1727 CE-1755 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Jacob Frank’s family, when he was one yer old, followed the perverted fake messiah Sabbatai Zevi and were part of the sect that had sucked in 50% of the world’s self-proclaimed Jews. But the whole family was force to leave Poland driven out by other jews and a government that found their beliefs repulsive and abusive. They settled in Vallachia, in the Ottoman Empire. Frank grew up exposed to the local Sabbatian Cabalistic teachings that said Mosses Ten Commandments must be broken often as possible to reach redemption and the g-d they believed in – Satan. Frank learned the Ladino Turkic-Mongol languages of the area, including the Khazar converts to Talmudic rabbinic beliefs found in the Balkans and he also knew some Hebrew, but likely did not know much Yiddish yet.
1755 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Jacob Frank moved to Poland proclaiming he was a Sabbatian Messiah, Frank probably didn’t know much Polish or Yiddish, but within a couple of years, he became the most influential figure of the rebellion against traditional Torah and Rabbinic Judaism in Poland. Frank moved to Poland (not Palestine) believing it fulfilled the fate of the world for Ashkenazis and he called it ‘walking to Esau’, implying he was like Jacob and his brother Esau of the Old Testament, which he otherwise detested. Frank told gullible Ashkenazis that his task was to fulfil Jacob’s promise of a new home for the Jews. But basically Frank just rehashed what Cabalistic (or Kabbalah rules) his predecessors claimed, but he applied it to Poland calling it going to Esau or Edom to link to Polish Ashkenazis past thinking. He told his followers “Poland holds all that is good in this world”. So he sold Poland as the new “Promised Land” to gain local supporters. He rejected the ancient idea of returning to Palestine – a concept hardly acceptable in traditional Jewish culture, but Palestine was pushed by the Rothschilds Crime Syndicate as a way to set up a state to control the resources of the Middle East and all east-west trade through the Suez Canal, especially oil. Like the Rothschilds MOB today Frankist main ideas ignore and defy the Old Testament Torah and Moses and the Ten Commandments. He taught perverted sexual activities and perverted rituals and wanted his followers to sin as often as possible. He old used the parts of the Talmud that were consistent with the Cabalistic teachings. He taught “unrestrained life” or NO RULES which means “If it feels good to you do it,” including complete sexual freedom including incest, homosexuality, orgies, sex with animals, and immoral business practices. A famous incident that catapulted Frank’s Polish career was a private house gathering of his followers and Frank dancing around a naked woman, kissing her breasts and worshipping her. Frank’s sect was notorious for sexual promiscuity, accused of adultery and engaging in perverted sax rituals. Frank told his followers that sex perversions were done to emancipate women. Beyond sexual perversions, including displayed sex acts with his daughter, Frank also taught Blood-Sacrifices as displayed in famous Polish paintings of the time. Frank taught that conversion to Catholicism was simply a step on the Road to the Satanic Messiah and redemption.
1757 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — During Frank’s brutal fight with the Orthodox rabbis, he pulled what can be seen as his most ruthless and successful trick in an attempt to discredit the rabbis-Talmudists. Frank accused them of engaging in a ritual involving the blood of Christians, a trick the earlier Sabbatians had also used. After the dispute, thousands of Talmud copies were burnt on the main square in Kamieniec, and also Orthodox Jews were widely persecuted. Oddly, at the end the protector of the Sabbatians, Bishop Dembowski, died, perhaps from the stress. Frank resorted to blood libel as a way of gaining the power and support of the Polish Catholic elite. But Frank and his crowd of perverts were forever lost to Judaism – there was no return, all bridges were burnt.
1759 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Frank led his followers on a mass conversion to Christianity, a thing unseen in Poland any time before or after. But they continued to practice Frankist perversions and sex rituals against the Ten Commandments.
1759 CE-1760s CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Frankists strived not to inter-marry with Polish families and took great care to cultivate their own perverted religious tradition. But by 1850s CE Frankists began merging with Polish aristocrats and royalty. This was also done because Frankists were accused of insincere conversion to Catholicism and simulating integration, while in fact they were cultivating their Jewish separatism and following perverted sexual practices and rituals. Assimilation was one way to leave that behind.
1760 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Franks influence peaked as he and his followers entering Warsaw were arrested. The purpose of the temporary detention was for the Catholic Church to reduce Frank’s influence among his followers. But Frank remained in prison for the next 13 years. During his time in prison Frank developed his final doctrine. Frank was forced to attend all Holy Catholic masses and festivities and the cult surrounding the Virgin Mary who was actually painted as the Black Madonna that attracted thousands of pilgrims from throughout the whole of Poland. Frank found this fascination with Mary to be like the Shekhinah female element of g-d in the Kabbalah. Frank felt the worship of Mary was the reason he was forced to stay in prison and it became the central element of Frank’s new doctrine and weirdly this Mother of God idea was imposed on Frank’s daughter Ewa Frank who he sexually manipulated as he pleased.
1772 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Frank was released from prison for the first time in 13 years, and in 1773 CE he left Warsaw and Poland and never returned. Frank moved to the Moravian town of Brno, and recorded a series of esoteric lectures in written form by his followers and called the final result, “The Collection of the Words of the Lord (g-d)” and it remains one of the most peculiar rantings of any document in all of Polish literature. Shortly after writing the book, Frank left Brno to stay in a castle in Offenbach am Main, a city in Hesse, Germany where Rothschilds number one source of funding came from the richest aristocracy in Germany, and part of the Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban area. Frank spent many years interacting with these criminals until he died in 1791 CE. He was likely funded by the Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt (1567 CE-1806 CE) rulers and the Rothschilds and Jacob Frank interacted with family and its close advisor the Rothschilds and Johann Adam Weishaupt a German professor, and founder of the Order of the Illuminati, a secret society. He was at the House of Hesse castle during the formation of the Illuminati and when Hesse sent mercenaries to assist the British in the American Revolution and during the planning for the French Revolution.
1780 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Frank’s followers that converted to Catholicism had a major impact in Warsaw, where the vast majority of Frankists settled and around 6 thousand multiplied to 24 thousand in ten years. Since Frankists could maximize their sins many of them used immoral and unethical methods to secure their economic positions. This included businessmen, lawyers, and factory owners who dominated many field of business, like breweries, distilleries and the tobacco monopoly. Many became part of the Freemasons and other secret organizations. The vast majority of Warsaw’s lawyers in the 1830s CE came from Frankist families. They also came to dominate universities.
1800s CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — 19th-century drawing of the skull of Jacob Frank, is on display at the Jewish Historical Institute (ŻIH) in Warsaw, Poland. Jacob Frank was the Key to Polish Culture applying his perverted Sabbatian philosophy of Maximized Sins. Frank was a member of this Sabbatian sect and he was a Heretic to most humans of the time. Jacob Frank from Podolia (Today part of Ukraine) changed the face of Polish Romantic literature. He led thousands of Jews to convert to Catholicism — Largest in Polish history.
1812 CE-1859 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Zygmunt Krasiński, one of the greatest Polish Romantic poets wrote the Un-Divine Comedy. This play was an Anti-Frankist Drama that completely uncovered the fake Frankist conversion to Catholicism and continued the Frankist perversions and maximized SINS against humanity. Frankist beliefs are exactly the same philosophy that the Rothschilds Crime Syndicate employed to build its $500+ TRILLION fraudulent wealth and pathetic to ONE WORLD ORDER DICTATORSHIP! Krasiński recognized the Frankist as a Ashkenazi tribe whose beliefs and tactic are dangerous and criminal including their sexual perversions and extreme sinning. She saw Fankists as “a separate tribe, full of the strangest superstition, but in the end, believing in nothing,” but unlimited sins against humanity. Krasiński’s masterpiece, The Un-Devine Comedy” is still read in school today. Krasiński recognized the apocalyptic vision of a revolution which creates a NEW WORLD ODER DICTATORSHIP with the crushing the other races by ultra-conservative Ashkenazi criminals like the Rothschilds MOB. She uncovers their hate of others and their desire to destroy much of humanity that follows a positive moral and ethical path. She characterizes the worst and most dangerous as the ”so-called” converts who are seen as pretending to believe in the Ten Commandments and instead maximized their SINS scheming against their fellow citizens. Krasiński’s ideas help to verify the horrible Protocols of the Elders of Zion that has been verified by many sources including winning a court case.
1848 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Mickiewicz formulated a draft of the new Polish Constitution Skład zasad. Mickiewicz’s vision of a common Polish-Jewish fate believing The New Jewish Homeland is Poland. This Polish-Jew brotherhood remains a remarkable and unparalleled moment in the history of Polish culture. One of the most mysterious, as well as the most famous, quotations from Polish literature comes from the Romantic epic poem by Adam Mickiewicz. He pointed to the secrets of the number 40 and 4 as the possible Jewish roots of Poland’s most legendary soothsayer.
2011 CE: Frank is portrayed as a skillful politician and a possible religious charlatan in the Polish 2011 movie DAAS directed by Adrian Panek (there is another one so include Panek in any search). The movie is a Low-key philosophically pregnant movie and not in English.
2014 CE: JACOB FRANK CALLING POLAND THE NEW JERUSALEM AND PREACHING THE PERVERTED A CODE OF ANTI-MOSES & MAXIMIZED SINS OPPOSITE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! — Media hyped opening at the Polin Museum in Warsaw of a 900 page Novel by Polish best-selling author Olga Tokarczuk sell 70,000 copies in two months – an impressive result considering the book’s content is regarding complicated debates between the Orthodox Jewish rabbis and a small Frankist Sabbatian sect from Podolia — It offers an unorthodox truer history of Poland and the fascinating figure of Jacob Frank and his influence on Polish culture far surpasses what the popular opinions on this subject suggest. Frank is credited with greatest breach attack on Judaism leading thousands to mass convent to Catholic-ism. But far more than that Frank provoked a massive degrading of Judaic morals and ideology in history.
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