The cast of The CW’s hit show “The Vampire Diaries” — Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley, Zach Roerig, Michael Trevino, Steven R. McQueen and executive proudcers Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson — were on hand at Comic-Con on Saturday to dish about Season 4 of the blood-sucking teen drama.
“The Vampire Diaries” Season 4 has been shooting for a week, Williamson revealed, and the cast was ready to talk about where the season is headed, who will be back and what’s different in the “season of change,” as Williamson referred to it.
Season 3 of “The Vampire Diaries” ended with the shocking reveal that Elena (Dobrev) has been turned into a vampire. “It’s gonna be hard to make Elena different from Katherine,” Dobrev told the Comic-Con audience said of her vampire doppleganger. “It’s gonna be tricky.”
Somerhalder hinted that his character Damon will return to his evil ways in Season 4. “Damon is not a nice guy,” Somerhalder told the Comic-Con crowd of his character’s attempts to be kinder in Season 3. “This year, he said, ‘I did everything you wanted me to do. I tried everything you wanted me to try, and you know what? It didn’t work … This is who I am, if you don’t like it, you can go bleep yourself.”
When Williamson, who served as a moderator for “The Vampire Diaries” Comic-Con panel, asked about who the cast would want their characters to be romantically linked to, Roerig joked that he wanted to see his character Matt and Sheriff Forbes get together, while Wesley said he wants Stefan to “jump in bed with Elijah.”
Will we be seeing Katherine in Season 4? Plec said “not until Klaus is no longer a threat.”
What about Alaric since Matt Davis left for his upcoming CW series “Cult”? “We certainly don’t like living in a world without Matt Davis,” Plec responded, noting that hi contract with his new show would in fact allow him to make an appearance.
What else can “The Vampire Diaries” fans expect in Season 4? More Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) and more Esther. “A big question we’re asking this year is … who was before her, and where she got the spell to turn people into vampires,” Plec explained.
As for the Damon, Stefan and Elena love triangle, Somerhalder said vampire Elena is “gonna need these two” and things will certainly change in regards to their relationships.
“Do you think Damon will be happy Elena’s a vampire?” one fan asked towards the end of the Comic-Con panel. “It could be fun,” Somerhalder replied, glancing at Dobrev and eliciting a loud audience reaction since the two are a real-life couple.
The Vampire Diaries
Wesley joked that now Damon and Elena can have “vamp sex.”
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Find out what happens on “The Vampire Diaries” Season 4 when the show returns to The CW on Thurs., Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. ET.
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