 aircraft shelters and capability to handle up to 100 combat jets is very important nexus for the SAA’s operations in central and eastern Syria.

    Moreover, pursuant to an agreement signed between Damascus and Moscow some time ago, al-Shayrat is in the process of base defense upgrades to accommodate expansion of its Sukhoi22 squadron as well as for MIG 29’s replacing the antiquated MIG 23’s.

    Al-Shayrat has fought off terrorist assaults against it for six years. It has run continuous SAA air operations from Syria’s government-held “safe zone” since the start of the war against Assad, although other parts of Hom governate were under ISIS’ control.

    The SyAAF and RFAF operations going on for the past three weeks to lift the al Qaeda/Nusra seige of the Orthodox Christian city of Mhardeh and push back the ISIS offensive from Hama governate are conducted out of Al-Shayrat. Hama governate is largely Orthodox Christian, and Christians form at least a plurality in Homs governate.

    Happily, Mhardeh was declared liberated yesterday after a very major counteroffensive to push ISIS back.

    However, Christians in one village a couple of miles away from the airbase were casualties in Trump’s airstrike. So not only does he kill children to save the children, he kills Christians to save the Christians. Sounds like continuity of the same antichrist neocon Judeo-Christian continuity of PNAC war policy which the evil monkey, George Bush kicked off in 2003 in the war against Iraq.

    Moreover, the weekly military transport of weapons and supplies to ISIS-besieged Deir Ezzor military airbase, and humanitarian aid to besieged Deir Ezzor city flies out of al-Shayrat.

    To save face over the absolute failure of the Tomahawk saturation assault and the first stage the destruction of one of the most important airbases in Syria by an army which mostly used 80s Soviet era S200 (but souped up to the max) defensive weapons and technology against the latest and most advanced Tomahawks in service in the Aegis System, Trump and his Mar-a-Lago yacht of fools, and the castrated Tillerson as mouthpiece blustered, “It’s a one time operation”.

    That would be a wise thing. And, I read that the US has seriously stepped down its air operations since Russia suspended the deconfliction agreement and mechanism.

    Since the US government declared war on Syria by its actions, and is now the official enemy of the Syrian state, I believe it was yesterday that a US military recon aircraft penetrated into the area around Palmyra, the Syrians locked their targeting, and fired their anti-aircraft defenses at it.

    Well, Trump the lifelong militarist went Full Necon. And so much for Trump’s botched photo op shekinah-glory hallelujah amen bombing in Syria. I’m sure that it must have occurred to someone in the Pentagon that Russia and Syria wound up with a treasure trove of military intelligence and data concerning AEGIS measures and counter-measures under actual combat conditions.

    Where did those pesky missing 39 (or 37) Tomahawks go? As the Russian MOD said, “Who knows where they landed”. In the Mediterranean sea, maybe?

    @Ted. I did find Syrian independent journalist on Twitter who obtained a nighttime cellphone recording from a citizen some miles away from the airbase showing the inbound Tomahawks at a distance with the furious sound of gatlings and anti-missile batteries firing at the incoming Tomahawks.

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    Trump Joins The War Party

  • KathJuliane
    April 9, 2017 @ 2:34 pm

    Kremlin: No Political Warning of Attack on al Shayrat Air Base.

    Official State Department Remarks with Trump’s National Security Advisor McMaster at Mar-a-Lago confirms it.

    NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR MCMASTER: Obviously, the regime will maintain the certain capacity to commit mass murder with chemical weapons, we think, beyond this particular airfield.

    But it was aimed at this particular airfield for a reason, because we could trace this murderous attack back to that facility. And this was not a small strike. I mean, it was not a small strike.

    And I think what it does communicate is a big shift, right, a big shift in Assad’s calculus – it should be anyway – because this is – this is the first time that the United States has taken direct military action against that regime or the regime of his father.

    So I think what is critical is that– is with the – the President’s decision in response to this mass murderous – mass murder attack, but also in the context of all the previous attacks that have occurred – I think over 50; I think it’s over 50 chemical attacks previously – post 2013 when the UN resolution went into effect.

    And so I think that it’s both. It was aimed at the capacity to commit mass murder with chemical weapons, but it was not of a scope or a scale that it would go after all such related facilities.

    MR SPICER: Jen Jacobs.

    QUESTION: Were military personnel with any other nations, any of our allies, take part in this, or was this 100 percent a U.S. operation?

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: This was entirely a U.S. operation.

    MR SPICER: We’ll do one more. Vivian and that’s (inaudible).

    **QUESTION: Sir, I wanted to ask you to clarify something (inaudible) first, and then I also have a military question. You were saying there was no coordination with Moscow for this, but then you said that you followed the rules of de-confliction.

    So that kind of suggests that you did talk to Russia in some capacity. Can you just clarify that?

    SECRETARY TILLERSON: Well, I think Director McMaster answered it.

    QUESTION: Maybe that was a military question.

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: And again, I would direct you to the Pentagon to give you the precise procedures that are followed.

    But these are battlefield agreements because we’re operating in Syria; the Russians are operating in Syria; as we have begun the march to defeat ISIS, many of our [jet] forces are becoming more proximate to one another.

    QUESTION: Right.

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: And it is – and so we have a de-confliction agreement in place with the Russian military, and so there are command contacts that exist 24/7 for any type of operation that could bring us into conflict. That’s the level of contact that we’re talking about.

    QUESTION: So is it more accurate to say that you didn’t seek approval from Moscow or anything like that for them to kind of give you the green light, but you followed protocol in terms of the military –

    **SECRETARY TILLERSON: We sought no approval – we sought no approval from Moscow or at any other level within the Russian infrastructure. This was strictly following the rules that we have put in place in agreement with the Russian military to de-conflict, because our target in this attack was not Russian.

    It was not the Russians. It was not their forces nor any Russian individuals. Our target was this airfield and the Syrian regime.

    QUESTION: Okay. And –

    **NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR MCMASTER: I would just add – I would just add one thing. So to – the purpose was not to receive permission. The purpose was to reduce the chances of Russian casualties –

    QUESTION: Right.

    **NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR MCMASTER: — and to follow the [de-confliction] procedures, as you mentioned. But we wanted to take every possible measure we could to reduce the chance of Russian casualties.

    MR SPICER: Thank you guys very much. Appreciate it. Have a great night. Take care.

    Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin, and the Ministry of Defense did NOT have advance notice of strikes on the Syrian government.

    Honestly, the murderous dork McMaster, the craven and bloodied Trump and his White House, the new foppish, metro-male armchair-general Kushner, and the extremely cunning, vicious, evil, but ultimately stupid “military philosopher” Mattis, all act as if the duly-elected President al Assad “regime” and the Syrian government invaded Syria.

    As Tillerson, who said no other level but the local Russian command in Syria was notified, and then McMaster emphatically stated, only the local battlefield deconfliction mechanism in Syria was utilized to contact local Russian command — in Syria.

    Two days ago, the Russia Foreign Ministry announced that it suspended an **agreement to avoid clashes between Russian and US-led coalition jets over Syrian airspace**, while Reuters reported that Russia withdrew from a deconfliction channel, which the US used Thursday night to warn Russian forces in Syria of the incoming cruise-missile strikes.

    The formal deconfliction agreement only ever concerned jet operations against ostensibly ISIS over Syrian airspace (destroying Syrian infrastructure and murdering civilians more than they strike ISIS), and not missile attacks. Generally most, if not all of the sea-launched missile attacks on ISIS in Iraq and eastern Syria have been launched from the Persian Gulf.

    Although the Jewmedia promotes the White House lie that variously “Putin” or “Russia” was given an hour’s notice, White House studiously does not say just how far in advance this “deconfliction” notice was given to the joint Russian/Syrian operations center. What was it, 10 minutes? 1 minute before launching the Tomahawks?

    No way would the Russian operations center in Syria have actually been informed that the target was al Shayrat, which is also a working RFAF airbase, at least the second-most important one to the Russians and not some derelict, “backwater” airbase out in the desert somewhere.

    All the cowardly Trump White House, Pentagon and CENTCOM did was to use the Russian-US deconfliction mechanism as a subterfuge which is structured for de-conflicting “anti-terrorism” jet operations against ISIS and al Qaeda inside Syria — essentially “We are conducting jet operations against these targets in these locations.”

    Sure. Trump told Putin, close allies of…wait for it …Assad, that we’re about to launch a vicious naval Tomahawk saturation attack from the eastern Med upon this particular exact airbase which happens to be a highly integral hub for all RFAF and SAA military air operations in Syria, not to mention the “degradation and destruction” of as much of the rest of Syrian military infrastructure as possible in central and eastern Syria to strengthen the US’ interests east of the Euphrates, and Vlad was just peachy with that.

    A ’saturation attack’ is a military tactic in which the attacking side hopes to “gain an advantage by overwhelming the defending side’s technological, physical and mental ability to respond effectively.”

    In other words, total destruction of al Shayrat, and other designated airbase and military targets. “Saturation attacks” are usually multi-targeted, there were a lot more Tomahawk launches from the USS Ross and Porter ready to go.

    The armament of each frigate, the Ross and the Porter, includes:

    1 × 29 cell and 1 × 61 cell vertical launching systems with 90 × RIM-156 SM-2, BGM-109 Tomahawk or RUM-139 VL-ASROC missiles.

    These are two of the most advanced USN missile frigates on station with their task force in the eastern Med hooked into the AEGIS system run from CENTCOM, and so there were 180 Tomahawks from the two ships ready for launch at various military targets in Syria before reloading new missile capsules.

    Taking out the al Shayrat airbase was just step one as the largest, undamaged, most fully functional military airbase capable of part of Syrian defenses, first designed and built for military defense against Israel, and now against US aggression, because now the US is also a formally open enemy of the Syrian state, just as Israel is.

    However, the anticipated glorious Shaaawk n Ahhwwwe saturation attack (which sounds jewishly like “shekinah”) had to be aborted because the opening salvos just weren’t as effective as Trump and the Pentagon had hoped. Syria is not poor beaten down Iraq or Libya. Syria has teeth.

    Missile telemetry and other military electronic intelligence would have very early told CENTCOM that only 23 of the 60 initially launched (out of 180 presumably prepped to go in the first round of salvos meant to cripple Syrian military infrastructure) reached their targets at al Shayrat.

    That’s a success rate of about 30%, not the ideal probability of more like a 70% chance that any one Tomahawk gets through to strike it’s target.

    And I know that this was a multi-targeted event, because Syrian social and independent Syrian media reported that an unknown number of Tomahawk missiles targeted and destroyed an SAA ammo depot at Qarqalas town located on the road between Palmyra and Homs some miles away from al Shayat Airbase. It was not just due to “collateral damage” from the airbase, it was a separate military target.

    Meaning, the SAA, assisted by Russia, at least in terms of electronic counter-measures, put up a pretty stiff ant-missile defense from the moment of launch of the first salvos of the saturation assault — starting with the first Tomahawk which hit the drink shortly after it was launched from one of the frigates, leaving 59 airborn, right down to the six SAA Air Defense martyrs of the airbase’s missile battery and gatling squadrons.

    Where did the other 39 Tomahawks go? (Well maybe 37 now, since one or two probably struck the above mentioned SAA ammo depot located between Homs and the base).

    By the way, ever since the Israeli Jews made their attack on a Syrian military base near Palmyra, also in central Syria during an SAA counteroffensive against ISIS, the SAA has been on high alert, and pulled “a few things out of storage” to enhance combat readiness and prepare to deal with the enemy (-ies, since the Zionist entity and the US are joined at the hip like a pair of conjoined twins. In the Judeo-Christian war religion, it is Israel from whom all blessings flow).

    Let us not forget, Syria and Israel are still in a technical state of war since the 1980s, and since April 7 about 9 pm, now with the United States of Israel itself.

    And, the USS Ross naval task force after arriving on station in the eastern Med just before the Tomahawk launches, reported to CENTCOM that they were “ready and waiting for orders” meaning they were in combat mode. Moreover, the USN issued a sea navigation closure to civil authorities between Cyprus and the mainland which occurs only if their are naval training exercises, or if the US is preparing for war operations.

    With all of the “safe zone/no fly zone” bellicosity going on in DC, I’m sure the Syrians and the Russians had their suspicions from the behavior of the USS Ross task force and were on alert.

    Zero Hedge reported a few hours before the Tomahawk assault:

    “The Pentagon has briefed President Trump on various military options the US can conduct in response to the poison gas attack in Syria that killed scores of civilians, and which Washington has blamed on the Syrian government, a U.S. official told Reuters.

    Options include things like implementing a “no fly zone” or grounding aircraft used by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, an official quoted by Reuters said.

    Another option also includes the use of Tomahawk cruise missiles to overwhelm Russian air defense systems used by the Syrian military. The official did not comment on how likely military action might be which, if any, options might be recommended by the Pentagon.

    According to the Intercept, this would be a “saturation strike” using dozens of cruise missiles designed to hit Syrian military targets —including military air fields — in an effort to limit future Syrian Air Force attacks on rebel positions, according to the two U.S. military officials.

    Among the valid military targets in Syria would be Syrian military airfields, air defenses and other types of Syrian military installations. The official played down the idea that Russian military infrastructure might be a target.”

    No doubt, the RFAF and SyAAF were prepped and ready to go on a moment’s notice, and perhaps started moving their jets the minute the USS Ross task force announced they were on station. Using the combat technique of Minimum Interval Takeoff, the Russian and Syrian jets take off in 15 or 20 second intervals and empty the airbase in just a few minutes. The SyAAF left behind 6 or 8 non-functional aircraft.

    As soon as the first Tomahawk was lit up and on the way after launch, the SyAAF and RFAF still had about 15 minutes to scramble their jet squadrons from any Syrian airbases along the general trajectory of the tomahawks.

    So Trump and the Pentagon bastards tried to be sneaky, and surely lied to Russian military command in Syria about their target coordinates. Particularly so, since al Shayrat military base has always been in the government-held area of central Syria without interruption, and a defensible distance from the various fronts.

    Yes, Vlad. We’ll be launching a saturation attack on al Shayrat airbase right in the middle of the hated Assad’s very secure government controlled zone as a photo op assault, but don’t worry, we’ll avoid where the Russians are garrisoned.

    There is no way that the Russian command in Syria would have given permission to a full on Tomahawk saturation assault against the Syrian military airbase, which is extremely vital to Syrian and Russian logistics and operations.

    Al-Shayrat is located in central Syria and is one of, if not the most, important military air base central hub for both Syrian and Russian ongoing air combat operations in Palmyra, Deir Ezzor, Hama, and Idlib as well as other fronts. Al-Shayrat with its 40 aircraft shelters and capability to handle up to 100 combat jets is very important nexus for the SAA’s operations in central and eastern Syria.

    Moreover, pursuant to an agreement signed between Damascus and Moscow some time ago, al-Shayrat is in the process of base defense upgrades to accommodate expansion of its Sukhoi22 squadron as well as for MIG 29’s replacing the antiquated MIG 23’s.

    Al-Shayrat has fought off terrorist assaults against it for six years. It has run continuous SAA air operations from Syria’s government-held “safe zone” since the start of the war against Assad, although other parts of Hom governate were under ISIS’ control.

    The SyAAF and RFAF operations going on for the past three weeks to lift the al Qaeda/Nusra seige of the Orthodox Christian city of Mhardeh and push back the ISIS offensive from Hama governate are conducted out of Al-Shayrat. Hama governate is largely Orthodox Christian, and Christians form at least a plurality in Homs governate.

    Happily, Mhardeh was declared liberated yesterday after a very major counteroffensive to push ISIS back.

    However, Christians in one village a couple of miles away from the airbase were casualties in Trump’s airstrike. So not only does he kill children to save the children, he kills Christians to save the Christians. Sounds like continuity of the same antichrist neocon Judeo-Christian continuity of PNAC war policy which the evil monkey, George Bush kicked off in 2003 in the war against Iraq.

    Moreover, the weekly military transport of weapons and supplies to ISIS-besieged Deir Ezzor military airbase, and humanitarian aid to besieged Deir Ezzor city flies out of al-Shayrat.

    To save face over the absolute failure of the Tomahawk saturation assault and the first stage the destruction of one of the most important airbases in Syria by an army which mostly used 80s Soviet era S200 (but souped up to the max) defensive weapons and technology against the latest and most advanced Tomahawks in service in the Aegis System, Trump and his Mar-a-Lago yacht of fools, and the castrated Tillerson as mouthpiece blustered, “It’s a one time operation”.

    That would be a wise thing. And, I read that the US has seriously stepped down its air operations since Russia suspended the deconfliction agreement and mechanism.

    Since the US government declared war on Syria by its actions, and is now the official enemy of the Syrian state, I believe it was yesterday that a US military recon aircraft penetrated into the area around Palmyra, the Syrians locked their targeting, and fired their anti-aircraft defenses at it.

    Well, Trump the lifelong militarist went Full Necon. And so much for Trump’s botched photo op shekinah-glory hallelujah amen bombing in Syria. I’m sure that it must have occurred to someone in the Pentagon that Russia and Syria wound up with a treasure trove of military intelligence and data concerning AEGIS measures and counter-measures under actual combat conditions.

    Where did those pesky missing 39 (or 37) Tomahawks go? As the Russian MOD said, “Who knows where they landed”. In the Mediterranean sea, maybe?

    @Ted. I did find Syrian independent journalist on Twitter who obtained a nighttime cellphone recording from a citizen some miles away from the airbase showing the inbound Tomahawks at a distance with the furious sound of gatlings and anti-missile batteries firing at the incoming Tomahawks.

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