Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, global disease – if you’re so inclined, there’s no shortage of major issues to fret about these days.
Still, a new poll finds that the catastrophic event Americans are most likely to be worried about is economic collapse.
The pollsters asked Americans to choose the top three catastrophic events that worry them the most. The top choice was “economic collapse,” with 63 percent choosing that option.
Natural disaster was second, at 46 percent, and terrorist attack ranked third at 44 percent.
Market research firm Leiflin Inc. asked the question on behalf of the EcoHealth Alliance, a conservation group that also works on global disease issues. One-third of the people surveyed said a global disease outbreak was one of their top three worries.
The poll of about 1,000 Americans, conducted this fall, had a margin of error of 3 percent.
The pollsters did not specify whether they were referring to global or national economic collapse. Still, after four years of very difficult economic times, it’s no surprise economic worries are top of mind for many Americans.
Your grocery bill is getting higher, and higher
It’s the economy, not the debt, stupid
Results with 104 short comments
Environmental collapse (huge changes in temperature or moisture, crop failures, Gulf Stream slowing, sea level rise)
With alldebt build up by federal, states, cities. foreign countries etc I feel things are not looking good.
We will NEVER be able to repay our debt and it will be over $20 TRILLION within 5 years. What is this government thinking?
No Kidding? It’s no if but when.
If the economy collapses, the banks and elite win – a wiped out middle class, repossessed homes… total asset transfer!
Economic collapse is most worrisome because having Democrats in our government makes it most likely to happen.
After TARP, we still have the same problems: banks too big to fail, lenders gouging people, jobs going overseas, pols on the take.
Total federal, state, and local debt load which is probably close to $100 trillion dollars is going to strangle us.
Paying off my house.
Christian conservatives. and tea party idiots.
We have now seemed to have achieved total corruption in Congress. Money is buying influence and nobody in is doing a thing to stop it
I fear the social unrest that will come with the collapse of the economy.
i’m facing retirement in 10 yrs. i need to have security in retirement. i’m thinking of moving overseas just to live at my current level
Personal health (yes – I have good insurance – just not good health)
Isn’t it always about the economy? folks vote with their wallets. If the economy is strong then everything else is fixable.
My thinking is that unfair underpayment of workers is shrinking the economy. The rich don’t realize they are sabotaging themselves.
Do not want to experience a “Great Depression”. Extreme climate change is also a concern.
If you worry about it you will make it happen. Relax and have a beer for goodness sake.
Terrorist attack is very unlikely. Natural disaster won’t be everywhere. But if we don’t contain the economic fault lines, we are doomed.
The GOP/Bush recession was horrible would have been worse without Obama as Pres. The past 2 yrs the GOP simply says NO. Don’t reward GO
debt is the final nail in the economic coffin. A total lack of fiscal discipline is damaging our society terribly.
Nothing, I have faith in my Savior JESUS Christ!
Once all homes are 4closed and all workers are unemployed, how will the rich remain rich? Where will their profits come from?
I’m mostly worried about making it through Armageddon.
As long as obama is president, we are at serious risk of becoming insolvent.
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