The Vegas Sting: A Cunning FBI Trap Set by a Cocaine-Addicted Stool Pigeon Ensnared this British Businessman and Destroyed His Life. The Only Problem? He Was Innocent

Monday, 28 May 2012 09:28


‘The middle-aged Briton was handcuffed and led at gunpoint into a pastel two-storey classroom building. There on a desk he found a large cardboard box awaiting his briefcase and laptop, his telephone and wallet. On it was stapled his mug shot and a charge sheet. Across the top were the typewritten words ‘Armed and Dangerous’.

Painter was neither. He was the Surrey-based chief executive of 3S (Security Support Solutions Ltd), a company licensed and audited by the British Government to supply civilian armoured vehicles for use in conflict zones including Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan. He was also, it was to emerge that day in Vegas, the victim of a huge, sleazy and ultimately doomed FBI operation known as The Africa Sting.’

Read more: The Vegas Sting: A Cunning FBI Trap Set by a Cocaine-Addicted Stool Pigeon Ensnared this British Businessman and Destroyed His Life. The Only Problem? He Was Innocent

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