Tracy Davis MP Minister for Communities & Child Safety Budget Statement

Note: I am yet to see a child protection minister that could be trusted, and Queensland Department of Community Services is one of the most evil, corrupt, callous and clueless child protection departments on the map.

Three sisters shared blame for their rapes: Qld Child Safety Minister Tracy Davis

You could start by auditing Toowoomba South DoCS and Toowoomba North DoCS, as well as taking the regional manager of North Queensland DoCS and his corrupt buddies behind a building and lining them up in front of a firing squad for the irrepairable damage they have done to countless familes.

Too many evil banshees to mention and I would be surprised if there was one DoCS office in Qld that isn’t abusing children and their families but hey, they been doing it for generations so why stop now hey.

DoCS Qld Minister Covers Up Rape of Child in their Care by Blaming Foster Parent


Anyway, apparrantly they are trying to do something about it so here is Tracey Davis’ speal on how she will wave her magic wand and stop them DoCS Qld from kidnapping and murdering babies. If we go by the minister’s track record on parenting, no one would be losing their kids. The minister has two kids, one a drunk and the other a drug addict, and now she wants to ruin the lives of your children too, and who is to stop her???

This week, the Treasurer handed down the 2014–15 State Budget. This year’s Budget carefully balances increases in community services, health and education spending, without introducing or raising any new taxes or reducing services.

Importantly, the Queensland Government has announced it will continue to support our most vulnerable, committing to fully fund and support the range of concessions available to our pensioners and seniors.

As part of our ongoing child protection reforms, I announced with the Premier the largest ever commitment to support vulnerable families of any Queensland Government. Over the next five years, an additional $406 million has been committed to implement the recommendations from the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry.

Our government accepted all of the 121 recommendations from the Inquiry, with six in principle, and this funding will kick start the program of reform across the state.

The first $25 million has been committed for this financial year and will include improved early intervention and prevention, as well as new frontline services and supports.

In addition to these funds, $6.5 million will go towards employing more than 70 new child safety officers to address workloads and assist in the vital reform work.

Once again, the Budget includes an increase in funding for Disability Services ahead of Queensland’s transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This extra funding will go towards boosting frontline services, giving greater support to Queenslanders with a disability, their families and carers.

The Budget also delivers innovative disability accommodation solutions, crucial ahead of the transition to the NDIS.

We are investing in upgrading and building new housing for people with disability. This includes continuing the third year of the Elderly Parent Carer Innovation Trial, as well as funding of $6.6 million over two years, to deliver accommodation for people with a disability for whom other housing options are not sustainable.

Further Disability Service funding will go towards assisting 300 young adults who are leaving school; up to 64 young adults with disability leaving the care of the state; and up to 27 people with spinal cord injuries to leave the Princess Alexandra Hospital and return to community living.

Frontline services across my portfolio will also be boosted through red tape reforms, which are expected to cut the cost of doing business for funded organisations by approximately $2.6 million.

The Budget also provides for the third round of the popular Caring for our Community small grants program; below you will read about the successful recipients from round two of the program.

For more information about the 2014–15 State Budget visit:

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The 2014–15 Budget delivers on the government’s strong plan for a brighter future, as well as revitalising frontline services to support some of Queensland’s most vulnerable.

Tracy Davis MP
Minister for Communities & Child Safety

Source Article from

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