Third major trade union urges members to vote No on fiscal treaty referendum

Third major trade union urges members to vote No on fiscal treaty referendum


Image: Rudo de Ruijter,

See also: European Action against ESM
A third major trade union has come out against the European fiscal compact and will urge its 40,000 members to vote No in the referendum.

The Technical Engineering and Electrical Union (TEEU) executive has followed Unite and Mandate in opposition to tighter EU controls on domestic budget rules.

Eamon Devoy, TEEU general secretary, said the decision to call a No vote was not taken lightly.

“It is becoming increasingly obvious that austerity is not working. The right wing agenda of Chancellor Merkel might make sense in Germany but it is a death sentence for our economy and people,” he said.

The TEEU and Mandate move followed SIPTU’s decision to publish a detailed document last Thursday which portrayed the treaty as a one-sided austerity proposal and call for a huge stimulus package.

Meanwhile, the executive of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) will meet on Wednesday to decide its position on the referendum.

Unite have said they will push Congress to speak with one voice against the treaty.

Mr Devoy said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has suggested that severe austerity is not the only solution to the economic crisis and he warned that it was senseless to vote on the treaty when a country as influential as France could change its stance.

Incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy is facing a May 6 head-to-head for the presidency with Socialist Francois Hollande, who has pledged to seek renegotiation of the EU fiscal treaty.

Mr Devoy said: “The backlash against austerity is no longer limited to small peripheral economies such as Greece and Ireland. The first round of the French elections shows that citizens in major, core economies of Europe are increasingly opposed to this policy.

“Under no circumstances can we embed the draconian Fiscal Compact Treaty in our Constitution. This would condemn Irish working families to decades of financial servitude to the banks. It would effectively transform a Social Europe into a Financiers Europe permanently.

“It is ironic that even the IMF can see current EU policies are suicidal for Ireland.

Mr Devoy said it was inexplicable the Government did not adopt the Congress idea of using a proportion of pension funds to generate growth and jobs.

“To hold a referendum when France may well change its stance makes no sense whatsoever. If the Irish Government cannot adequately defend its citizens they must defend themselves,” he said.

The referendum is planned for May 31.

The compact has been signed by all members of the eurozone with Ireland the only state requiring ratification by referendum.


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