The UN General Assembly Vote Threatens Palestine as much as Syria

The recent UN General Assembly vote has proven that the United States, NATO, Israel, and certain Arab countries can muster as many votes in calling for the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government as Palestine claims to have in support Palestinian independence within the same UN body. The resolution, which was presented by Egypt, called for regime change in Syria. The General Assembly passed the resolution with 137 votes. Twelve countries voted against the resolution, including Russia and China, which vetoed a similar resolution in the UN Security Council introduced a few weeks before the General Assembly resolution.

Palestine and its supporters threatened, without success, to bypass a threatened U.S. veto of a Security Council resolution that recognized Palestine’s statehood and independence, by taking the measure to the General Assembly where Palestine claimed to have the support of at least 137 or more members. However, when faced with the Russian and Chinese vetoes of the Syria resolution in the Security Council, the United States and its NATO and Arab allies, by-passed the council and achieved an overwhelming vote against Syria in the General Assembly. The math in the General Assembly vote serves as a warning shot to Palestine that the Arabs and their Western allies, willing to throw Assad to the wolves as much as they were willing to remove Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi from power – with civil war in Libya and, now, Syria, as a result – can muster enough votes to defeat a Palestinian statehood vote In the General Assembly.

The United States/NATO/Israel triumvirate immediately heralded its new-found “overwhelming” voting bloc in the General Assembly. The message for Palestine, which could still expect a measure of lukewarm Arab and Muslim support in a General Assembly vote on recognition of its independence, could not have been starker. The Western bloc and Israel are now able to withstand General Assembly resolutions moved from threatened U.S., British, and French vetoes in the Security Council by amassing a sizeable voting bloc in the General Assembly. For Israel and its Zionist supporters in the West, the General Assembly vote against Syria comes as sweet revenge. On November 10, 1975, the General Assembly voted 75 to 35, with 32 abstentions, to call Zionism a form of racism. The resolution stood until 1991 when it was revoked, the only General Assembly resolution to undergo such a reversal. One of the sponsors of the anti-Zionism resolution was Syria.

It was very apparent that the aggressive U.S. ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, and her staff worked behind the scenes to achieve the 137 vote in favor of the anti-Syria resolution. The vote came amid fears that Syria would end up in the same predicament as Libya, also the target of UN-manipulated Western intervention and now wracked by civil war. As they did in Libya, U.S.-supported “Al Qaeda” elements entered Syria to foment insurrection against Assad.

For some countries like the Philippines, which is struggling to repatriate its guest worker nationals from Syria, the vote against Syria was a nightmare. The Philippines chose to absent itself from the vote rather than place its citizens in jeopardy for reprisals. The scene of black African guest workers in Libya being massacred as “foreign mercenaries” by U.S.-supported Salafists and Berbers from the Benghazi region was fresh in the minds of the Philippines government. But for Rice, the plight of desperate brown and black peoples, whether in Libya or Syria, are insignificant to a woman who is trying to burnish her diplomatic credentials and accentuate her “whiteness” over her mixed race lineage in preparation for easy Senate confirmation as Secretary of State in a second Obama administration. Rice has tried to outdo Bush administration ambassador to the UN John Bolton in her lack of tact, playing more to the attention of Fox News viewers than to her fellow diplomats.

Three countries that could not vote because of UN Charter Article 19 provisions that deny voting rights for nations in arrears on their membership dues miraculously came up with last-minute dies payments before the vote on Syria. These nations included the virtual U.S. colonies of Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia, as well as Sudan. All three nations voted for the resolution against Syria.

However, it appears that other member nations in arrears on dues and not supportive of the Syria resolution were prevented from voting. The Americans and their allies did not appear with a nice check to cover their votes as had been the case with the two Pacific island states and Sudan. The ambassador of Yemen said he was surprised that Article 19 all of a sudden became an issue before the vote. Yemen was not permitted to vote on the resolution.

In fact, the UN General Assembly voting process appears to be as flawed as “engineered elections” in the nations where U.S. democracy activists have been active. If the United States and its friends cannot ensure an overwhelming vote in countries or the UN General Assembly, it merely uses its influence peddlers like UN Secretary General Bank Ki-moon and his senior staff to “fix the vote” through invocation of Article 19 provisions and misreporting votes. In the vote on Syria, three nations – Burundi, Kyrgyzstan, and Comoros – said their votes did not accurately appear on the General Assembly’s large electronic vote tally board.

The General Assembly’s electronic board “no” votes on the Syrian resolution also provide a clue as to what nations are next on the U.S./NATO/Israeli “hit list” for regime change. Some of the nations voting “no” have already witnessed civil disruption fomented by non-organic activist groups funded by the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy and its affiliates and non-governmental organizations sponsored by international vulture capitalist George Soros. These nations include Iran, Venezuela – where President Hugo Chavez is facing an NED/Soros-supported candidate for president in Henrique Capriles Radonski – North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador, Belarus, Zimbabwe, Russia, and China.

Other nations where U.S./NATO/Israeli interests are involved in stoking anti-government activities abstained on the Syria resolution. These nations include Algeria, Lebanon, Nepal, and Myanmar. Other nations abstaining include those who have faced strident criticism from the Soros/CIA-influenced and financed international “human rights” community: Vietnam, Suriname, Fiji, Cameroon, Tanzania, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Comoros, and Angola. The abstentions of Tuvalu, which has recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia from America’s and Israel’s “pet” Georgia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Armenia will not go unnoticed by the global structure re-engineers in the Obama White House and Soros and NED think tanks.

A number of nations did not participate in the General Assembly vote, either because of Article 19 restrictions or because of being caught in a diplomatic vise grip between the United States and NATO on one side and Russia and China on the other. These nations include Cambodia, Cape Verde, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar, Mali, Palau, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vanuatu.

Even nations that voted for the Syria resolution did so with the provision that the vote not be seen as an excuse for the U.S. and NATO to invade Syria in the same manner they intervened militarily in Libya. This was made quite clear by the ambassadors of Pakistan, Grenada, Bangladesh, Serbia, and India. India’s ambassador questioned the behind-the-scenes maneuvering by the UN Secretariat working with certain parties, obviously the United States and NATO, in circumventing established UN procedures to bring the Syria resolution before the General Assembly.

In the world of the Obama administration and its interventionist allies around the world, however, rules and international law mean nothing. For Zionist-supported pressure groups like UN Watch, that constantly count votes at the UN, the General Assembly vote on Syria cannot be anything but encouraging for Israel on the Palestine statehood issue.


Wayne MADSEN, Investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. Has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. He has been invited to testify as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government. A member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and the National Press Club. Lives in Washington, D.C.


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