Trio who played Shania Twainuntil early hours in court after neighbours make 21 complaints

  • Group regularly played loud music until 3.30am – and neighbour Chris Hannah had to get up at 6am for work
  • Trio sang songs through his letterbox and posted through flowers from his garden
  • Tara Robson – one of the group – told court: ‘We never realised we were noisy neighbours’

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 8:23 AM on 3rd February 2012

Neighbours not impressed much: Noisy group belted out Shania Twain songs so loudly it caused light fittings to shake

Neighbours not impressed much: Noisy group belted out Shania Twain songs so loudly it caused light fittings to shake

Noisy neighbours belted out the hits of Shania Twain so loudly that it caused the light fittings of nearby homes to shake.

Leah Francis, Tara Robson and Daniel Hewitt played ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’ until the early hours of the morning, Newcastle Magistrates’ Court heard.

Fed up of the constant music, shouting and screaming that came from the house, neighbours in Heaton, Newcastle, made 21 complaints to the authorities in just four months.

Neighbour, Chris Hannah, finally snapped during a rowdy house party on June 24 last year, and called a noise technician to visit the property.

In a 10-minute period he heard stamping feet, howls of laughter, chants of ‘What are you talking about?’ and singing of ‘Ms Dynamite’.

The vibrations from the stereo and stamping feet were so loud that they shook the light fittings in Mr Hannah’s ground floor flat.

In a statement read by prosecutor Joanne Bagshaw, for the city council, senior technician Ian Smith said: ‘I attended the property and as I approached I noticed the windows of the flat above were open.

‘I could hear loud music coming from inside and I could see a male at the window.

‘A noise abatement notice had already been served on those inside.

‘At 12.30am, from the complainant’s living room, I could hear females screaming, banging doors and the scraping of furniture.’

When he knocked on the front door at 1am, Mr Smith heard someone inside shout: ‘Daniel, Daniel, there’s someone at the front door.’

The noise disappeared and he could hear hushed talking from inside the living room.

Mrs Bagshaw told the court: ‘Mr Hannah is a recruitment manager and has to go to work at 6am.

‘He was regularly disturbed until 3am in the morning and this affected his ability to work.’

And in one incident, flowers were torn from the garden and posted through the letter box of neighbour Mr Hannah after he made a complaint.

Council documents state: ‘At about 3.30am on Sunday 26th June 2011 the complainant was awoken by his neighbours shouting and screaming a song through his letterbox.

‘Flowers were then pulled from a garden and pushed through his letter box.

‘The defendants then went upstairs to their flat and continued shouting and screaming and stamping on the floor.’

Now the trio’s antics have landed them in court where they were handed fines and court costs totaling more than £1,000.

Robson, 24, and Hewitt, 23, both pleaded guilty to breaching a noise abatement order.

They were both fined £100 with a £15 victim surcharge and ordered to pay £218 costs.

Francis, 26, from Hackney, London, failed to attend the hearing and said she was in Leeds attending a job interview.

She was given a £150 fine and ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge and costs of £218.

Stereos, DVD players and televisions were also seized and council chiefs have secured an order from Newcastle magistrates to destroy the noise-making equipment.

In a statement read out to court, Robson said: ‘I can’t apologise enough to Chris Hannah.

‘It was not intentional or malicious and we never realised we were noisy neighbours.

‘However, we can’t be more sorry.’

Coun Stephen Lambert, deputy cabinet member for community safety and regulation said: ‘We are pleased with this latest prosecution which sends out a clear message to those who break the law that this is not acceptable.

‘Noise continues to be a major concern for local residents and the city council will continue to take action against anyone who is responsible.’

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By ‘eck, Shania Twain, well I certainly would, given the chance……………………….Well I can dream can’t I?

Welcome to chav Britain.

Not the subject of the story I know, but I have to say – she really is a babe isn’t she?

I have a feeling these lo-life are tenants – next step is getting ’em evicted and put out into the street. They clearly deliberately tormented their neighbours, thought their nasty evil behaviour was a real hoot, and apologies in court were simply as advised by their Counsel, who I have no doubt were legal aid funded.

I bet if we seen pictures of them all, there would be two unemployed chavettes and one camp as christmas guy.

My next door neighbour used to play Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush over and over again, so loudly that it could be heard in the next street. Very luckily for me she moved out but it does make me wonder why some people are so oblivious to the fact that not everyone else may like it or purposely make their neighbours lives a misery.

The worst is when you have someone who crams stadium size speakers into a small apartment, the ones with the throbbing bass that create a dull pounding vibration for 100 yards in either direction. You can’t even hear the rest of the tune, just that bass that insinuates itself into your nervous system. Live near someone like that long enough and it really does affect your mental state. I had one neighbor who alternated between that and playing games with his surround sound system which created sudden and jolting bomblike explosions, just when you thought it had finally gone quiet.. And the great thing is, with his $4000.00 worth of electronic toys, never saw him go to work a day he was living here.

‘It was not intentional or malicious and we never realised we were noisy neighbours.
And if you believe that, you’ll believe anything. They knew exactly what they were doing or did the flowers go through the letterbox on their own?
Having suffered a similar neighbour, fining these fools was definitely not enough and their apologies I am certain, were simply to lighten the punishment and nothing else.

‘ –‘flowers were torn from the garden and posted through the letter box…’–: ‘At about 3.30am on Sunday 26th June 2011 the complainant was awoken by his neighbours shouting and screaming a song through his letterbox.—-But Chris Hannah says ‘It was not intentional or malicious…’_____Seriously?

The DM should dig some more dirt and do a proper ‘naming and shaming’ of lowlife like this. That would be more of a deterrent than anything the pathetic courts hand out!

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