The Truth Has No Expiration Date: The Scientific Evidence Of Explosions For The 911 Building Collapse!

NWO Crony Bill Clinton Repealed The Glass Steagall Act Allowing Banks To Engage In Worthless Counterfeit (Derivative) Paper.

  1. AE911Truth.Org
  2. Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11 – Receives $500 Million

  1. United States Most Lethal Enemy: Banking Cartel’s CIA ~ America Must Take Out The CIA.
  2. Dreams From Obama: “We Can Absorb 3000 New Deaths”

Lewis M. Eisenberg who, as a former Goldman Sachs partner, is perhaps best known for serving as chairman from 1995 to the pivotal year of 2001 of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey—at which time the authority turned World Trade Center (WTC) ownership over to international wheeler-dealer, Larry Silverstein, who had the WTC twin towers well insured and suspiciously made billions from the 9-11 attacks.

Within twenty-four hours of 9/11 the media miraculously, as if all the information were prepared beforehand, revealed histories, photos, and details about the Muslim terrorists who allegedly perpetrated the attack. Bin Laden, who died in December 2001, even came back from the dead to claim responsibility.61 Fox News announced his death on December 26, 2001.62

Despite the terrorist’s amazing ability to subvert the military response apparatus of the world’s most powerful nation, they failed to cover their trail and left a substantial amount of easy-to-find fireproof evidence. Their unhindered assault on a specific section of the Defense Department halted an audit that would have exposed billions of dollars of stolen money that had been funneled to special friends.

The Port Authority, after it lost a 10-year asbestos lawsuit on May 1, 2001, were stuck with a money-losing albatross that they couldn’t get a license to demolish. On July 24, 2001 Eisenberg of the Port Authority leased the towers to his friend Larry Silverstein. Almost prophetically, Silverstein quickly insured the towers against a terrorist attack.63

New information is surfacing that a Saudi family in Sarasota is linked to the masterminds of the 9/11 terror attack. Even though the FBI investigated the connection after the family fled, Congressional investigators were never notified. And that has former Sen. Bob Graham calling for a new investigation.


Many people know that Osama Bin Laden was never wanted by the FBI for the crimes of 9/11. In fact, when the FBI was presented with evidence of controlled demolition, it was acknowledged as, “an interesting theory, backed by thorough research and analysis.”

A registered letter was sent to FBI Director Robert Mueller. The letter was written pursuant to Title 18 USC § 2382 “Crimes and Criminal Procedure” or “Misprision of Treason”.

The penalty to a sworn official who violates “Misprision of Treason” by not reporting or acting on the evidence can lead to criminal prosecution, a prison term and a fine. Contained in the letter were references to Richard Gage, AIA and his presentation “9/11: A Blueprint for Truth”.

Rothschild Face Of Evil

This presentation gives compelling evidence that CONTROLLED DEMOLITION brought down buildings 1, 2 and 7 that fateful day. The Idea is that USC § 2382 could challenge the FBI to consider the evidence contained in Mr. Gage’s presentation as “actionable intelligence”.  No one could have imagined the FBI’s response to this letter.

The response that was received was not the standard form letter, as may have been expected, but it was instead a direct reply from, Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division of the National Security Branch of the FBI, Michael J. Heinbach.

  1. View FBI Response Here

The materials submitted to the FBI included references to evidence contained in the Richard Gage, AIA presentation entitled: “9/11: BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH”, in which Gage concludes that the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION hypothesis can be proved beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt.

Mr. Heinbach was “grateful” for the information that was submitted on behalf of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Yet, gratitude does not bring justice.

The reply from the FBI, which in part stated, “Please be advised that your observations and concerns have not gone unheeded…” and that, “the FBI is committed to identifying terrorist threats at home and abroad, using the full force of the law to prosecute theses individuals,” could leave anyone with a sense of disbelief. And rightly so…

The letter was sent more than three years ago and there still has not been any action or follow-up. This was a major breakthrough for 9/11 justice, that should not go unheeded.

Let’s push this through to the mainstream and continue to hold the public servants accountable.

There are couple of very important things to understand about this letter and what it means to the “9/11 Truth” movement.

It acknowledges Mr. Gage’s research as being credible.

This is tremendously significant considering the mainstream media’s incessant need to smear any account of 9/11 that doesn’t conform to the official account.

It also tells us that an FBI investigation is still ongoing!

“The case agents in charge of the investigation will undoubtedly review all relevant information before making an unbiased decision.”

This was a major breakthrough for 9/11 justice, that should not go unheeded. Let’s push this through to the mainstream and continue to hold the public servants accountable.

Bob Tuskin

9/11 Not wasted For Police State ~ Bankers Take Over Justice System So They Do Not Have To Pay The Price For Their Crimes!

CFR Agents McCain Lieberman Pave The Way For The Banker’s Amnesty Program!

Rockefeller Cronie RINO John Mccain Joseph Lieberman

The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act
By Stephen Lendman

If enacted, it will advance what this writer addressed in a December 2007 article titled, “Police State America – A Look Back and Ahead,” covering numerous Bush administration laws, Executive Orders (EOs), National and Homeland Security Presidential Directives, edicts, and various illegal acts targeting designated domestic and foreign adversaries, dissent, civil liberties, human rights, and other democratic freedoms.

Straightaway post-9/11, George Bush signed a secret finding empowering the CIA to “Capture, Kill or Interrogate Al-Qaeda Leaders.” He also authorized establishing a covert global gulag to detain and interrogate them without guidelines on proper treatment.

Other presidential directives ordered abductions, torture and indefinite detentions. In November 2001, Military Order Number 1 empowered the Executive to capture, kidnap or otherwise arrest non-citizens (and later citizens) anywhere in the world for any reason and hold them indefinitely without charge, evidence, due process or judicial fairness protections of law.

The 2006 Military Commissions Act authorized torture and sweeping unconstitutional powers to detain, interrogate and prosecute alleged suspects and collaborators (including US citizens), hold them (without evidence) indefinitely in military prisons, and deny them habeas and other legal protections.

Section 1031 of the FY 2010 Defense Authorization Act contained the 2009 Military Commissions Act, listing changes that include discarding the phrase “unlawful enemy combatant” for “unprivileged enemy belligerent.” More on that below.

Seamlessly, Obama continues Bush administration practices and added others, including:

– greater than ever surveillance;

– ruthless political persecutions;

– preventively detaining individuals ordered released – “who cannot be prosecuted,” he said, “yet who pose a clear danger to the American people;”

– a secret “hit list” authorizing CIA and Pentagon operatives to kill US citizens abroad based on unsubstantiated evidence they’re involved in alleged plots against America or US interests;

– weaker whisleblower protections;

– state secrets privilege to block lawsuits by victims of rendition, torture, abuse or warrantless wiretapping; and

– other anti-democratic measures.

Now, the March 4 S. 3081: Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010 to interrogate and detain “enemy belligerents who commit hostile acts against the United States to establish certain limitations on the prosecution of such belligerents, and for other purposes.”

  1. Lieberman Must Live With A Traitor’s Conscience!
  2. Communist IINO Joseph Lieberman: War Monger ~ NWO Operative ~ Socialist Sleeper Cell.
  3. Just What Exactly Are Lieberman, Kerry Cooking Up?
  4. Death Toll For United States Military Power: Defense Secretary Gates Excised $178 Billion Obama To Excise Another $400 Billion ~ Leaving America Naked!
  5. Hold McCain Accountable: Voted To End 95,000 Jobs ~ Voted To End F-22 Fighter Jet ~ Voted For A National Security Failure ~ The F-35 Dysfunctional Jet!
  6. Bitter Bloomberg Clings To Antipathy Towards America’s Founding Fathers: Restricts 911 Ceremony In New York To Atheism.
  7. International Banking Cabalists Here To Take Over The United States: Using Cultural Terrorism, Slavery By Debt Through (Bailouts ~ Wars), Political Correctness.

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