

civil war coming

According to Harry Dent,” in 1929, the top 1% held 50% of the wealth, but they lost their grip on it. By 1976, they only held 24% of the wealth. Then they regained some of that lost wealth, holding 50% again by 2007″. I would add that something very disturbing is at work, today, as opposed to how things were in 1929. What is different is that the American corporate structure is based upon the concepts of merger acquisition and subsidiary holdings. When factors in what one controls, as opposed to what one owns, it is easy to see that the bulk of the American people are left to fight over the meager crumbs that criminal elite leave on the floor and this is why America is so angry. Yes, it took someone like Donalt Trump to galvanize America.  However,  a simple  examination


Trickle down economics have stopped trickling. The American middle class is the most downtrodden in the modern world.

cWehave not econoTrickle down economics have stopped trickling. The American middle class is the most downtrodden in the modern world. Our children, in large part, have little to no future. They sense it too as so many flock to support the “something for nothing candidate”, Bernie Sanders. The big lure for our Sanders-fascinated youth is largely predicated on “universal free college”. Even if this could be successfully funded, and it cannot be, what would our youth, armed with their college degrees, find for employment? The jobs and their future have been sucked out of the country. This is why there are 315,000 waiters and waitresses with college degrees.

Bernie Sanders in Phoenix, tells it like it is! We have no economic future, but unfortunately for Sanders, socialism is not the answer.

Bernie Sanders in Phoenix, tells it like it is! We have no economic future, but unfortunately for Sanders, socialism is not the answer.

When one looks at the chart, listed above, isn’t it interesting that China’s middle class is better off than the American middle class? This makes Trump the right man for the right time.

Where Did It All Go Wrong?

At the conclusion of World War II, the United States was the only major nation that did not lie in ruins. America emerged from the war with an economy and an enriched middle class like the world has ever seen. In 1945, the United States possessed 90% of the world’s phones, automobiles and income levels of the middle class were rising faster than the one percent. Americans went from living in Depression-era-Hooverville shanty towns to living in privately owned track homes following World War II.

The problem with the American middle class is that they expected the gravy train to continue and they proved to be “easy pickings” by the corporations and the government that the corporations learned how to better control. The 1960 Presidential election was the first to be covered on television, and that took money and the American system of politics, which allows legalized bribery (i.e. campaign contributions). This fact, coupled with the fact that American factory workers soon began to make $20 per hour with benefits became unacceptable to the corporations when they learned that they hire the “low hanging fruit” workers for pennies on the dollar, with no benefits and no EPA expensive work place protections.

There was only one barrier that the corporations had to overcome in order for them to drastically reduce their overhead and that was to eliminate all tariffs on these cheaply produced products coming back into the country. Thus, corporations with roots in America and in Europe began to think about unions, no not automobile worker unions. I am speaking about the European Union and the North American Union where the goal was to eliminate all tariffs while the corporations sought out cheap labor AND the duty free importation of products destined to be bought by the very people whose jobs were being eliminated by these unions and this was all being accomplished by free trade agreements (i.e. NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, TPP).

The City of Detroit Is the Barometer of the Health of the American Middle Class Worker

Detroit is America's first Third World city, but certainly not the last.

Detroit is America’s first Third World city, but certainly not the last.

In the 1960’s, Detroit was a vibrant city of over two million people. Collectively, these two million people had the highest standard of living in North America for any segment of any middle class worker on the continent. But when NAFTA was born, Detroit died. Now the city is home for 700,000 beleaguered Americans with the lowest standard of living for any major city in the United States and

The truth about history has been hidden…In Empire Beneath the Ice, author Stephen Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong. Order your copy today!

The truth about history has been hidden…In Empire Beneath the Ice, author Stephen Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong. Order your copy today!

this once proud city is razing entire neighborhoods of abandoned houses, block after block. Detroit is home to the worst school system in America. Most police departments close at 5pm and they will only dispatch officers in relation to the most serious crimes. Today, Detroit looks more like Caracas instead of an American city. Cleveland and St. Louis are on the verge of falling off of the financial cliff. This is all due to free trade agreements. Detroit automobile manufacturing jobs are now located in Guadalajara. At the height American manufacturing, in 1968, we now see that 86% of all American manufacturing jobs have relocated outside of the country. This is how the American middle class is in last place in relation to the middle class’ sharing of wealth among all developed nations. 


NAFTA: The end of the American Dream

NAFTA: The end of the American Dream. NAFTA took the American worker from first to worst in the developed world.

nafta at workNAFTA also produced another telling effect and that was illegal immigration on steroids where today, an estimated 30 million illegal immigrants are taking jobs away, in large numbers from the American lower-middle-class. It was not possible to export ALL the jobs. Therefore, the globalists that seek destroy America as a prerequisite move on the way to a New World Order, had to bring millions of workers to America with the goal of displacing as many American workers as possible as well as depressing the former wage scale. Yes, we need immigrants because of a 1.8 birthrate. However, we do not need illegal immigration with pitfalls that have accompanied it, namely, the terror threat.

Europe Is Ablaze and America Will Be Very Soon

Also, this is what we are seeing in Europe, as Europe will eventually lose its middle class as millions of unsolicited immigrants pour into Europe bringing with them future promises of middle class poverty and widespread terrorism directed at the original inhabitants. Three photos describe what is happening in Europe with regard to its immigration problem and soon, this will be America’s number one issues as well.

The Paris Attacks

Mass terrorism, the consequence of uncontrolled immigration.

Mass terrorism, the consequence of uncontrolled immigration.

There will be more terrorist attacks resulting from unchecked immigration with "refugees" who are not screened.

There will be more terrorist attacks resulting from unchecked immigration with “refugees” who are not screened.

The  Terrorists Are Already In Our Backyard

Can America read? This ISIS sign and more signs like it appeared in the Ferguson riots. I feel like I am watching a remake of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Very soon, America will be Europe and Europe will be no more.

Can America read? This ISIS sign and more signs like it appeared in the Ferguson riots. I feel like I am watching a remake of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Very soon, America will be Europe and Europe will be no more.

The 2016 Election Is About the Continuation of NWO Status Quo

 the site of

Liberty University was the site of the Cruz decision to run for office. Here is pictured with globalist wife, Heidi, of the CFR and Goldman Sachs.

Liberty University was the site of the Cruz decision to run for office. Here is pictured with globalist wife, Heidi, of the CFR and Goldman Sachs.

The number two front-runner for the Republican nomination for President, Ted Cruz, is sleeping with America’s enemy. She has a name and it is Heidi. If you think this sounds harsh, look at the following:

“In the 2007 bestselling book The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada, Pastor was dubbed “the father of the North American Union” for the influence the CFR report had on a tripartite summit meeting between the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada. The meeting culminated in President George W. Bush declaring without congressional approval the formation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

On the CFR website, at that time, Heidi Cruz is listed as one of 31 members of the Task Force on the Future of North America” (i.e. The North American Union).

Gary Franchi of Next News Network has weighed in the topic of Heidi Cruz as well.

For Every Action, There Is An Opposite and Equal Reaction and His Name Is Donald Trump

trump make america white again

The strong feelings of the American middle class has led to the rise of Donald Trump. Trump is filling a vacuum of leadership that has been missing for sometime.

The election of Donald Trump is not likely. As Trump promises to continue the rhetoric of a 35% tax on all imports, thus brining jobs back to America cannot be allowed to happen and stopping illegal immigration. The building of a wall and the stopping of illegal immigration cannot be allowed to happen in order for the plan to regionalize the planet under various unions as a subgoal on the road to planetary subjugation by the criminal elite that are attempting to run this planet.


What Trump has accomplished is that he has galvanized and given shape to the first real large-scale resistance to the New World Order. When Trump is finally derailed as a Presidential candidate, America’s frustrations will boil over. Let’s not forget that we live in a country with 300 million guns. The frustration level will boil over and will first appear as civil disobedience on the scale of several Ferguson riots. However, things will soon escalate and eventually widespread violence will rear its ugly head. This is the micro analysis of the current state of affairs. Harry Dent has an interesting macro view of our present time. Dent feels that America has entered an unmistakable pattern of revolution that occurs about every 250 years. The coming conflict is inevitable as America’s anger will be released when Trump is deposed.

In future articles, I will take a look at how the forces of the New World Order have already aligned to deal with the coming civil war.

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