Transcending Materialism

1. There is plenty of evidence that those who believe that only matter exists tend to have a limited understanding of what is “real” and “unreal”. In other words, those who actually limit what fits within “reality” are in fact blocking their ability to explore those things that may seem impossible at first glance but may in fact not be (alternate realities, black holes, and the bending of time and space all come to mind). A good scientist will consider any possibility, even the most outrageous one, as a fair ground for experimentation and consideration. A bad scientists will ab-initio proclaim that only X is the accepted framework of study and nothing else can or should be considered.

The social consequence of accepting this type of approach to the world is that we not only stifle creativity, we also become much more prone to despair and defeatism.

This “openness” doesn’t mean that we simply accept any crazy theory on “hope” nor that we are necessarily open to anything beyond the pale of common sense, it simply means that we are interested in creative ways of approaching problems and arriving at functioning solutions without placing restrictive notions that may block our path. A great example of this way of seeing things put into action can be observed in the scientific breakthroughs of the Third Reich. I strongly suggest that readers follow up and study this period in history so that you discover all of the amazing things that were achieved at the time, all thanks to a less restrictive/dogmatic approach to scientific thinking.

2. Materialism is utilitarian. In other words, materialists view matter itself as either a vessel or as a piece of a puzzle. Things are either constructed for the sake of servicing a mechanism or to literally function for the benefit of another material entity. Almost all architecture that has been inspired or developed by materialists is horrendously functional. All you have to do is drive around your town and most structures will fit this description. They either function as a place to sell things, store things, or store yourself. They express no true passion because these buildings are seen as simple utilities. On the other hand, every single wonder of the world, and almost every single achievement done in the realms of art, literature and architecture, was done for the sake of a transcendental objective.

In other words, most of our ancestors were expressing a sense of mystical awe at the universe, at the forces animating it, and our place within said cosmos. It wasn’t ignorance, it was a true expansive and healthy awe at the magnitude of the universe. All of it was done holding the perspective that we are part of a larger drama, or at the very least that our consciousness can transcend what appears to be our own material existence.

3. Matter appears to be finite. Those who believe that they are themselves only tangible matter have no real reason to accept death as only a ‘transition’ into a different existence (or at the very least as simply another experience within a larger scheme of things). Death is final as far as consciousness is concerned and therefore “life is the greatest indulgence and death the greatest abstinence” (as the circumcised founder of the Church of Satan would say). It is then an obvious incongruity to fight wholeheartedly for others (or an idea) since realistically this fight will have no true personal benefit in the grand scheme of things. Preferring “death before dishonor” when you are holding unto this psycho-dynamic makes absolutely no sense. The only logical thing to do, if life is simply a personal playground in which death is a horrific “game over“, is to enjoy the most of it without any real concern for anything but yourself and those that entertain you. Only those things that annoy or disturb your pleasure (or that can distract you away from sloth) are worth fighting for, but only so far as it doesn’t really involve your own personal discomfort or threaten your life. This is the reason why most American soldiers can’t be a match for dedicated and fanatical Muslim warriors, unless they have robots and computers doing some advance killing on their behalf. Is it really that difficult to figure out why Crusaders, Legionaries, Vikings, Mujaheddin, SS Men, and Samurais (all of different spiritual paths) were superior than all modern materialist soldiers combined?

4. Nation, Race, and Tradition become transitory concepts that can easily be manhandled in any direction for the sake of personal convenience. There is simply no real reason why I can’t act in a way that would dishonor my forebears, since they are all dead and have simply no true sense of “shame”. The whole idea of tradition is simply ridiculous within this materialistic conception of life because biologically speaking the influence of the past is already here, in our bodies, and it simply has no relation to their so-called “moral constructs”. Basically, the past is literally dead and the future as well. A person who thinks in this very limited way is an easy target for environmental arguments on interpersonal relationships, psychoanalysis, and the progressive view of history (a type of evolutionary secular eschatology) that so many of our enemies love to preach. On the other hand, ancestral worship has always been the raison d’tre of our whole traditional culture.  We felt compelled to appease and honor our forebears because they had never actually left us.

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