The truth about money (Part 5)


INTRODUCTION: Pretending to “care”

The “Anti-Austerity-Austerian” functions likes the “Anti-Zionist-Zionist.”

The Anti-Zionist-Zionist advances the cause of Jewish supremacy by pretending to care about Palestinians, while attacking anyone who questions the holo-hoax, or who uses the word “Jew” instead of “Zionist” or “Israeli.” In this way the Anti-Zionist-Zionist upholds the core of Jewish power while pretending not to.

If you don’t care for right-wing Jewish supremacism, then the “Anti-Zionist-Zionist” (A-Z-Z) seduces you with left-wing Jewish supremacism. By “caring” about Palestinians, the A-Z-Z snares “progressives,” thereby perverting their “compassion” so that it serves Jews. He does this by convincing Goyim that it is “anti-semitic” to question Jewish atrocities, and that it is “racism” to question Jewish racism (which the A-Z-Z claims does not exist). In his psychosis, the “Anti-Zionist-Zionist” favors equality for everyone except the “Chosen.” If you question that Jews are “Chosen,” then you are guilty of “religious intolerance,” which is anathema to “sensitive progressives.”

Conservatives worship Jews out of hate. Left-wing “progressives” worship Jews out of self-righteousness. Of the two forms of Jew-worship, the latter is the stronger and more depraved, for it is based on “compassion” and “sensitivity.”

We see the A-Z-Z game played every day on “progressive” and “pro-workers” web sites. Most blogs will allow you to mildly question Israeli atrocities, but almost all blogs will ban you if you question the holo-hoax, or if you mention the word “Jews.”

Some people refer to A-Z-Zs as “PEPs” (Progressives-Except for Palestine). Many Jews are PEPs. For example, Jewish rags like The Daily Beast spotlight the USA’s institutionalized racism against blacks and immigrants. The Beast discusses how the system preys on the disadvantaged, and on people of color. Such comments are legitimate – and therein is their trap.  By being Progressive-Except-for-Palestine, The Daily Beast makes readers think that Jews “care” – which in turn makes readers receptive to The Daily Beast’s defense of the hoax and Jewish atrocities.

Since the A-Z-Z’s job is so crucial, the Israeli government pays A-Z-Z groups to pretend to oppose the Israeli government. That is, the Israeli government pays “leftist” groups like J Street to snare people who don’t care for “rightist” groups like AIPAC. All such groups blaze with hatred for the Goyim.

Neturei Karta Jews are Anti-Zionist-Zionists. They pretend to oppose Israel and Zionism, yet they remain “Chosen” supremacists. This contradiction makes them liars, like all Jews. By carrying Palestinian flags, and spouting gibberish about God forbidding Jews to have their own state until a Jewish messiah appears, they snare Goyim that might otherwise be repulsed by Jews. And, once the Neturei Karta Jews have the Goyim’s ear, they preach the holo-hoax, plus the myth of Jewish “suffering,” just like all other Jews.

It’s all about pretending to “care” in order to promote Jewish supremacy.



In the world of finance and economics, the equivalent of the “Anti-Zionist-Zionist” is the “Anti-Austerity-Austerian” (AAA).

Just as the “Anti-Zionist-Zionist” pretends to “care” in order to seduce the masses into submitting to Jewish supremacy, so does the “Anti-Austerity-Austerian” pretend to “care” in order to seduce the masses into submitting to poverty and inequality.


The A-Z-Z’s masters are Jews. The AAA’s masters are bankers and rich people, who all think like Jews. An example of an AAA is New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who agrees that the slaves need more slavery (i.e. more austerity) but they need it tomorrow, not today.  In this way Krugman upholds his masters’ lies while pretending to question the lies. Krugman’s duplicity is why the money powers gave him his own column at the NYT, along with a Nobel Prize in economics in 2008. (The Nobel Economics Prize is as ridiculous as the Nobel “Peace” Prize, which is often given to warmongers.)


The “Anti-Austerity-Austerian” (AAA) claims that Social Security will be okay until (fill in the year). In this way he pretends to “care” about Social Security beneficiaries, even as he betrays them by promoting the lie that Social Security can become “insolvent,” plus the lie that FICA taxes pay for Social Security.

It’s all part of the lie that the US government is “broke” and has a “debt crisis.” The “Anti-Austerity-Austerian” may question superficial claims about Medicare or Social Security, but he always upholds the core lie that the US government is “broke” and has a “debt crisis.”  Likewise the “Anti-Zionist-Zionist” may question certain Israeli atrocities, but he always upholds the core lie about the holo-hoax and Jewish “victimhood.”


All Austerians (pro and “anti”) claim that in order to “save” the masses, we must kill the masses via more austerity. In order to “save” Social Security, we must kill it or privatize it. The difference is that the “Anti-Austerity-Austerian” says we must do it tomorrow, not today — as though this would make any difference.

“I care about the masses. Therefore, let’s be compassionate. Instead of slaughtering them this morning, let’s do it this afternoon.”

The AAA also shows that he “cares” by calling for the FICA tax cap to be raised above the current wage level of $118,500 per year. The AAA does this to conceal the fact that FICA taxes do not pay for Social Security, and that rich people do not make their money from wages in the first place. Therefore, raising the FICA cap will make no difference whatsoever to Social Security’s “sustainability.” Rhetoric about the cap is just a trick to show that the AAA “cares” while he upholds the core lies in order to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

In Europe, the Anti-Austerity-Austerian (AAA) promotes austerity by championing the euro-scam that makes austerity unavoidable for nations that have net trade deficits (like Greece), since those nations must borrow all their money.

The Anti-Austerity-Austerian serves the bankers while pretending to “care” about the victims.  An example is SYRIZA, a group of liars that the bankers installed to defend austerity while pretending to oppose austerity. SYRIZA does this by defending the euro scam. (We’ll go over this again below.)


Another example of an Anti-Austerity-Austerian (AAA) os Mark Weisbrot: a “progressive” economics “pundit” who co-directs the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Weisbrot published a book titled Social Security: The Phony Crisis, in which he claims that Social Security will remain viable until 2030 if the U.S. economy continues to grow at its current pace. In this way he pretends to “care” about Social Security beneficiaries, while he defends the lie that Social Security could indeed become “insolvent” in 2030.

(The reality is that the US government creates SS benefits out of thin air, as I previously explained in the “Truth About Money” series. Therefore Social Security is not a “Ponzi scheme,” nor could it ever become “insolvent” or “unsustainable.” But the Anti-Austerity-Austerian doesn’t want you to know that. Neither does the regular austerian.)

By claiming that Social Security could become “insolvent” in the future, Weisbrot sustains the lie that the US government relies on tax revenue. In reality, there could be no tax revenue in the first place if the US government did create dollars out of thin air, and issue them. Federal taxes simply claw back (and destroy) dollars that the government has ALREADY CREATED. (And yet, US politicians have brainwashed most people to think that the US government must first tax dollars before it can create dollars. Greece, by contrast, can create no euros at all.)

Weisbrot spreads his Anti-Austerity-Austerian lies through publications such as New York Times, the UK Guardian, and Brazil’s largest newspaper, Folha de S. Paulo.
Let’s examine one of his recent articles titled, “The Buck Stops Here – Greece is Fighting to Save Europe.”

Here Weisbrot is in true Anti-Austerity-Austerian form, since he will say anything to divert attention from the euro scam that forces Greece to borrow all its money from bankers.

“Greece has been dragged through a lot of mud in the media over the past few years because previous governments over-borrowed, and that contributed to the initial crisis that — we should remember — Spain, Portugal, Italy and almost everyone else in the eurozone had to go through.”

Nonsense. Greece has been “over-borrowing” since 1 Jan 2001, when Greece stopped using the drachma as its currency and started using the euro. From that moment, Greece could no longer create its own currency, and had to borrow all its money.

Germany uses the euro like Greece, but Germany has a huge trade surplus. This means that euros flow into Germany from other euro-zone nations. That’s why Germany is the loudest defender of the euro-scam.

Meanwhile Greece has a trade deficit, which means that euros flow out to other nations, and to the creditors.

“But the initial crisis could have been resolved relatively quickly.”

Resolved? How? Even if Greek oligarchs started paying their fair share of taxes, Greece would remain in a death spiral, since Greece must borrow all its euros.  Thus, Greece can never get out of debt, nor break the austerity cycle. But the Anti-Austerity-Austerian doesn’t want you to know this. He agrees with bankers and rich people that austerity will (one day) magically change into prosperity. Indeed it already is prosperity – for the rich.


“In the United States, which was hit by the explosion of an $8-trillion housing bubble, our recession lasted just 18 months. In Greece it has been six years, with a loss of a quarter of its national income, and more than 25-percent unemployment (and twice that for youth).”

More nonsense. First of all, the U.S. recession has not ended. The real economy in the USA remains locked in a depression (but the financial economy is booming). That’s why half the stores in shopping malls across the USA are closed. In some cases, whole malls are closed. They had catered to a now-extinct middle class, which politicians deliberately killed on orders from the rich. Why? Because the rich will do anything to widen the gap between themselves and the masses.

Second, the USA cannot be compared to Greece. The US government creates its spending money out of thin air, whereas Greece must borrow all its money.

The USA has gratuitous austerity, because of the lie that the US government is “broke.” Greece has mandatory austerity, because of the lie that Greece must use the euro, or else Greece will be destroyed.

Both lies, and both forms of austerity, widen the gap between the rich and the rest. That is their sole function.


Greece has no choice but to spend less euros on social programs that help average people, since Greece keeps going further into debt. The Greek government can no longer create its own money. Rich Europeans want it this way. They use debt to crush the masses, so that the rich can take ownership of all assets, and rule as gods. Therefore rich people bribe politicians to maintain the euro-scam. That’s why the euro-scam continues.


“By now it is clear not only to the majority of economists but to most people who are paying attention that this long depression was not only unnecessary but caused directly by bad policies.”

The Greek depression is not “unnecessary.” It is inevitable because of the euro, and it will continue to get worse unto Greece finally dumps the euro.

“The Greek government implemented budget tightening that shrank the economy and worsened the debt burden — which has gone from 115 percent of GDP before the Greeks signed their first agreement with the IMF in 2010 to more than 170 percent today.”

The Greek government has no choice but to keep imposing more and more austerity. When the Greek government started using the euro, the Greek government started living on a credit card, with no way to pay off the debt, since Greece has a net trade deficit. Each “bailout” means more cash to the creditors who issued the credit card, and more debt dumped on the Greek masses. It’s a total scam (and SYRIZA politicians support it, because they are paid to).  More debt means more social programs cut, plus more layoffs of government employees, plus more privatization of public utilities and other assets.

The more austerity that the Greek government imposes, the more depressed and indebted the Greek economy becomes. This necessitates more austerity, which brings more debt and more austerity, which causes more debt and more austerity….forever. That’s the death spiral. The anti-Austerity-Austerian’s job is to conceal this death spiral.


“At the same time, the European Central Bank (ECB), which could have helped Greece by keeping its borrowing costs down, allowed Greece’s interest rates to soar, provoking a prolonged crisis not only for Greece but for the eurozone. As a result, the unemployment rate in the 19-country eurozone is still twice that of the United States today.”

The European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt was designed to destroy Greece, not help it. As a bank, the ECB can only create money as loans. The ECB can lower interest rates on the euros that it lends, but as long as Greece uses euros, the debt load for Greece will continue to mount no matter what.

Meanwhile the so-called “crisis in the Eurozone” only affects the lower classes. The rich are doing better than ever. That’s the whole point of the euro-scam: to destroy socialism, and to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

U.S. politicians achieve the same goal by falsely claiming that the US government is “broke” and has a “debt crisis.” These are LIES. (British, Canadian, and Australian politicians repeat the same lies. So do Israeli politicians.)

Conservatives love to repeat these lies, because conservatives don’t want anyone but themselves to get money from the US government. Whatever money I get from the federal government is “earned” and “deserved.” Whatever money you get is “wasteful” and “big government.”

Whatever money I get from the federal government is “good for America.” Whatever money you get is “destroying America.”

Therefore we must reduce federal spending on whatever helps you, and increase spending on whatever helps me. This is called “fiscal responsibility.” Its motto is “Screw you; I’ve got mine.”

“All of this was due more to political motives than to economic ones.”

It is all political. There was no financial or economic justification for nations to adopt the euro currency.  It was strictly a political decision. Bankers and rich people bribed politicians to make the change, in order to widen the gap between the rich and the rest. It’s all about wealth and power for the few, and slavery for the masses. That’s political.


“It was not financial markets or even the big banks that drove this disaster, but European officials who prolonged the financial crisis in 2011 and 2012 and used it to try to remake the economies of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Italy more to their liking.”

The problems for Greece began on 1 Jan 2001, and reached crisis levels by 2008. Since then, the crisis has become exponentially worse, and continues to get worse each day. And yet, every other week the corporate media outlets announce the “end of austerity” for Europe. This is designed to keep the slaves submissive. (“Freedom is at hand!”)

“After more than 20 governments in the eurozone had fallen, the Greek people elected a government — led by the Syriza party — that was committed to saying no to further austerity, economic damage, and mass unemployment.”

Nonsense! SYRIZA is paid to sustain the euro scam! This automatically, inevitably, inescapably, undeniably means more austerity, more economic damage, and more unemployment.

SYRIZA politicians don’t care. They live comfortably on the payroll of bankers and rich people, just like all other politicians in the euro-zone.

“European officials, led by extremists in the German government, offered “my way or the highway” to the new government of Greece after it was elected on Jan. 25.”

SYRIZA politicians surrendered to them in return for bribes. SYRIZA’s predecessors blatantly favored the bankers.  SYRIZA favors the bankers too, although SYRIZA pretends to “care” about the masses. This makes SYRIZA especially evil.

“On Feb. 4 the ECB cut off the most important line of financing to the Greek banking system, provoking a stock market crash and more people taking their bank deposits out of Greece.”

And still SYRIZA clings to the euro scam!


“On Feb. 12 European officials were indicating that Greece could lose access to emergency liquidity assistance from the ECB, which would provoke a severe financial crisis and possibly collapse the Greek banking system. But Syriza did not cave.

SYRIZA DID NOT CAVE? What universe does this clown live in?

And incidentally, this “emergency liquidity assistance” meant that the issuers of Greece’s credit card got some money, while the added debt was dumped on the Greek masses, like always.

“A week later, fearing an impasse that could force Greece out of the eurozone, European officials blinked and agreed to renegotiate the terms of the so-called “bailout” that previous Greek governments had agreed to, over the next four months.”

The creditors said that SYRIZA could delay making payments on its ever-expending debt for four months (during which time Greece’s debt will become bigger than ever). In return, SYRIZA agreed to renew the push for mass privatization of public assets such as airports, highways, utility companies, minerals, and so on. This theft is called “reform.”

Indeed, SYRIZA’s recent agreement with Greece’s creditors reads that SYRIZA “will not reverse privatizations that have been completed,” and that SYRIA will commit itself to considering “new cases” of privatization. This is an about-face from what SYRIZA promised.

SYRIZA has also reversed its promise to restore the minimum wage, and collective labor bargaining.

SYRIZA has also reversed its promise to repeal the unfair ENFIA property tax and heating oil tax, and to restore the exemption of the first 12,000 euros a year from income taxes.

“There will be tense negotiations ahead, but one thing is clear: Greece is fighting for the future of Europe.”

Agreed. SYRIZA is in a desperate fight to keep the euro-scam going, while making it seem like the scam is not a scam.

And now comes the real kicker…

“Citizens of the eurozone countries didn’t know when they formed the monetary union that they were not only losing their sovereign and democratic rights to control their most important macroeconomic policies — monetary, exchange rate, and fiscal policy (i.e. spending and taxing) — for the most vulnerable countries in recession, when they needed it most. They had also ceded this power to people with an anti-social-Europe agenda, people who wanted to shrink the government and cut health care, pensions and wages.”

Yes! Correct! So if SYRIZA keeps championing this “anti-social-Europe agenda” behind the euro-scam, what does that tell you about SYRIZA?

“Now Greece is trying to get some of that democracy back. It is badly needed if Europe is to escape from this long nightmare.”

Damn. Just when a light bulb switched on in his head, it switched back off.  Europe will never escape from its nightmare as long as Anti-Austerity-Austerians keep spewing their lies.





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