2 Corinthians 4-18:
18: while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Humans can “see” the illusion of this existence.
This “world”.
Dogs can see the aura surrounding humans.
They know if a human has love in their hearts, are kind or evil by what they can see.
Cats can see spirits.
Most “humans” can not see what is not visible to their necked eyes when provided with a light source.
Some can.
My mother knew things.
Sometimes weeks in advance.
In the family when something she said was going to happen, happened, we would all shrug our shoulders and say, well, that’s mom.
Once I saw her know my father’s car was out of control, fall to her knees and start praying hard, like I had never seen.
In a minuet she got up, said your father almost had a bad wreck, but it’s ok now.
She knew where he was when he lost then regained control.
That evening when he got home he walked in saying, I almost lost it today.
He was traveling a lonely road driving like a bat out of hell, had a low tire, went back and forth between the bar ditch on both sides before he it got it under control.
Back when our daughter was young, my wife was collecting every animated Disney VHS which came out.
They would sell them for a while then stop production of that video.
She looked everywhere for a certain one, but could not find one.
One morning she sat up in bed and said, there is a video store on such and such a road has the tape.
I asked her how she knew?
She said her mother told me in a dream.
Her mother had been dead for years.
She got up, got the yellow pages phone book, looked up a video store on that street, called them and they said yes, they had a copy.
She said hold it, I’ll be right over.
Another time I was listening to a song on YouTube.
She asked who is that.
I told her.
She said he is dead isn’t he.
I said no, he is not.
The next day he died.
I accused her of killing him.
I have a friend.
He was on a helicopter in Viet Nam.
He smelled his mother’s perfume.
She had been dead for years, so he looked up and saw the black dot of a RPG coming.
He threw himself out, landed in a rice patty and survived.
Everyone else on the bird died.
I have pictures, 35MM I took at my wife’s mother’s funeral.
In the ones where the family were standing in front of the coffin, in not one, but multiple photos the flame from the candles at both ends came out and circled the family.
At times photos I have taken with digital has had orbs in them.
When the head stone for my parents was put over their graves, several of us went for a visit.
I had a top of the line Cannon Rebel digital camera.
I was snapping shots of the family standing behind the grave and headstone.
Putting the delay on I started running around and getting in the shots.
Once we were all together, a large orb appeared over our heads.
The sun was not behind us and it had not been in the earlier pictures.
I had a medical procedure done they had to put me under for.
Afterwards while I was still under they let my wife and a young grandkid set in the recovery room.
The wife took some snaps of the grandson on her phone.
One of them captured something unseen.
There are other things, deeper down rabbit holes which can not be seen with the human eye, but can be with the heart or soul.
The more one learns of things unseen which one sees, the higher the price one must pay.
These things once seen, can not be unseen.
When one asks God for understanding leading to wisdom, one should first be sure one is willing to pay the price.
It is sometime quite high.
And once one understands these things unseen, once all the pieces are put together, they can never be unseen again.
Once one passes through those doors, there is no going back.
You now are somehow more mature, more wise than the masses around you.
It is like a friend and I have discussed.
His war was Viet Nam, mine came later.
But both agreed the person who came home was not the one who went.
We had seen things, done things the vast majority of these we walk among will never see or do.
It changed us, we understood things about our world those we walk among who did not go can not see.
But there can be no spiritual growth until one pays the price to be able to see those things not seen by the masses.
We are pilgrims.
“Then said he, I am going to my Father’s; and though with great difficulty I am got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to him that can get it. My marks and scars I carry with me, to be a witness for me that I have fought His battles who now will be my rewarder.”
John Bunyan
The Pilgrim’s Progress.
The Ole Dog!
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