The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny

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Written by David Wilcock

Monday, 12 December 2011 12:12


You are about to dive into a story that, for quite some time now, has been nothing but a great-sounding idea — a wonderful “what if.” Almost nothing of this story could be found in the mainstream media.

However, the bizarre origin of the story did briefly find its way into FOX’s Glenn Beck show in 2009.

I highly recommend you watch this first, as it will draw you directly into the mystery — which flickered for the briefest moment in mainstream media, only to disappear into shuddering silence:

Notice the fifth item down on the list… 2011-cv-8500, filed on November 23, 2011. That’s the one. You can then click into it from there, and one of the screens you will pull up is the following:


I have been working solidly on this case, every day, for over three weeks now — which in my current life seems like an eternity, given all the other balls I’m juggling at the same time.

In one particularly remarkable case of personal validation, I emailed Keenan with a description from one of my highest-placed insiders about what the boxes that contained these bonds actually looked like. None of this information had ever been put online.


The word is that the Pentagon, the agencies and the militias are on the brink of taking violent action against President Obama and the Senators who claimed the right to kill and/or indefinitely imprison Americans without trial.

[DW: “Violent action” may sound a bit too strong, as all he’s talking about here is arrests at gunpoint — probably without shots ever having to be fired.]

The criminal cabal in Washington D.C. and Wall Street may be able to pretend they are setting up a fascist/totalitarian dictatorship in the US for a while longer, but no serious armed group is going to support them.

The same is true in Europe, where Freemason P2 lodgers and Bilderbergers will make a move towards fascist control this week, and will seem to be on the offensive — but will ultimately fail.

The simple fact of the matter is that these fascists simply do not have any reality to back up the numbers they are putting into their financial computers to bribe people and hire bully boys.

They are mathematically doomed.

The awareness in the thinking part of the population of Western countries has reached a critical mass. The group that is sitting brainwashed in front of their TVs is irrelevant, because the contents of their TV mind-programming will change once police and the military remove the criminals now occupying the corporate media.

Anyone who still believes there is an ounce of truth or decency in the large corporate media establishments has to ask themselves why these organizations do not write 911 truth or about the murder of 2 million Iraqis or about the vast bribes most top Washington D.C. corporate government officials have received.

They must ask why people are being railroaded into an agenda of war against Iran as a precursor to World War 3.

More than anything else, they need to ask themselves why the so-called governments of the West do not make any serious future plans for the planet other than fomenting war.

In signs of imminent revolution, the Senators who voted to kill and imprison Americans without trial are being confronted in their offices by angry constituents. The military has told Obama to buzz off, which is exactly what he did by running off to Hawaii….

The fascist cabal known as the Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides.

Their efforts will fail because the Pentagon and the agencies in the US (with the exception of homeland Gestapo) are preparing to remove them from power, according to CIA and other sources.

For example, multiple investigations are closing in on alleged President Obama, including one for illegally declaring war on Libya. A count among US representatives show the votes necessary to impeach him are there, US law enforcement officials say.

In addition, evidence of bribery and other forms of illegally tampering with government is being compiled against George Soros, among others. There is also a lot going on under and on the surface in Europe, Japan and the Middle East….

In the US, as mentioned last week, the Obama regime has asserted the right to murder and imprison Americans without due process, meaning he has declared the US to be a fascist dictatorship. Again, it looks on the surface like the plans for a world fascist government are proceeding smoothly.

Fortunately for the rest of the human race, the fascist power grab is really just a sign of desperation….

The problem is that almost the entire leadership structure in Washington D.C. is corrupt and compromised, but people in the Pentagon and the agencies are so used to taking orders that they do not know what to do when their leaders become dysfunctional.

For example, there are enough votes in the US Congress and Senate now to impeach Obama, but the problem is nobody can agree on a replacement.

The various corruption investigations against the Obama regime can remove him [and the greater architecture of corruption behind the scenes] from power, but nobody knows what to do next.

The only answer is for the military to set up a temporary government headed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff until the garbage can be removed from Washington D.C. and Wall Street. The military rightly claim that armies are not good at governing. However, they are good at cleaning up a mess — and restoring constitutional order.

The US military also worry about being able to meet the payroll, but the backers of the new financial system have already promised generous financing to ensure a restoration of US economic might — and a gradual transition of the military industrial complex into something that can be self-supporting and good for the planet.



December 14, 2011

The SHOW STREAM WILL BE AVAILABLE IN 1 HOUR… we will post it here and on the Camelot Forum please send it around the world. David is now safe and protected.

Thank you to everyone listening for all the help and love. Please continue to send your love and stand in solidarity with David and all of us during this time. We place arms around the world in blessing and stand together – for together, united we are strong.

click here for music to raise the spirits

Breaking News! David Wilcock receives Death Threat
9:42 PM