Those Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy They First Make Drunk

I do not like talking about negative things without giving some kind of constructive resolution, or else it makes me feel like I’m just ‘whining about it’. I’m not going to put on the proverbial Spengler’s cap, since I do not think the situation we are facing in the Western World at this day and age is a case of ‘decadent civilization in the last stages of demise’, as if such an event was a natural and organic process that every civilization should undergo regardless. This civilization’s ‘decadence’ has been created by design, and it is all the work of the Kike Jew, period.

So who’s to blame? Let’s take the example of England. This country has been a Jewish occupied territory since the Rothschilds bought it lock, stock and barrel by the early 19th Century, though I should even go further back, to the times of Oliver Cromwell in the 17th Century to spot the Talmudic infection spreading like a toxic plague. Whatever the case, just look at England now:

Muslims Pray on Parliament Square (Westminster) Photo Breitbart London - Rachel Megawhat
Supermulticulti Londoshitstan: Muslims showing us their gratitude by praying to the Big Ben… really?? Photo: Breitbart London – Rachel Megawhat

As for the rest of us in Europe, as many already know, the final blow was given in April 1945. That fateful year marked the end of our European civilization as we know it; there is very little doubt about it. Though some will argue that this ‘decadence’ is all ‘our fault’, that we are ‘committing suicide’, that this is ‘the price of progress’ and other insipidities of the same calibre. That is what certain people ‘in the know’, who don’t wish to acknowledge the Jewish problem, want us to believe, as if we had not been warned about it in the past.

In a way I can understand why the Third Reich was so unimpressed by some of Spengler’s ideas. It’s like trying to promote the definitive cure to a deadly sickness while doctors, too busy ruminating about the sickness’ dreadful symptoms, are paying no attention to this cure (or putting it in another way ‘it’s better to wallow in one’s own negative opinions’). We know all too well what the sickness is. The cure to ‘decadent civilizations’ is National Socialism as it was clearly demonstrated in the Germany of the 1930s. Let me say this loud and clear: If this civilization was in its ‘final stage’ something like Hitler and National Socialism would have never existed. Our dear ‘Western World’ would have gone the way of the dodo and the sabretooth tiger a long time ago. That should make many pessimistic a mind out there reconsider certain things. But all this is another story altogether.

Have you not spotted the problem yet Goy?
Have you not spotted the problem yet Goy?

I want to talk about this ‘new’ trend known as ‘Drunkorexia’ and the phenomenon of ‘binge-drinking tourism’, which has been hitting the Mediterranean coasts of Europe in the lasts few summers (particularly in the Spanish coasts). It might seem a bit trivial at first to even consider this as ‘material for an article’, but if anyone has bothered checking out the news on these issues, readers will know that what I’m talking about here is not small fries, at least from a perspective of the larger scheme of things. I would even be as daring as saying that this is the final nail in the British coffin, why is that the case?

Text: Young folks shifting cabs for an ambulance ride.
Text: Young folks shifting cabs for an ambulance ride.

Drunkorexia is a colloquialism for self-imposed starvation or binge eating/purging combined with alcohol abuse. [1] The term is generally used to denote the utilisation of extreme weight control methods (such as the aforementioned starvation or purging) as a tool to compensate for planned binge drinking.” – from Wikipedia

The (((Powers That Be))) are making sure that absolutely NOTHING comes out of this generation of young White Britons (both men and women), who are not only being destroyed mentally and physically but also spiritually. These young folks have no future whatsoever and they know it, even if it is only on a subconscious level (in the case of many of them I guess). They have been literally stolen of their country. Everything that belonged to them has been given to parasitical aliens from subhuman countries in the Third World who are not even ‘grateful’ to us, quite the contrary. I should understand their situation if it was not for the fact that these young generations have adopted certain ‘trendy lifestyles’, which in any self-respecting society would have raised the voice of alarm eons ago.

Take this Jewish-created YOLO meme for instance – a deliberate dead-end in itself. What else is there left to be added to the argument? a so-called ‘lifestyle’ (for lack of a better term) that is based on having that kind of hedonistic ‘fun’ above all else, regardless of anything, is deadly poison to the mind, to any mind, no matter the person’s age. ‘Life to be lived to its fullest’ means to make the most of one’s time on this Earth, in essence to leave an imprint in the fabric of existence by good deeds (be it the way it may be) and I don’t mean living like an obedient Christian sheep ‘in fear of God’ precisely (just in case somebody thought I was starting to sound like a priest).

This nihilistic-hedonistic YOLO aberration evidently shows all the symptoms of Jewish brainwashing for the Goyim. It is another ‘existential’ (if I may call it as such) mind-trap. If one looks closely to this trend of self-destruction in which young girls (but also guys now that they are copying female behaviours) starve themselves to death in order to accelerate the effects of over-alcohol ingest, also to theoretically ‘lose weight’ (what a joke), then one can only predict that the perfect explosive cocktail is brewing (no pun intended). Notice I’m disregarding the rest of social problems de rigueur here, be it hard drugs, soft drugs, middle-of-the-road drugs, fast food, junk food, porn-addiction, phone-addiction, TV-addiction, football addiction, game addiction, twitter addiction and the whole nine yards simply because the problem I want to expose here has become literally all too conspicuous in the public eye.

I can only reassure myself in the thought that some of these young White folks will be able to wake up from their stupor someday before it’s too late for them to change course and avoid the huge iceberg coming their way. Unfortunately some others will die in their sorrowful degeneracy, ignorance and confusion, and with them their racial genes. Those will be the ones the Jews (and not the Gods) will have succeeded destroying.

 ‘Let’s have a kristallnacht’. Photo of a failed campaign on alcohol abuse. Source:
‘Let’s have a kristallnacht’. Photo of a failed campaign on alcohol abuse. Source:
The YOLO Generation is a ‘gaily generation’, what fun!. Photo by Tolga Akmen © LNP.
The YOLO Generation is a ‘gaily generation’, what fun!. Photo by Tolga Akmen © LNP.
 ‘It’s game over now baby blue’... but no worries, the Nanny-Police of Westminster will take care of your mess. Photo by Maciej Dakowicz.
‘It’s game over now baby blue’… but no worries, the Nanny-Police of Westminster will take care of your mess. Photo by Maciej Dakowicz.

So one is left like scratching his head wondering: Is this why these young British people do not want to leave the EU? So they can travel on the cheap overseas to indulge themselves in absurd acts of self-debasement and debauchery, binge-drinking themselves to oblivion while locals witness the whole spectacle in a mix of amazement and disgust? So much for the famous ‘English manners’, where are they now? Gone the way of the ‘British Empire’ I figure, that is ‘to the dogs’ (Funny to know that some people still think of the British Empire as something truly ‘British’, but again, that is another story).

Contrary to what readers may think of my sarcasm, I have to insist, I do not feel any enmity towards these young White folks at all. I really feel sorry for them, sincerely. Even if we as humans (supposedly) have ‘free will’ or ‘freedom of choice’ the power of this psychological brainwashing is way too overwhelming for weak impressionable souls not to succumb to it. How many people with great potential must have been ruined beyond redemption by this Jewish-created mind virus made in Hollywood?

Maciej Dakowicz (c) Barcroft Media (3)
Liverpool Carnage Event 2015: Smart-phones for young ladies with nowhere to go. Photo: Stuart Campbell / Mercury Press.
Maciej Dakowicz (c) Barcroft Media (2)
Liverpool Carnage Event 2015: Vomit Chic. Photo: Stuart Campbell / Mercury Press.

It’s easy to feel appalled by drunken young women puking their guts up on a Friday night, as Joanna Lumley says, but you can’t tell teenagers to go and do something more constructive if there’s nowhere for them to go.” Katy Brand / The Telegraph.

That is what this ‘club (sub)culture’ has brought to young people. Seriously, who wants to pay an entrance to a place in which one is going to get ripped off with overpriced drinks, deafened by loud electronic ‘music’ and stifled to nausea by tobacco smoke and other assorted emanations? That without mentioning the spectacle one is forced to witness in such venues (among other things miscegenation, homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism, stupidity and more vomit) all this while left stranded in the dark with nobody to talk to because there is simply no way to talk to anybody with this damned noise. Unless one is drugged out of his/her mind I can’t fathom how anyone can enjoy such a polluted atmosphere. Is it any wonder why so many young people go out in the streets drinking and acting rowdy like little tramps if they have basically no other places to go? (and I’m not necessarily ‘defending them’ for that).

Another unsettling thing in all this miasma is that Whites are not the only beings who ‘party all night long’ in the streets. One of the dangers of going totally out-of-control drunk in the open is that one can be easy pray for predators; one can only guess: feral negros, fiki-fikis and other assorted low IQ creatures of unknown origin, which usually go out in packs when such weekend ‘events’ manifest themselves. No wonder why stories are heard (mostly coming from England) of night rapes in which the victim, in spite of screaming, was not helped by any passersby. I can figure out these pedestrians were way too drunk to even pay any attention. When things like these happen you can call that ‘the end of that civilization’, not for lack of practical solutions necessarily, but for lack of taking any effective action.

All in all I want to make quite clear that I do agree with people who say that blaming rape on binge-drinking means shifting the blame to the victims, but that does not turn binge-drinking itself into a ‘virtuous thing’. Let’s have some balance here. Let’s start taking a bit of responsibility for ourselves, especially for our own bodies.

Fiki-Fikis - Photo Newsteam
It’s a Fiki-Fiki world out there. Never be off-guard. Photo: Caters News Agency.

So this is how things end. In a nihilistic haze of noise, alcoholism, vomit and animal-like promiscuity. Not with tragically heroic deeds, like that of King Leonidas of Sparta in the Battle of Thermopylae when defending his nation from the Persian invaders. Doomsday is going to be brought by feral ‘hedonism’, the sugar-coated poisoned peel that young folks will swallow voluntarily like the good hedonistic sheeple they are. This is the ultimate Trojan Horse, also the ultimate irony of life – Thanks Jews!

I hate to sound repetitious again but it all becomes all the more frustrating when one knows there is actually a very effective solution to all this degeneracy. But I’m not going to repeat myself here like a broken record. I will just tell people to keep it in mind.

Even if now I feel a bit skeptical about the whole Brexit thing, I hope this ‘victory’ reaps the good fruits one way or another, even if in reality one can see through it and guess that there is a much more sinister agenda behind it all. At least these are my personal ‘negative’ thoughts on the issue (I sometimes forget I am, after all, a ‘conspiracy theorist’). Let us hope for the best my beloved Britain.

God Save the (Lizard) Queen’

Meanwhile in another space and time far, far away…


– Girls binge drinking on a Friday night have nothing else to do by Katy Brand (Jan 24, 2013) The Telegraph
– It’s Carnage again! Students go wild as annual booze bash takes over city centres by Anthony Bond (Oct 19, 2015) The Mirror
– Shocking Carnage pictures of boozed-up students causing chaos on the streets of Birmingham by Gareth Roberts (Oct 13, 2014) The Mirror
– Just another quiet night out for Britain’s students: Depressingly familiar pictures show more youngsters taking part in Carnage pub crawls across the UK by Lydia Willgress and Steph Cockroft (Oct 19, 2015) Mail Online
– Halloween turns REALLY scary! Packs of drunken monsters, ghouls and ghosts fight and vomit on the streets of Britain by Jay Akbar (Nov 1, 2015) Mail Online
– Captured on our streets by a foreign lens, shaming images that turned Britain into a laughing stock by Robert Hardman (Sept 21, 2011) Mail Online
– Welcome to binge Britain: Polish photographer documents four years of drunken revelry in Cardiff by Luke Salkeld (May 16, 2009) The Daily Mail
– New Year depressingly familiar scenes: Festivities are marred by drunken revellers causing chaos in towns and cities across Britain by Martin Robinson (January 2, 2014) Mail Online
– Debauchery, Sin and Vomit: St. Mary Street, Cardiff, Wales by Norman Wanman (April 1st, 2009)
– Mallorca Combats Binge-Drinking Tourists by Spiegel Online (Feb 7, 2012)
– Sun, sea and too much sangria: Shameful scenes on the streets of Spain by Tom Worden (March 27, 2013) Mail Online
– Drunkorexia girls starving to drink more by Suellen Hinde and Caroline Marcus (Oct 30, 2011)
– Outrage over government alcohol awareness poster that ‘shifts blame onto rape victims if they drink too much’ by Sophie Jane Evans (July 27, 2014) Mail Online
– History of The House of Rothschild Part 1 (1743-1946) by WorldTruthTV (March 6, 2016)
– Drunkorexia Wikipedia
– Battle of Thermopylae Wikipedia
– The Decline of the West (Der Untergang des Abendlandes) by Oswald Spengler (1922)
– The Jews and The British Empire by L.Fry (1935)

Source Article from

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