Thierry Meyssan
Voltaire Net
It is a scandal without precedent.
The White House Secretary General, Reince Priebus, was part of the plot designed to destabilise President Trump and prepare for his destitution. He was the source of daily leaks which trouble the political life of the United States, in particular those concerning the alleged collusion between Trump’s team and the Kremlin [1]. By dismissing him, President Trump has entered into conflict with the establishment of the Republican party, of which Priebus is the ex-President.
Let’s note as we go that none of these leaks concerning the agendas and the contacts between those concerned have provided the slightest proof of the allegations made.
The reorganisation of the Trump team which followed was exclusively to the detriment of Republican personalities and to the benefit of the military personnel who are opposed to the guardianship of the deep state. The alliance which was concluded – making the best of a difficult situation – by the Republican party with Donald Trump during the inaugural convention on 21 July 2016, is now worthless. We therefore find ourselves faced with the equation with which we started – one one side, the outsider President of « the People’s America », and on the other, all of the Washington ruling class supported by the deep state (meaning that part of the administration charged with the continuity of the state over and above political alternances).
It is apparent that this coalition is supported by the United Kingdom and Israël.
So what had to happen happened – the Democrat and Republican leaders came to an agreement to thwart President Trump’s foreign policy and preserve their imperial advantages.
To do so, they adopted, in Congress, a 70-page law which officially set up sanctions against North Korea, Iran and Russia [2]. The text unilaterally promulgates that all other states in the world must respect these commercial restrictions. The sanctions therefore apply equally to the European Union and to China as to the states officially targeted.
Only five parlementarians dissociated themselves from this coalition and voted against the law – representatives Justin Amash, Tom Massie and Jimmy Duncan, and senators Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders.
The dispositions of this law more or less forbid the Executive to ease these commercial interdictions by any means whatsoever. Theoretically, therefore, Donald Trump is tied hands and feet. Of course, he can use his veto, but according to the Constitution, it would be enough for Congress to revote the text in the same terms in order to be able to impose it on the President. He will therefore sign it, thus avoiding the insult of being called to order by Congress. In the next few days, we shall see the start of a war unlike any other.
The political parties of the United States have every intention of destroying the « Trump doctrine », according to which the United States must evolve faster than other states in order to conserve world leadership. On the contrary, they intend to re-establish the « Wolfowitz doctrine » of 1992, according to which Washington must conserve its advance over the rest of the world by hindering the development of all potential competitors [3].
Paul Wolfowitz is a Trotskyist who worked for Republican President Bush the Elder to help with the war against Russia. He became Assistant Secretary of Defense ten years later, under Bush Junior, and then President of the World Bank. Last year, he gave his support to Democrat Hillary Clinton. In 1992, he wrote that the most dangerous competitor of the United States was the European Union, and that Washington should destroy it politically, even economically.
The law casts doubt on everything that Donald Trump has accomplished over the last six months, notably the fight against the Muslim Brotherhood and their jihadist organisations, the preparation of the independence of Donbass (Malorossiya), and the re-opening of the Silk Road.
As a first reprisal, Russia asked Washington to reduce the staff of its embassy in Moscow to the level of its own embassy in Washington, in other words, 455 people, expelling 755 diplomats. In this way, Moscow intends to remind us that even if it had interfered in US politics, their interference has no comparison to the importance of US interference in Russia’s own political life.
While we are on this subject, it was only on 27 February that the Minister for Defence, Sergeï Choïgou, announced to the Douma that the Russian armies now have the capability to organise « colour revolutions », 28 years behind the United States.
The Europeans now realise with stupefaction that their friends in Washington (the Democrats Obama and Clinton, the Republicans McCain and McConnell) have just put a full stop to any hope of growth within the Union. This is certainly a nasty shock, and yet they still have not felt able to admit that the allegedly « unpredictable » Donald Trump is in reality their best ally. Completely stunned by the vote, which rained on their summer holidays, the Europeans have opted for the « on hold » position.
Unless they react immediately, the companies who have invested in the European Union’s solution for their energy supply are now ruined. Wintershall, E.ON Ruhrgas, N. V. Nederlandse Gasunie, and Engie (ex-GDF Suez) had all committed to the doubling of the gas pipeline North Stream, which is now forbidden by Congress. They not only forfeit the right to respond to US calls for tender, but they also lose all their assets in the United States. They are refused entry to international banks and are forbidden to pursue their activities outside the Union.
For the moment, only the German government has expressed its confusion. We do not know whether they will be able to convince their European partners and rouse the Union against its US suzerain.
Such a crisis has never arisen before, and as a result, there exists no element of reference which could enable us to anticipate what is to come. It is probable that certain of the member states of the Union will defend US interests – those who think according to Congress, against their European partners.
The United States, like any state, can forbid their companies to do business with foreign states and foreign companies to do business with them. But according to the Charter of the United Nations, they may not impose their own choices in terms of allies and partners. But this is what they have been doing since their sanctions against Cuba. At that time, under the influence of Fidel Castro – who was not a Communist – the Cuban Revolutionary Government launched an agrarian reform which Washington chose to oppose [4]. The members of NATO, who couldn’t have cared less about that tiny Caribbean island, followed obediently along. Progressively, the West, full of itself, considered it normal to starve out any states which resisted their all-powerful suzerain. So here, for the first time, the European Union is affected by the system which it helped set up.
More than ever, the conflict between Trump and the Establishment takes on a cultural form. It opposes the descendants of the immigrants who came seeking the « American dream » to those of the Puritans of the Mayflower [5]. This, for example, is the root of the denunciation by the international Presse of the vulgar language used by the new man responsible for White House communications, Anthony Scaramucci. Until now Hollywood was perfectly at ease with the manners of New York businessmen, but suddenly this uncouth language is presented as incompatible with the exercise of Power. Only President Richard Nixon talked that way, and he was forced to resign by the FBI who organised the Watergate scandal to bring him down. Nonetheless, everyone now agrees that he was a great President, who put an end to the Vietnam War and rebalanced international relations with the Peoples’ Republic of China, faced with the USSR. It is surprising to see the Press of old Europe take up the religious, Puritan argument against the vocabulary of Scaramucci in order to judge the political competence of Donald Trump’s team; and President Trump himself would send him away barely appointed.
But behind what may seem to be no more than a class struggle, the future of the world is at stake. Either relations steeped in confrontation and domination, or cooperation and development.
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