Thuli Madonsela: South Africa’s anti-corruption watchdog raises the nation’s hopes

Officially known as the Public Protector, or by her children as “South Africa’s Tattletale”, her office was enshrined in the 1994 constitution she helped to draft when apartheid ended and the ANC came to power. But its work was largely unheard of until Miss Madonsela took over the post, since two predecessors rarely bared their teeth.

Now this quietly-spoken 49 year-old woman, a teacher and lawyer by training who grew up in Soweto township, has become one of the most significant figures in South Africa, respected by millions of ordinary people whose lives are blighted by corruption and failure in local and national government.

“We are encouraging members of the public to come forward with information that will help us expose maladministration in our country,” she said this week.

“We are required by the constitution to make sure government officials are accountable. Most importantly we want restore justice in each case that we deal with.”

She was first catapulted into the headlines last year with a damning preliminary report about police chief Bheki Cele’s “illegal” green-lighting of an expensive new police headquarters.

A week later, her office was raided by crime intelligence officers, reportedly looking for documents Miss Madonsela had refused to allow Mr Cele to see.

She was invited by a minister linked to the controversial deal to “revisit” her initial findings, but refused. It was then suggested to newspapers that she might soon be arrested, on charges of alleged corruption in a previous job.

At this stage, Miss Madonsela might have been forgiven for choosing something less contentious on which to focus. Instead, she convened a press conference to denounce the “mischievous” allegations and vowed to continue her probe of Mr Cele and his colleagues.

“We will not be side-tracked from our duties in fulfilling our constitutional mandate and I myself will not stop speaking truth to power,” she said.

Mr Cele was subsequently sacked – and since then, South Africans of all colours and classes have beaten a path to her door to ask for her spotlight to be shone on dubious government dealings, both great and small.

Such action is needed more than ever in today’s South Africa, where the gulf between rich and poor has widened and impatience among those worst affected is growing at the slow pace of change.

Each year, an estimated quarter of annual state spending, around £2.3bn, is wasted through maladministration and graft.

“Tenderpreneurship” – the practice of getting rich either by bogus government contracts or dispensing them for kickbacks – is rife; one third of government departments have awarded deals to companies owned by officials or their families.

Ferial Haffajee, editor of the campaigning City Press newspaper, said the ANC had failed to anticipate the extent to which its members would be seduced by the trappings of office, and had too often turned a blind eye.

“Thuli Madonsela is probably the person in this country in whom most hope is currently placed,” she said.

This weekend, Miss Madonsela features in a BBC documentary entitled Corruption Crusader. Among examples the programme focuses on is Vinindwa Primary School.

When it opened its doors in South Africa’s rural Eastern Cape five years ago, it promised a brighter future to hundreds of local children. But it still has no desks or chairs, its students must study on the floor – and its numbers are falling steadily. Teachers have given up asking education officials where the money for the furniture went.

In the past, frustrations over a dearth of such basics would invariably boil over into violent protests, where roads would be blocked with burning tyres and angry residents would clash with riot police outside their local councillors’ surprisingly luxurious homes.

But now, many turn instead to Miss Madonsela.

In Braamfischerville, on the outskirts of Soweto, she picks her way gingerly around a river of sewage on her way to visit community activists. She appears slightly out of place, immaculately turned out as she is in cork wedges, Givenchy sunglasses and a Hermes ostrich skin handbag balanced over an outstretched forearm.

Yet this township is where she grew up, and she is a frequent visitor to some of South Africa’s poorest communities – where her reputation ensures she draws large crowds to town hall meetings.

“I don’t remember it being this bad,” she sighs, stepping over a gushing water pipe.

Here, her focus is on council houses which, either through incompetence or indifference, were built on a floodplain. Now, 10 years on, many have sunk into the ground and may have to be demolished. Life is made even less pleasant by the constant stench of overflowing drains.

Miss Madonsela thanks the community for airing their grievances “peacefully” and promptly harangues the local council and sewage company, who have since begun fresh work on the area.

Jeff Radebe, the justice minister, told the programme makers that despite mudslinging by some of his colleagues, the anti-graft watchdog was supported in her work. “We are deeply committed to ensuring that wherever there is corruption, whoever is involved, the law will catch you,” he said.

But he invoked the ANC’s habitual defence, that 40 years of squalid conditions for blacks under apartheid could not be entirely reversed after just 18 years of democracy.

“It will take time and we need the kind of public servants who, when they get into office, realise that their role is not to feed family and friends but to serve the public good,” he said.

For Miss Madonsela, the argument holds weight. But she adds that her role now is not about looking back, but forward.

“I have a sense that if visible action is taken in the areas of local government, that will be a message sent to people that action will be taken so if you’re thinking about it, don’t. There is no impunity.”

Our World: Corruption Crusader by BBC’s Southern Africa Correspondent Karen Allen will be broadcast on BBC World News on 28 and 29 July at 13.30 and 19.30 respectively

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